Rachel and Daisy

Blogger Spotlight: Rachel Spencer, The Paw Post

Rachel Spencer is the author of The Paw Post, which recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs. Rachel is a freelance journalist and content writer who started The Paw Post in 2017 after taking her friend’s dog Daisy in. In this Spotlight, we speak to Rachel about her lovely dog Daisy, working on charitable campaigns and her favourite pet tech.

How would you describe your blog?

It’s a mix of news, human interest stories about animals and people making a difference in the pet world, travel and reviews. My dog Daisy and her adventures feature lots, and I try to create content that’s helpful, interesting and informative.

Why did you start your blog?

I work as a freelance journalist writing pet stories for newspapers and magazines, but there would always be stories I wanted to tell in my own way and that’s where the idea for the blog came from.
I’ve worked with pet businesses writing content and thought a blog would be a way to showcase my writing too.

The more I wrote about pets, the more people approached me with stories and interesting pet brands, and I thought it would be a good idea to create my own platform to share them.

What’s it like having a famous pet?

Oh my gosh, I still don’t see Daisy as famous, she’s a little scruff from Manchester Dog’s Home but she has featured in lots of articles now so I guess she is! It’s lovely.

She has a fun life and still is like a regular dog who loves chasing her ball and rolling in fox poo, but she also has some lovely opportunities come her way too.

How does your pet cope with the pressure?

It doesn’t faze her. She’s very good when it comes to having her photo taken and has done shoots from when she first came to live with me and my photographer friends used to take photos of her.

I think she’s oblivious to it. No one day is the same for her and she relishes her adventures.

What’s your favourite pet product?

I think it would be the PitPatPet activity tracker. It was the first ‘techy’ item we reviewed, and it’s a UK based product that has been picked up worldwide.

We’re thrilled to have been able to review it at the start of their journey back in January 2016.

They went on to appear on Dragon’s Den and now work with insurance companies helping dogs stay healthy.

Rachel and DaisyWhat’s your favourite post?

I did a post for a contact of mine, Liz Haslam of Beds For Bullies rescue. I’ve known her for many years and she was going through a tough time, struggling with bills and was worried she might have to close her rescue.

I set up a JustGiving page and told the story of all 16 of her dogs, many of which I had written about individually, but when I put them all together, I realised just how remarkable she was and readers did too.

The response was overwhelming, it was shared worldwide and people donated £2,000. It was amazing to be able to help her and her dogs. I spent most of that weekend crying happy tears!

How do you like to work with PRs?

Ideally send a pitch via e mail first, then I’m always happy to chat on the phone if I feel it suits the blog.

I look for human interest stories, usually case study led, and I’m interested in trends, products and technology.

The blog is an extension of my work as a journalist and I try to ensure each post either makes people laugh or cry, think ‘Aw that’s cute’, ‘Ooh that’s interesting/helpful’ or ‘Wow, that’s someone doing something really out of the ordinary.’

What one thing should PRs know about you?

I’ve always worked with PRs as a journalist so I’m completely new to doing it as a blogger. One thing that has come up is people saying: ‘can you just put something up on your blog for me?’ and I’d like people to realise that it takes a lot of time for me to do a post and I have bills to pay!

I’m very open to ideas and I like people to be clear about what is expected of me, treat me fairly and understand that I try to make my posts newsworthy because of my background.

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?

This week I worked with Jade Statt of StreetVet who launched her new website on #worldhomelessday and she approached me as a blogger rather than as a journalist.

I was totally thrilled and spent a day shadowing her as she helped homeless dogs and their owners.

She is such an inspiration and being able to tell stories like hers without having a word limit and having my work edited is what my blog is all about.

What other blogs do you read?

I love Rocky the Traveller, he’s an English Bull Terrier who has travelled the world, and Philleas Dogg, as Atlee is a rescue dog like Daisy and it’s lovely seeing them both on their adventures and having fantastic lives.

I enjoy Twilight Bark UK too, her Instagram photos of her lovely Sausage dogs Ted and Millie are brilliant!


Rachel and The Paw post are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

03 November

Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed – 3 November 2017

A round up of the biggest PR, comms and media stories this week including the sexual harassment scandals, a spoilt Bake Off, Ian Katz’s appointment, Fake News and Halloween.

1. Sexual harassment dominates the news

The allegations against Harvey Weinstein quickly led to allegations against others in the Hollywood, this week including Kevin Spacey and Dustin Hoffman. But the entertainment industry is not alone in the scandal, a #MeToo campaign on social media – which gave people a chance to share their own experiences of harassment – followed, and now the allegations have hit the UK’s Government and media.

A so-called ‘sleaze list’ (of questionable intent and accuracy), appeared in the media before Michael Fallon MP left his role as Defence Secretary amid the allegations, causing a minor reshuffle.

What’s clear, and obvious to many individuals outside of the mainstream media’s gaze, is that sexism and sexual harassment is rife everywhere. Now that people feel able to share their stories, expect this one to continue to hit the headlines.


2. Prue Leith spoils the final Bake

bake Off

The Great British Bake Off has been flying high – the series, which moved to Channel 4, was expected by some to be a flop but the familiar format and atmosphere in the tent has led to sizeable viewing figures and peak-time audience shares for Channel 4. All was right in the world (if you excuse the fact Liam went home two shows too early #JusticeForLiam) before Prue accidentally tweeted the winner 10 hours early.


Though she quickly deleted the message, the damage was done. Prue, who was in Bhutan, claimed the time difference was to be blamed, before telling the Press Association: ‘I’m in too much of a state to talk about it. I fucked up.’ Channel 4 was less concerned (probably due to its record numbers) as Prue, Noel and Sandi will join Paul again for the next series.


3. Ian Katz appointed Channel 4’s director of programmes

Newsnight, Channel 4

BBC Newsnight’s editor, Ian Katz has been appointed to the top creative role at Channel 4, following Jay Hunt’s departure in September. While Katz doesn’t have significant programme commissioning experience, he is considered by Channel 4’s CEO Alex Mahon to ‘live and breathe’ the Channel 4 values. The role is considered one of the most influential in the UK’s media – Hunt’s departure followed her acquisition of the programme in our second story. Katz starts his new role in January.


4. Fake News is the ‘word’ of the year

Trump figure fak news covefefe

Collins Dictionary once again announced its word of the year, which follows in-depth research of language trends across millions of sources. The ‘word’ that has most increased in usage for the last year is ‘Fake News’. (Yes it’s two words, which has upset a surprising number of people).

The phrase (that’s better) was thrust into the spotlight by Donald Trump who used it repeatedly throughout his Presidential campaign to attack first the ‘mainstream media’ and then anyone who disagreed or cast allegations against him. More recently, Fake News has been flipped against the President, now describing Russia’s influence on the American election results.


5. All Hallows’ Marketing

Halloween feature

The Halloween season is now embedded in British society where people wish each other ‘Happy Halloween’ and brands and businesses spend increasing amounts on their Halloween tie-ins. On the Vuelio Blog we’ve rounded up five of the best campaigns, including Google’s heart-warming Doodle (no really), Fanta’s big budget 13th floor experience and the Beano’s investigation into the scariest outfits (pictured).


That’s everything from this week – think there’s something we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below.

Martin Gallagher

Blogger Spotlight: Martin Gallagher, Learning To Dad

Martin Gallagher writes Learning To Dad, a blog that recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Mental Health Blogs. Covering a mixture of parenting and mental health issues, Learning To Dad is also used for equality activism for Gypsies, Romani and Irish Travellers (GRT). Martin told us about the myth of ‘manning up’, the need to open up and working with PRs.

Why did you start your blog?
I started the blog whilst being a stay at home dad doing my degree. It was hard. At the time I needed an outlet to clear my head as my depression had me in a dark place for a long time. My writing, and being able to control the content I could put online, meant I could be honest and raw about my life, whilst having some fun and joking about it all!

All of the above, plus the fact I don’t have the money for a councillor!

What’s the biggest issue facing mental health in the UK today?
Society still has a problem with thinking that getting some fresh air, or ‘manning up’ cures depression. It’d be dead good if that was the case, as the GRT community, who are the human embodiment of ‘manning up’, are still seven times more likely to commit suicide than the rest of the general population. Also, the need for accessible services that meet the need and demand without unbearable waiting lists.

How do you think mental health awareness has changed in recent years?
I think the work being done is brilliant so far!

Through campaigns from Time to Change and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), I felt that I could open up and visit my doctor. Being an Irish Traveller, opening up about depression is a massive ‘NOPE’. So, those organisations helped me massively.

By challenging the perceptions that have stopped people from opening up about their mental health in the past, I believe these campaigns, as well as each individual who are speaking out, have already shaped future generations to be more accepting and open about mental health.

What advice would you give someone who was struggling with their mental health?
The best piece of advice I would give is to open up, and speaking to your friends and family if you feel like you can do so. I was fortunate to have family who are supportive, and gave me the patience I needed to get to where I am now. Unfortunately, some people may not be as supportive, which may make you feel isolated, so make sure to use one of the many free helplines that can be found with a quick search. The path to feeling able like you can manage your mental health issues is a long one, but it begins with reaching out for help.

How do you engage with your readers and community?
Being a chatty person, I’m fortunate that social media makes it easy for people to get in touch! Through Facebook and WordPress, I’ve had Q&As with people about the GRT community and our lifestyle, for example, or people have messaged who have just needed to talk about their own mental health issues, and I’m happy that people feel that the can talk to me about it!

How do you like to work with PRs?
When aiming to appeal to different communities, I have to be flexible. The same goes for PR. I was fortunate to work with an online store earlier this year, which was a good experience for me. I now write for two print magazines, speaking about mental health and GRT lifestyle, all because of the blog! I am always open to new opportunities that the world of blogging and PR can bring!

What one thing should brands or PRs know about you?
I like to be as honest and raw as can be, and I feel honesty is the best way to connect with your audiences. I always want to have fun and add a bit of humour, (at my own expense mostly) to anything that I am involved in!

What other blogs do you read?
I LOVE The Blunt Backpacker, the author, Noni Roberts writes about the things you would never think about whilst travelling and it hilarious. Speaking of travelling, Travel Mad Dad and Travel Mad Mum, have made us decide to travel for six months.

To name a few more, DADventurer, Rachel Hawkins, Dad Blog UK and Toby and Roo, (worthy award winners this year!). All enjoyable reads.


Martin and Learning To Dad are both listed on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

Trump figure fak news covefefe

2017 is FAKE NEWS

‘Fake News’ is the Collins Dictionary word of the year for 2017. Defined by Collins as ‘false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting’, Fake News has taken the political world by storm thanks to Donald Trump.

Trump’s presidential campaign violently objected to the mainstream media, doing what it could to portray them as ‘Fake News’, while the culprits of fabricating stories have more often been among the fringe ‘publishers’, who lack journalistic integrity and standards.

More recently, ‘Fake News’ has turned against its creator and is being used to describe the nefarious influence of Russia during last year’s presidential election – allegedly to help Trump win.

Now it has been named as Collins’ word of the year (the second time word of the year has been two words, following ‘binge-watch’, which is at least hyphenated, in 2015), Fake News will be included in the dictionary from next year. This makes it a permanent part of Trump’s legacy as President, one of the few certainties to come from his time in office so far.

Has one of your expressions made it into the dictionary? No? SAD.

As a mark of its power in the current zeitgeist, it is hard to pick out tweets mentioning ‘Fake News’ in relation to its word of the year status against the new Lion King being fake news, CNN being fake news, or Julian Assange’s accusations that the BBC and ABC are fake news.

When you can find tweets that have noticed Fake News’ new found glory, users are mostly upset that it is actually two words:

One user even went as far as to suggest the story was itself fake news because it is two words rather than one. Meta.

The other words monitored by Collins as having grown in usage over the last year were unicorn, gig economy, echo chamber, echo chamber and cuffing season. This mix is typical of previous word of the years, which flit between serious newsworthy terms (Brexit in 2016) and social trends (Photobomb in 2014).

With Brexit negotiations starting to ramp up, Trump’s presidency continuing to surprise and technology evolving at a rapid pace, 2018’s word of the year could come from literally anywhere.

DADult life

Blogger Spotlight: Zen Terrelonge, DADult Life

Zen Terrelonge is the founder of DADult Life, a new parenting blog started by Zen during his partner’s pregnancy. With baby Roma now just over five months old, we caught up with Zen to talk all things proud parent, joining a crowded parenting blogging industry and working with PRs.  

What inspired you to create your blog?
Finding out I was going to be a father filled me with such incredible pride and passion that I wanted to scream the news from the rooftops – I couldn’t for 12 weeks, of course.

In the meantime, I contented myself by writing about what was happening behind-the-scenes and finally decided I’d make it a regular thing, leapt two feet in and had a website launched.

My close mates aren’t dads yet, so, being something of a lone wolf in that regard, I wanted to share my thoughts throughout pregnancy, birth and fatherhood to reflect on the serious and the funny. And if anyone takes something away from what I’ve written, then even better.

I’m a journalist by trade, so writing is something I do on a daily basis, but with parenthood and my family, they make me feel so strongly and deeply that writing is even more of a pleasure than I would have thought possible.
Zen Terrelonge What is the most challenging part of being a blogger?
I suppose the biggest challenge is giving people a reason to listen or to sit up and pay attention. There are a lot of blogs in operation, so getting heard in the noise of the online world can be tricky.

Launching a blog in such a popular space almost feels like being the new kid in a school. It can be quite cliquey and you just hope someone wants to be your mate instead of flushing your head down the loo or writing about you in their Burn Book – the blogging equivalent of which I guess would be indirect tweets.

How have you built up your audience?
I’ve been as engaged as possible. Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram or comments on the site, I’ll make sure I react to what people are saying and attempt to foster conversation.

And as I mentioned, given that writing is my profession, I pride myself on the content I’m pushing out, so I won’t rush anything or put out a blog that’s been written with a half-arsed approach.

Since starting your blog, what have you learned about the industry?
I’ve learnt that there is a genuine community of parents who love to talk and share. As someone who doesn’t know lots of young parents, it’s been a brilliant way to connect with others going through the same things I am, as well as learning from others further ahead in the parenting journey or offering my experiences to those just starting theirs.

Struggling to reach influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in parenting, travel, lifestyle & more.

Is there any advice that you would like to share with any PRs or aspiring bloggers?
To PRs: please spare a moment and take the time to recognise who you’ve approached – make sure what you’ve sent is relevant and addressed to the right person. Respond to all emails if they’re genuine because everyone starts somewhere, and look beyond high follower numbers – what is the content itself really like?

To aspiring bloggers: You’re not alone – come and say hello! I don’t have snacks, but I have memes and hug emojis to provide.

How do you like to be approached by PRs?
I’m flexible; email is great because it spells everything out in front of you and it’s fast, and phone calls are also welcome – but if you call someone and don’t get an answer, leave a voicemail!

I’ve become friends with some PRs over time, and ones I’m pally with will just send a message via WhatsApp for guaranteed delivery and convenience.

Do you consider social media an important tool in directing traffic toward your blog?
Certainly. You can showcase your personality via social media in terms of what you’re about with posts, whether that’s through pictures, statuses, videos and even captions, so doing so should support redirection to the meatier stuff on the blog, which ultimately has the richest content of all.

What are your plans for DADultLife in 2017/18?
I’m embracing fatherhood as much as possible, so naturally that’s going to result in some interesting scenarios. In just under three months since Roma has arrived, I’ve been blasted by a poozooka, invented the prambrella, as well as taken her to the cinema and a festival – not locations you’d normally associate with a newborn.

I’m having an incredible amount of fun while also gaining knowledge with parenting, which I hope comes across with my work – I plan to continue that, meeting other amazing dads and mums along the way.

What kinds of PRs or campaigns are you interested in working with/on in the future?
I can openly say my knowledge of baby and parenting brands is still a work in progress. I’ve tried a few gadgets and gizmos and whosits and whatsits, as well as various nappy brands, but I’m by no means an expert.

If any PRs want to educate me on the wares of their clients, then I’ll be only too happy to listen to what they have to say – I’m one of the good guys.

Just as long as it doesn’t involve me using ten brands of teeth whitener like a reality TV star, I’m open to suggestion and available to talk.


Zen Terrelonge and his blog DADult life are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

Dog blog

Blogger Spotlight: Rosemary Kind, Alfie’s Diary

Continuing our spotlights of amazing pet bloggers – who all feature on the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs – we’ve caught up with Rosemary Kind, author of Alfie’s Diary. The blog has been updated every day since its creation in 2006 with the exploits of Alfie, the ‘leader of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party’, Aristotle and Wilma. Alfie has three books to his name and they have accompanying merchandise.

We caught up with Rosemary to talk about Alfie’s fame, the best pet products and her advice for PR professionals.

How would you describe your blog?
Alfie’s Diary is the world through the eyes of Alfie, Aristotle and Wilma, three Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, each of whom have their own views of the world. Alfie is the serious one and is founder of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party. Aristotle is too clever for his own good and Wilma is everyone’s friend and loves life.

Why did you start your blog?
Alfie was just 10 weeks old when he moved in with us. We were living in Belgium and so much around us was new and different. It coincided with me leaving a more traditional career to write full time. The blog was initially a way to share all the funny things that were happening living abroad with a new puppy and a way to make sure I wrote every day. I planned to write it for a year or so, but as it became popular with a much wider audience we just carried on. Alfie has missed posting his diary one day in nearly twelve years and that was because of unexpected hospitalisation so he couldn’t get the password from me!

Whats it like having a famous pet?
It’s really fun. He’s been interviewed in a radio studio and I regularly get people coming up to introduce themselves to him and ask about him and the others.

pet blogger

How does your pet cope with the pressure?
He’s doing well. He hasn’t let it go to his head and now he’s older he’s taken semi-retirement, sharing the workload with Aristotle and Wilma. Wilma being the youngster is usually up for anything and will be off to meet the Swiss Ambassador in a couple of weeks.

Whats your favourite pet product?
Oh, that’s a hard one. At the moment, it’s probably Wilma’s new rucksack. It means she can carry her own things when we go out for the day. Their answer would be different. I’m guessing they’d all say they couldn’t live without their Bonio bedtime biscuit.

Whats your favourite post?
Alfie has written some lovely Christmas messages over the years but one of my favourite posts was the one he wrote as a message to young pups.

How do you like to work with PRs?
It can be great or difficult depending on how they approach things. At the end of the day, I earn my living writing and whilst the blog is mainly for fun it takes me time and when companies ask for ‘something for nothing’ it is a little unreasonable. There has to be give and take and if for any reason what is proposed is not something that is a good fit for us then it is far better if PRs accept that and don’t try to keep pushing.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I won’t say I’m interested in something if I’m not!

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?
I think the Panasonic Home Monitoring and Control Kit has been one we had most fun with!


Rosemary Kind and Alfie’s Diary are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which lists thousands of bloggers, influencers and journalists, editors, titles, publications and channels. 

Baking Fanatic

Blogger Spotlight: Philip Friend, Baking Fanatic

Philip Friend is the Top 10 UK Baking Blogger who writes Baking Fanatic. Featuring bold twists on classics, Baking Fanatic also specialises in the perfect bakes for Philip’s favourite – afternoon tea. We caught up with Philip to discuss his quirky bakes (crab meat profiteroles!), viennoiserie as comfort baking and working collaboratively with PRs.

How would you describe your blog?
A collection of recipes for bakes that I love to bake and eat, without any shame whatsoever. The lack of shame is crucial as I feel that with baking, one should never feel guilt and should enjoy the bakes and share the baking love. I also include masterclasses for perfecting bakes such as croissants, cake decorating tips, macarons and breads that I have honed over years. My recipes are rooted in the classics, but I often have my own twists on them, such as my chocolate, orange and cranberry sourdough loaf and my warm savoury choux buns filled with crab meat in a chive mayonnaise.

Whats the best thing about being a baking blogger?
Meeting other bloggers, either virtually or in person, and discussing anything baking related, whether it is dissecting a new recipe or chatting about the latest trends in baking.

How much does Great British Bake Off affect your blog?
Most of the technical and other bakes on Bake Off have featured in my blog, often before the episode is aired, as I love to try and second-guess bakes that could pop up on Bake Off. I get many emails from others who love Bake Off and after episodes are aired I get people asking me if I have a recipe for a bake that has just featured.

Whats your favourite bake to make?
Croissants and any related viennoiserie. Very much a labour of true love, but for me croissants are the epitome of comfort baking.

Baking fanatic

Whats the best bake youve ever eaten?
My multi-tiered chocolate and raspberry cake that I made for my anniversary of my Civil partnership. This also featured on a recent episode of James Martin’s ITV cookery show.

What makes your blog successful?
I think my blog is set out simply and without too much fuss. My recipes are easy to navigate now that I have an index, and my photographs have improved considerably in quality: several people have commented to me that my photos often ‘sell’ my blog and make people want to get in the kitchen to have a go; it is always nice when others want to do that.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like to be guided with what it is PRs want and I have established a good, warm working relationship with many PRs over the years. Once I am given a brief, I love the challenge of working through it to deliver, what I aim to be, a bake that others want to make for themselves.

Whats a memorable campaign youve worked on?
For Macmillan Cancer Research, I showcased a few of their bakes for last year’s Coffee Morning – this was an honour, as it is a charity so close to my heart.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I keep my blog posts honest at all times and pride myself on both the quality and clarity of my writing.

What other blogs do you read?
So many, but I am a very regular visitor at The Pink Whisk, BakingQueen74 and Deliciously Ella.

Philip Friend and the Baking Fanatic feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Facebook people

Diversify or die

Last week Facebook ran a test in which publishers’ content in six countries only displayed on a secondary ‘explore’ feed. The impact was immediate and devastating – one Slovakian journalist called it the ‘biggest drop in organic reach we’ve ever seen’. Though the test was quickly stopped, the obvious lesson to PRs is: diversify, diversify, diversify.

Before social media, Google and the internet, the job of a PR was arguably much more straightforward: build relationships with journalists and secure coverage in the press. If you fell out with one journalist, or a publication changed its approach to printing PR content, you had other choices and relationships throughout the traditional media landscape.

But what happens when the people you have a relationship with can’t control their content?

Google, Facebook and, to a lesser extent, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram have the ability to make or break publishing, PR and the entire content industry with just a few lines of code. Facebook’s experiment was seen by some as a way to make more money from publishers – forcing them to pay to feature on a user’s Newsfeed, which is the internet’s second most valuable spot (after the first page of Google’s results).

If Facebook were to roll this out (and as it stands, that’s not the plan), then publishers’ traffic will drop, alongside content from brands and businesses. The lesson here is simple and definitely nothing new – don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

While this should be obvious for PR pros, we sometimes forget how little control we have online – deceived by the ability to create posts, pages and profiles on platforms that are actually run by untouchable and unreachable behemoths.

Being great on only one platform is a very risky strategy.

If you’ve nailed your brand’s Facebook content, now is not the time to rest on your laurels – spread out that excellence to Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat to avoid any ‘nasty’ surprises to Facebook’s practices.

You may also have relationships with all the ‘right’ Instagram influencers, but would you be ready for a rule change that censored adverts? On social media, influencers are key to success and making sure you have the right influencer for the right platform is vital. The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of regularly-updated influencers, so you know you can reach the right people in the right way.

Google’s algorithm changes still send shivers down the spines of content creators – that SEO strategy you’ve been tweaking for months and years is suddenly worthless. It may seem that Google’s whims are hard to prepare for, but if you’re spread out – using all your media contacts at all the right publications and platforms – you have time to adjust your strategy while still securing valuable exposure.

And don’t neglect offline mediums – print is not dead yet and great publishers are still in control of their output and audience, making them arguably as valuable as ever.

We are working in the age of digital content, where a handful of tech giants now control a majority of what people see online. But if we’re smart and creative (and as PRs what else is there?) then we can diversify to manage our success and make sure we keep coming out on top.

How much do you diversify? Let us know in the comments below!

Blogger Spotlight: Twice the Health, Emily and Hannah

Twice the Health is written by nutritionist Emily Kier and personal trainer Hannah Tyldesley, and covers food, exercise and travel. We caught up with the pair to talk matching outfits (obviously), planning content and working with PR professionals.

How would you describe your blog?
Twice the Health is simply our way of sharing what we love to do, eat and enjoy! The message behind everything we do is happiness through health, whether that’s enjoying your favourite chocolate treat whilst cosied up with Netflix, or running 50k through the Grand Canyon. Everyone’s happiness, and therefore health is totally different and we want to embrace and celebrate that.

How do you work together on your online content? Do you each take roles?
We definitely both have different strengths, and we support each other on these. We always chat about everything, and work together on all our content and projects. The fact we both excel in different areas is a bonus as we are able to bounce off each other, and bring two sides to one story.

Emily Kier and Hannah TyldesleyDoes exercising together add extra motivation?
Absolutely. We often say we are each other’s biggest motivation. We know each other well enough to know when the other can be pushed a little harder, or be encouraged to run a little further. All it takes is a little tease or nudge in the right direction!

How do you plan online content?
We try to keep things as natural as possible. If we have campaigns or projects scheduled in, we’ll work around this to ensure it’s kept varied and exciting. Other than that, we tend to run with what’s going on that day or week!

What’s the next big fitness trend going to be?
Matching outfits… obviously! Or at least it will be if we have anything to say about it!!

What makes you successful?
We think what’s worked for us is simply staying true to ourselves. We’ve been careful to only work with brands we absolutely love, and companies we believe in. I think this shines through in our content. It’s obvious when someone is passionate about something and it’s equally obvious when they’re not!

What’s the best thing you’ve done as influencers?
We hate to leave this on a cliff hanger, but I think it’s yet to come! We have a few very exciting projects next year, one in particular that I think could be our best yet. Watch this space!

How do you like to work with PRs?
The key thing is that they understand us and we understand them. From knowing both brands, to knowing how each works. We’ve been lucky enough to work with many excellent PR companies who have all been incredible in being sure to know our brand and know what best fits.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
We always wear matching clothes. If it don’t match it ain’t TTH!

What other influencers do you follow?
There’s a whole host of blogs and vlogs we love, from Zanna Van Dijk, to Hazel Wallace to The Lean Machines. We also love to watch Tally Rye’s vlogs, Jamie & the Jam vids and can never deny ourselves a quick Carly Rowena catch up. We also LOVE podcasts, especially Tough Girl and Ben Coomber!

Emily Kier, Hannah Tyldesley and Twice the Health feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed – 27 October 2017

This big stories of the week from the world of PR, media and communications, including Snapchat’s warning, Apple’s hire, Piccadilly Circus, Radio 1’s listening stats and Facebook’s publisher experiment.

1. Snapchat’s first ASA warning


Geordie Shore star Marnie Simpson was cautioned this week by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for falling foul of its advertising rules. This is the first time the social network has provoked a caution for a user not clearly labelling an advert.

The Snapchat post that drew a complaint. ‘showed an image of Marnie Simpson holding a Diamond Whites product close to her face. Text on the snap stated “50% off everything from Diamond Whites! Swipe up [Heart emoji]” and “www.diamondwhites.co”.’

While Diamond Whites argued that Marnie’s two-year relationship with the company was their grounds for believing the advert was clear, the ASA still ruled it was not correctly labelled as an advert and so upheld the original complaint.

What is unique about the case is that, due to the nature of Snapchat, the advert only appeared for a limited amount of time and was already history by the time the complaint was investigated. ASA ruled the advert must not appear again in its current form and all future adverts must include #ad. Whether this opens the floodgates for more Snapchat complaints remains to be seen, but what’s clear is the ASA is continuing to monitor social media to keep up with technological advances.


2. Apple hires Jay Hunt

Channel 4

Jay Hunt, who engineered the acquisition of The Great British Bake Off from BBC to Channel 4, has been appointed creative chief at Apple’s European video operations. She has also previously worked at the BBC and Channel 5, and is responsible for the likes of Sherlock, Luther, Humans and Gogglebox.

Jay resigned from her role as chief creative officer of Channel 4 in June, after missing out on the role of chief executive of the broadcaster, which eventually went to Alex Mahon. The appointment signals Apple’s intent to get serious about content, as it looks to take on both existing channels as well as the established giants of on demand, Netflix and Amazon. Hunt takes up the new role in January.


3. It’s like Piccadilly Circus

The advertising hoarding in London’s Piccadilly Circus – called ‘The Curve’ – has been switched on after recent renovations. The, now, single screen is the largest of its kind in Europe, measuring about 780sqm. It is made up of 11.6 million bulbs and is expected to last 10 years.

Check out The Drum’s report from Piccadilly Circus above, as the lights get turned on.

4. Radio 1’s breakfast cheery-woes

Radio 1

Nick Grimshaw’s Radio 1 Breakfast Show recorded just 4.93 million weekly listeners in the third quarter of 2017, the lowest numbers the show has achieved since records began.

While the Breakfast Show achieved nearly double the audience under previous presenter Chris Moyles, station controller Ben Cooper is not publicly concerned as he originally set Nick Grimshaw out on a path to attract a new younger audience and ‘scare off’ over-thirties. The station’s social media following is in the millions, which contributes to what makes it, according to Cooper, ‘the most relevant youth brand in the UK today’. The aim for Radio 1 going forward is to remain in front of its closest rivals both in listeners numbers and across ‘new’ media.


5. Facebook’s great publisher experiment


Facebook ran a recent test so that publishers’ content no longer appeared on users’ News Feeds but on their ‘Explore’ feed. This secondary feed is everything that isn’t from your immediate followers, companies you’ve liked or sponsored posts. In six test countries – Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Slovakie, Serbia, Guatemala and Cambodia – the main News Feed ONLY had posts from your friends and sponsored posts.

As the BBC’s Rory Cellan-Jones points out, this included publishers who weren’t willing to pay to sponsor their posts. One Slovakian journalist wrote about the impact on Medium, in a post entitled ‘Biggest drop in organic reach we’ve ever seen’. Facebook quickly clarified its position in a blog post, claiming there were no plans to roll this out further – but the move had already sent shivers through newsrooms around the world. In the digital age, where a handful of tech giants control the majority of content the public sees, publishers are now at the mercy of coders and software developers.


What would you include in Five Things? Let us know in the comments below, or tweet us @Vuelio. And check out how Vuelio can make sure you never miss what matters to you. 

Toby & Roo

Blogger Spotlight: Harriet Shearsmith, Toby & Roo

Harriet Shearsmith is the author of Toby & Roo, a Top 10 UK Parenting Blog. Harriet is mother to two boys and a girl and uses her blog to document their adventures and her parental experiences. We caught up with Harriet to talk being a good parent, working hard to be a blogger and developing good relationships with PRs. 

How would you describe your blog?
I describe my blog as a parenting and lifestyle blog aimed at sharing the wins and woes of parenting. I’m a chronic oversharer, so I tend to share everything on there – from family moments to parental trials!

Why did you start your blog?
I fell in love with a well-known blog called Babyccino Kids and I felt inspired by what they were doing. I wanted to share my own finds and parental experiences. I also wanted to stay at home with my children and this seemed like a really cool way to do that!

Harriet Shearsmith2What’s the best thing about being a parent?
That’s a tough one. There is so much I love about being a parent – from the proud moments to the loving cuddles in the wee hours. I think there are so many moments that are special and it’s not really one thing that defines parenthood as being great.

What advice would you give new parents?
Trust yourself and try to drown out the noise of everyone else’s opinion. You also aren’t a bad parent if some days you really regret having kids or wish you could take it all back – that’s normal for a lot of people!

What advice would you give new bloggers?
Don’t expect anything to come over night. It is something that you need to be prepared to WORK at. Blogging is work – it’s hard work, if you’re doing it correctly.

What makes your blog successful?
Dedication I think and treating this like a job, even before it was. I try to write from the heart but from the other side I try to deliver the very best I can for clients and treat them with professionalism. I want to go that extra mile – be great for my clients and my readers. After all, without the readers, there are no clients – without the clients, there is probably no job!

How do you like to work with PRs?
In the last year or so I have built wonderful relationships with PRs – I really like to feel a personality behind my screen. We’re both in jobs where a lot of our time is spent on a computer and, especially as a blogger, it’s awesome to create a relationship with a PR. I want to make their middle-man style job as fun and easy as possible and I want them to at the very least have looked at my name and the blog to know if their campaign will work for me.

I also love big campaigns where, ok there is a brief, but I can feel confident enough to go back to the PR and say ‘Hey, I had this idea, it fits loosely with the brief but do you like this idea instead’. Honestly and truthfulness (on both sides of course) are intensely important to me.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
I work a lot with Birds Eye and I have worked with two agencies with them now – Inkling and Reci.pe – and both have been a delight to work with. From the creative I’ve been given to the way that I know I can bounce ideas off the really awesome people that work at those agencies… even down to the lovely feedback from the brand themselves. I keep working with them because I truly believe their products are fab and I really enjoy their campaigns. They really encouraged me to get into video content and I have loved doing that!

What one thing should PRs know about you?
Honestly – I’m a normal person. I’m so passionate about our industry and I don’t work with clients that I don’t think are great, but I’m also keenly aware that I’m not performing open heart surgery so I don’t have any pretention or illusions of grandeur. Essentially I want the very best for my readers and followers, but I also want to deliver the best for the brand. I try to reply to every email and if I don’t think that I am the blogger for you or you have the brand for me I will say, but I’m always delighted to make that contact because you never know who will come along next time.

What other blogs do you read?
Oh gosh, I’m a dreadful blogger in that I don’t really get time to read too many different blogs! I rather love Hannah from Hi Baby Blog and some of Kerry from All About a Mini Norris’s posts bring me to tears.

Harriet and Toby & Roo feature on the leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Emma Hill

Journalist Spotlight: Emma Hill, His & Hers Magazine

Emma Hill is the publisher of His & Hers Magazine and the recently launched accompanying His & Hers Magazine Blog. Launched in 2011, His & Hers Magazine is a lifestyle title in the North West of England.

We spoke to Emma about launching her own magazine, the importance of identifying your niche, moving into the blogging world and building long-term business relationships with PRs.


Can you tell us about the publication and how it came about?
His & Hers Magazine is a free print and digital magazine produced in the North West with a firm focus on fashion and beauty. I’d always dreamed of publishing my own magazine, but decided to learn my trade first, working my way up from making cups of tea as a cub reporter at a local newspaper (the Chester Standard), then working for the North West’s best-selling homes and gardens magazine at that time, Concept for Living, where I was ultimately promoted to editor.

It took me almost 15 years of writing and editing titles for other publishers before I finally plucked up the courage to launch His & Hers Magazine. The plus side of waiting so long was that by the time I was calling friends at brands like Jo Malone London to tell them about my idea for a new magazine, they were immediately supportive because I already had good relationships in place through my previous roles.


What sets it apart from other magazines? Who is the target audience?
One thing that sets His & Hers Magazine apart from a lot of other magazines is that I was happy to define my editorial focus and target audience from the very beginning, rather than trying to be all things to all people, which can be tempting for publishers when you’re starting out and you’re hungry for ad revenue. His & Hers Magazine features a lot of fashion and beauty content, showcasing a mix of luxury brands and affordable high-street options.

The target audience is professional men and women with an interest in fashion, skincare, travel and entertainment (although we do attract more female than male readers!). These days, if anyone asks for advice before launching a new magazine, my main tip is: don’t be afraid to identify your niche early on. It’s almost impossible to create a magazine that will appeal to everyone, but if you target a niche readership and you know exactly what they want to read about, the same people will keep looking out for new content from you and will tell their friends. It may be a slower way to build your business than targeting absolutely everyone, but I think it’s much more sustainable!


his and hers magazine

What were the main challenges when getting a new magazine up and running, and how does that compare to maintaining and building upon the success of the magazine?
The biggest challenge when getting the magazine up and running was persuading ad agencies to take a chance on a launch title when so many new magazines fold within the first few months. I kept hearing that once the business was a bit more established, brands would be happy to come on board, which is frustrating when you’re on a mission to get a launch edition published.Thankfully, a number of big brands, including Malmaison, Topshop, Next and McArthurGlen, were supportive from the very early days, which made a huge difference.

These days, the challenge is to maintain those relationships, attract new advertisers, and find new ways to reach readers.

Our readers expect us to share new fashion and beauty news much more regularly than we used to on our website, and the challenge of adapting to their changing habits is one of the most exciting aspects of my role. It means constantly learning and adapting.


You have recently launched the His & Hers Magazine Blog. Can you tell us what motivated you to start a blog and how it differs from traditional print media?
I launched the blog as I’ve always loved writing and wanted to engage more directly with readers. A few weeks ago, after I’d written a blog about the dangers of glamorising violent celebrity relationships in the media, a reader commented that the blog post was particularly relevant to them because they had a violent ex, and that they appreciated my take on the subject. I was really overwhelmed by their comment. Since then, other reader comments have made me realise that it’s so much easier to start a thoughtful, informal dialogue with readers when you’re blogging than when you’re writing for print publications.


What do you enjoy the most about your job, and what are some of the more challenging aspects of your work?
My work’s pretty varied, which I’m very grateful for, but most days will involve writing, working hard to spread the word about my clients, pitching for new business and sometimes working on longer term projects, such as planning a big photo-shoot.

I’m also proud to have the opportunity to do some mentoring and occasionally write freelance features for a really broad mix of publications – from the Guardian to an international football magazine. I relish the daily opportunities for learning that my career has given me. In terms of challenges, I’d say that, like for anyone in publishing, reacting to a very rapidly changing marketplace is one of the greatest challenges. It’s also one of the things that I find fascinating!


Do you have a good relationship with PRs? What top tips would you give to PR professionals who want to work with you?
I have an excellent relationship with PRs and would say that this is one of the things that makes my work so enjoyable. I’m incredibly grateful to all of the talented PR professionals who I’ve worked with over the years.

My main advice for anyone who’d like to work with me is to get in touch!

I’m always interested in hearing from PR professionals with a view to building up relationships for the long-term, and have often continued to work with PRs as they’ve moved across different accounts or even different companies over the years. I know there can be an enormous amount of pressure to sell in stories in the short-term, but I still believe that building long-term business friendships counts for a lot. I certainly have a list of PRs that I’ll always go the extra mile for because they’ve been a dream to work with and I’m sure most journalists and bloggers would say the same thing.


What type of press material are you interested in receiving?
I’m interested in receiving press releases, features ideas, review suggestions and interview opportunities to name but a few. I always appreciate receiving emails from PRs who have clearly taken a close look at the His & Hers website or magazine and get in touch with a tailored suggestion that relates to our editorial style. I’m also extra grateful to PRs who attach press releases as Word documents, rather than PDFs (making them much easier to edit!) and attach a few relevant images or provide a link to images alongside a press release. I know these are really small things, but they make a surprisingly big difference to how likely we are to feature a story.


[testimonial_view id=11]


Emma Hill, His & Hers Magazine and the new blog are among thousands of entries on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database including all the top journalists, bloggers, influencers, editors, publications and titles.

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast

Do listening figures matter in the age of the influencer?

The Radio 1 Breakfast Show, currently hosted by Nick Grimshaw, has dropped to its lowest listening figures since records began. With just 4.93 million weekly listeners in the third quarter of 2017, the show is a long way from its Chris Moyles heyday of nearly 8 million.

But with YouTube, and other social media platforms, so prevalent among Radio 1’s core under-25 audience, do traditional listening figures tell the full story or even matter anymore?

BBC Radio 1 has 4 million subscribers on YouTube, 3 million followers on Twitter, 2.8 million likes on Facebook, and 677K followers on Instagram.

Station Controller Ben Cooper points to these figures when defending the latest Rajar listening stats and called Radio 1, ‘the most relevant youth brand in the UK today’.

The BBC also reported a source as saying ‘Grimmy is the number one breakfast show in the UK for young audiences and that’s all they really care about.

‘Teens are addicted to their phones so you can see why Radio 1 does so well on YouTube and Facebook.’

The first part is true enough, close ‘rivals’ come nowhere near, with Roman Kemp’s Capital London breakfast only managing 1.11 million listeners in the third quarter. But it’s much closer on social media – Capital has 1.8m on YouTube, 2.2m on Facebook, 1m on Twitter and 319K on Instagram.

Should Radio 1 be worried?

With so much exclusive access to celebrities and stars, it is perhaps surprising that Radio 1 hasn’t performed better on social media. While it still leads the pack, that lead is not insurmountable.

LBC successfully changed the way it created digital content to make ‘facebook moments’ – perhaps there are lessons to be learnt for Radio 1 to ensure the falling listener figures don’t damage the brand. And to do something before its rivals start to catch up.

What’s clear is that for now, Grimmy’s numbers aren’t (outwardly) concerning bosses as he continues to engage the youth market on multiple platforms and ‘scare off over 30s’.


All the details for Radio 1, Nick Grimshaw and all the youth market breakfast shows are available on the Vuelio Media Database.  


Blogger Spotlight: Lucy Allen, BakingQueen74

Lucy Allen is the author of BakingQueen74, which recently came first in the Top 10 UK Baking Blogs. Lucy’s blog documents her love of baking as well as her love of her slow cooker, which she uses to make a variety of recipes. We spoke to Lucy about pinnable content, the Great British Bake Off and working with PRs.

How would you describe your blog?
On my blog I share baking recipes, as I love to bake and try out new baking techniques, and also slow cooker dishes that I make for my family. I love to develop recipes based on what I have in my cupboards but with loads of flavour.

BakingQueen74Whats the best thing about being a baking blogger?
Sharing what I make with my family and friends at work, and seeing that people have made and loved my recipes (through comments on Facebook or Pinterest) is lovely.

How much does Great British Bake Off affect your blog?
In the past two or three years, I baked along every week with the themes of the show but this year I am having building done at home and haven’t had a kitchen for a while and haven’t been able to follow along which is a shame. It has been good for my waistline though!

Whats your favourite bake to make?
I really love simple oat-based bakes like flapjacks, and my blackberry oaty traybake cake is a real favourite.

Whats the best bake youve ever eaten?
I’m really not sure, but it was probably a souffle I had at La Trompette in Chiswick, which was amazing!

What makes your blog successful?
I find that creating content that others will want to share and save for future reference is the key, and making great pinnable content for Pinterest.

How do you like to work with PRs?
By developing recipes for brands using their products and ingredients, it means I try new things and am always planning different kinds of recipes.

Whats a memorable campaign youve worked on?
I particularly liked making a caramel apple roulade recipe to showcase a stand mixer for ao.com.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I blog in my free time alongside my work as a translation project manager and as a mum of two, so I am often not able to respond to emails immediately during the working day.

What other blogs do you read?
Loads of the top UK food blogs, particular favourites in baking include Domestic Gothess, Supergolden Bakes, Patisserie Makes Perfect and Veggie Desserts. I really admire their photography and food styling and am lucky enough to be friends with them all.


Lucy Allen and BakingQueen74 feature on the leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Blogger Spotlight: Michael Hawkes, The Bearded Bakery

Michael Hawkes is the author of Top 10 Baking Blog The Bearded Bakery. A digital marketer in the day and blogger by night, Mike bakes once a week – sharing his creations through his blog. We caught up with Mike to talk about blogging, his advice for PRs to do more with bakers and his favourite Crack Pie.

How would you describe your blog?
My blog started out as a place to document everything I baked so that my friends could bake the things I was posting on my other social media platforms. Over time it’s evolved into something that encapsulates two of the most important things in my life; food and travel (and traveling to eat food). Still primarily baking, it has little off-shoots into other things I love and enjoy, with food always at the centre. It shows how I bake, eat and explore.

What’s the best thing about being a baking blogger?
Getting to share everything I make with the people I care about. I only ever really eat a small portion of what I make myself. The main joy comes with sharing the love. Whether that’s my housemate or girlfriend getting to tuck into a slice of lemon meringue pie, my workmates enjoying my peanut butter cookies or someone receiving one of my Cake Care Packages filled with brownies.

The Bearded Bakery

How much does Great British Bake Off affect your blog?
Every year I intend to try and bake along each week, but it never really happens as I get side-tracked with other things from my ever-growing ‘to bake’ list. I started baking, and blogging, before I even really got in to bake off so I’ve always seen it as quite separate.

What’s your favourite bake to make?
That’s a question I get asked a lot, and I always struggle to answer it. The nature of blogging means you’re always striving to make new content, and for a food blog, that often means baking or cooking new things regularly. The best things get revisited from time to time though. I’m a big fan of my brownie recipe, as well as the giant bread ‘wreath’ I made last Christmas, but I think my favourite thing isn’t even something that’s currently on the blog: Crack Pie. I first made it after getting back from NYC last summer and while I’ve made it a couple of times, I’ve never managed to get good enough photos to warrant putting it up on the blog.

What’s the best bake you’ve ever eaten?
I’m a big fan of the cinnamon buns from London’s Nordic Bakery. They’re heavy, practically a meal, but the dough is so soft and full of cinnamon and cardamom. Similarly, the cinnamon buns from WB Samson in Oslo were so good that we had to re-visit them in the short visit we made to the city last year. I also love the humble doughnut, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the number of places popping up across the UK selling some excellent ones, from sourdough through to brioche.

The Bearded BakeryWhat makes your blog successful?
I’ve never really viewed it as overly successful, but from the off I’ve always tried to keep it as genuine as possible. This means turning down a lot of the PR ‘opportunities’ I get in my inbox and focusing on content which I truly believe in. I think the main thing has been the support from my friends and family straight from the off, even if they didn’t necessarily understand it. Other than that, I’m just lucky that so many people love food as much as I do.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I’m fairly open to working with PRs in different ways, but the best ones are the ones where I get to actually do something creative and work a brand to create something completely new or different. A lot of PRs don’t really approach food & baking bloggers with much other than samples, and there’s a lot more that can be done. Email me, pick my brain and work together with me to create something special.

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?
This one isn’t even something that directly ties into the baking, as a lot of the baking campaigns are quite basic. It ties into my love of food and travel. OpenTable organised a chef’s table meal at Grain Store in Kings Cross. At the same time, they did something similar in New York, and after talking through an evening of seasonal produce we were tasked with writing an open letter about why the food scene in London is so good. This ended up being one of my favourite posts, as I could combine my passion for food and travel into one cohesive narrative. It also culminated with OpenTable sending me to NYC.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I don’t accept guest content on my site, but aside from that, I put a lot of time, effort & money into every post I create. From developing a recipe through to actually making it and photographing it, it takes a lot of hard work. Going back to a previous point, it’s when I get to work with people that things get really interesting.

What other blogs do you read?
Primarily I actually get a lot of food and cooking inspiration from actual books like Meera Sodha’s Fresh India or Anna Jones A Modern Way to Cook for instance. But in terms of other bloggers/online people I love Noisette Bakehouse’s Instagram and blog, Hannah at The Dinner Bell, Charlie at Charlie Distracted (for travel) and a bunch of others.

Michael Hawkes and The Bearded Bakery feature on the leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Teresa and Belinha

Blogger Spotlight: Teresa Keohane, The Dogvine

The Dogvine was recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs. Written by Teresa Keohane, the blog is about Belinha, Moleque and Nina – three street dogs rescued by Teresa from Brazil. Here we spoke to Teresa about writing the dog-friendly guide to London, her favourite dog products and working with PRs on successful campaigns.

How would you describe your blog?
I would describe The Dogvine as a community for London dog lovers and owners where they can find out about dog events and dog-friendly businesses e.g. coffee shops & restaurants and pet products. I also work with local charities to help promote pet adoption.

Why did you start your blog?
I’m from the UK but had been living overseas in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil for several years where I adopted my dogs (who were abandoned street dogs). When I moved back to the UK a few years ago with my dogs, I noticed that a lot of the ‘insider’ information was hard to come by and often only talked about between dog owners at the park. So, I decided to create my blog and feature the kind of things I would want to hear about and that other people seemed interested in and would find useful.

Whats it like having a famous pet?
One of my dogs, Belinha is the face of the blog and I have to say it’s her ears that are the most famous – they get commented on wherever she goes! I always say she’s come a long way from the bedraggled dog I found on the streets of Rio and I’m grateful that a little unwanted street dog has had that opportunity.

Rescue dog

How does your pet cope with the pressure?
She gets lots of extra fuss and treats so seems to like it. It’s really important to make sure that anything we do, feature or review for the blog is something that Belinha (or Moleque or Nina) would enjoy.

Whats your favourite pet product?
That’s hard to pick just one! How about one from my perspective and one from Belinha’s? Mine would be the Furbo, which is a treat tossing interactive pet cam. When I do have to leave my dogs at home it means I not only can see what’s going on, but interact also with them.

Belinha’s would be Beautiful Joe’s Ethical Dog Treats which are low fat air-dried liver treats, she goes crazy for them. I also photograph a lot of dogs at events for the blog and have never had a dog turn these down, quite the opposite. Plus, for every bag purchased, Beautiful Joes’s donate a bag to an animal shelter. More on Beautiful Joe’s in my post here.

Whats your favourite post?
Again, hard to pick just one! I recently collaborated with City Paws Club, (the UK’s first activity centre for dogs) and Belinha and I joined one of their Dog & Human Paddle Boarding experiences on the Thames. It was an incredible experience and honestly probably not something I would have known about or done had I not started the blog. Other people that came along had done so after hearing about it on The Dogvine so that was really rewarding too.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like to understand what the brand is trying to achieve, then I try and find a unique way of presenting this so I can simultaneously deliver value to my audience as well as the brand. As the request has often gone out to several bloggers at the same time, it’s important to find ways to differentiate. I find it works best when PRs take the time to make sure the ethos of the brand is understood as well as what the brand is looking for. That helps me then focus on how I can creatively deliver that in way that is useful and makes sense to for my readers.

Moleque the dog

What’s one thing should PRs know about you?
I’ve spent a lot of my professional life living and working in different countries of which seven years was spent living in Rio de Janeiro. I rescued and brought back three street dogs from Brazil to the UK – two are my dogs Belinha (the face of the blog) and Moleque and the third, Nina, has been adopted by a friend but still helps out with pet product reviews on the blog.

Whats a memorable campaign youve worked on?
That would have to be when I was asked to work with Airbnb on creating an Insider’s Guidebook to Dog Friendly London. Not only was creating the guidebook a lot of fun but I got to help raise the profile of some great local businesses and give readers exactly the kind of content I wanted to create when I started the blog.

What other blogs do you read?
Too many to list so here’s a few I read regularly: Dog Milk, Wag Wear Repeat, My Dog Likes, A Beautiful Mess and Woof and Walls (not strictly a blog but they have an amazing instagram feed)!

The Dogvine and Teresa Keohane feature on the leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed – 20 October 2017

This week’s big stories of the week from the world of PR, media and communications, including PRWeek Awards, Crimewatch, a white paper, McDonald’s and parenting bloggers.

1. 30 years of PRWeek Awards

PRWeek Awards

Vuelio were delighted to join the 80s-themed celebrations for 30 years of the PRWeek Awards. With Alan Edwards’ induction into PRWeek’s Hall of Fame presented by The Who’s Roger Daltrey; Katherine Ryan delighting the 1,000-strong crowd with her hosting; and 32 awards given to the PR industry’s brightest and best, the PRWeek Awards proved themselves a highlight of 2017. Vuelio has created a Canvas of all the best posts from the night – check it out here.


2. Crimewatch axed after 33 years

Jeremy Vine presenter

One of the UK’s longest continuously running TV programmes has been cancelled, after 33 years on air. Crimewatch, seen by many as a public service for solving crime, has suffered from dwindling ratings even after it was revamped with Jeremy Vine and Tina Deheley at the helm.

Former presenter Nick Ross explained the demise: ‘If you get 15 million people watching a programme and you have an appeal, the chance of finding somebody, that one witness who saw something they had no idea was connected with the crime… they can ring in. Once your audience starts plummeting, you go back to two million, one million, your chances of finding that person are so remote.’

The show is famous for helping to solve high-profile cases including the murder of James Bulger. It also featured the murder of Jill Dando, a presenter on the programme up until her death in 1999.


3. Disruptive business and destructive PR

Disruptive PR

When isn’t a bad reputation bad for business? Traditional media often has a less than favourable relationship with the big disruptors of this world, but does that matter? After Uber’s licensing issues with TFL, it became apparent how different their reputation with their customers was from their reputation with the press. Our latest whitepaper – The Filth and the Fury: Disruptive Businesses & Destructive PR – explores how to rip up the rulebook and still come out on top.


4. Szechuan Sauce and the great PR “disaster”

JustinRoiland on twitter

McDonald’s made headlines around the world for a “botched” limited edition dipping sauce. Made famous by cult cartoon series Rick & Morty, the 1998 Mulan-linked Szechuan sauce was released by McDonald’s for one day only. When it didn’t provide enough, the media picked it up as PR fail – but with international headlines and thousands of fans desperate to get their hands on a McDonald’s product, it’s clear this PR strategy was nothing short of genius. Maybe even Rick-level genius.

McDonald’s wasn’t the only fast-food restaurant winning on social media this week – KFC has impressed Twitter for only following eleven people – the five Spice Girls and six guys named herb. That’s right, 11 herbs and spices.


5. The UK’s top parenting blogs

Parenting blogs

One of the most influential rankings Vuelio compiles, the Top 10 UK Parenting Blogs has this week been topped by Jo Middleton of Slummy Single Mummy. Jo has regained the top spot from Mum in the Mad House’s Jen Walshaw, who fell to second. The top three was completed by Donna Wishart’s What the Redhead said – one of a whopping six new entries to this ranking. Parenting bloggers famously have one of the most engaged communities in the blogosphere and the best relationship with PR professionals.


Think we’ve missed something? Let us know in the comment below.

Clare Nicholas

Blogger Spotlight: Emmy’s Mummy and Harry’s Too!

Clare Nicholas is the author of Emmy’s Mummy and Harry’s Too!, which recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Parenting Blogs. Clare was a nanny for 14 years and she draws on her wealth of childcare knowledge to provide expert advice and suggest child-friendly activities. We spoke to Clare about her regular nanny feature, finding your own voice and collaborating with brands to give the children an experience. 

How would you describe your blog?
A parenting and lifestyle blog which shares helpful tips using my nanny experience to help other parents under the popular ‘Top Tips from a Former Nanny’ series.

Why did you start your blog?
As a way to share Emmy’s milestones with family members who didn’t get to see her often as they would have liked. The idea was to print off into a book for her when she was older, six years down the road the book idea may now not be possible but both children have EVERY milestone recorded so they can read for themselves when they are older.

What’s the best thing about being a parent?
Every single moment. It may sound cheesy but having spent many years believing I would never fulfil my dream I really do cherish every moment. Having children of my own was always my dream but after three miscarriages I almost gave up hope of that ever happening. Emmy was my miracle baby as was Harry after suffering another two miscarriages before he came along.

What advice would you give new parents?
Take ALL the help offered. Sleep when you can and housework really can wait for another day – you are no good to anyone if you are sleep deprived and too frazzled to do anything.

What advice would you give new bloggers?
Be yourself, don’t try to copy your favourite bloggers as you need to find your own voice. You are at the beginning of your journey so don’t worry about their stats and following, just do what works for you.

What makes your blog successful?
I’m not sure I would say it’s successful, what is success anyway? My most popular posts are ones written from the heart, my personal posts and of course those rants where I’ve written about something/someone who’s annoyed me, and my Top Tips from a Former Nanny are rather popular and I really love writing those.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like to mix it up, I am happy to have a brief to follow but prefer to put my own unique spin on these projects.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
That would have to be working with Merlin Annual Pass, it was a year of family fun which we could all enjoy!

What one thing should PRs know about you?
That’s a really hard one, I think it would be that family is everything to me – they were the reason for starting this blog in the first place and I like to ensure they have lots of fun… and mummy at home to enjoy that fun with them.

What other blogs do you read?
There are loads I regularly read, a few favourites are PODcast, Mum in the Mad House, The Oliver’s Madhouse, Five Little Doves and Eats Amazing. 

Clare Nicholas and Emmy’s Mummy and Harry’s Too! feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Donna Wishart

Blogger Spotlight: Donna Wishart, What the Redhead said

Donna Wishart is a new entry to the Top 10 UK Parenting Blogs with What the Redhead said. A full time blogger, Donna follows her family of four, documenting important milestones and family adventures. We caught up with the Redhead to chat all things parenting, spending time with the kids and working with PRs who understand.

How would you describe your blog?
My blog is pretty much a typical family lifestyle blog. It follows our adventures – days out and holidays, documents the children growing up and talks about our home and day to day family life. It’s full of nice photos, our family fun and the highs and lows of parenting – although more highs than lows thankfully!

Why did you start your blog?
I started the blog when my first child was seven months old to document her weaning journey. We did baby led weaning and back then there wasn’t much information online about it – mainly just traditional weaning – and so I thought it might help other people to write about it. But, since then the blog has grown massively and, over five years later the blog is now my full time job. It’s something I never imagined when I first started writing.

What’s the best thing about being a parent?
I thought I had quite a busy, full life before having children but becoming a parent for the first time, and then having a second child has totally changed my life. It’s made me appreciate things more, notice every small detail and try so hard to commit every moment to memory. So, the best thing for me is how much more meaning life has since having Athena and Troy – they have taught me what life is really all about.

Donna Wishart

What advice would you give new parents?
I think the best advice really is to listen to all the advice you get given – mostly unrequested – and then do what works for you. Go with your instincts and do whatever you need to do to get through. Being a parent for the first time is hard. There will be ups and downs and there will be so much change. Do whatever works for you.

What advice would you give new bloggers?
I would tell new bloggers to think about why they are starting to blog. If it’s just to get free stuff and easy money then it’s best to stop writing now. Blogging is not an easy choice of self employment. It takes such a long time to build and grow a blog and there is so much behind the scenes that takes hours of work and you will only ever get out of your blog what you are prepared to put in. Likewise, if you start a blog to document your children’s milestones and your family’s adventures, never lose sight of that. In years to come when you’re paid to write and getting sent things to review try to always keep that underlying focus. Your readers will engage with it and you will always be glad that your blog never lost its roots.

What makes your blog successful?
I think that really depends on how you define success. My blog isn’t the ‘biggest’ blog, it doesn’t have the most followers or the best photos and shiniest videos but, it allows me to stay at home with my children and work around them – something I never imagined possible. I think my blog has had that kind of success because I have never really focused on one thing – I have always tried to be as good as I can be at as many aspects of blogging as possible rather than trying to be the best or spread myself too thin. If I’m not good at something, or if I don’t enjoy it, I just don’t do it. But, I do my best at photography, at social media, at making videos and I think because I just do my best rather than the best, readers can relate to that.

How do you like to work with PRs?
My favourite PR campaigns are always ones where we can have fun, where I can be creative and where there isn’t a really strict brief involved. My favourite campaigns recently have been around family food and days out – something where we can have a nice experience and work at the same time. For me, the blog opportunities have always been something I’ve really appreciated as they mean I can give the children experiences they wouldn’t have otherwise. So, my favourite ways to work with PRs really are to give the children something they’ll always remember – a nice meal cooked at home, a day in the great outdoors or a week in a caravan at the seaside. Everything I do has the children in mind.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
I recently worked with Maryland Cookies on a recipe video. It was something I really enjoyed doing, although it pushed me out of my comfort zone both with filming and editing afterwards. But, I loved the finished video, did my absolute best at it and the brand really liked it. I’m now looking forward to creating more collaborative videos in the future.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I have two pretty amazing school-age children. Because of this, campaigns need to fit around school (Unless they are super duper incredible!). I love it when PRs invite us to do things at the weekend or ask me to work on something that involves the children and give us deadlines that allow time to photograph the children outside of school hours. It means so much when I work with people who really understand what it’s like to, not just have a family but to have a family who are so involved in your work – and who work with us to create the best content despite the children being at school.

What other blogs do you read?
Oh I read so many! I have over 200 blogs on my Bloglovin feed and I read blogs each evening before bed. My favourites at the moment are We’re Going on and Adventure, Just Saying Mum and Mini Travellers – an eclectic mix but all with beautiful photos and family adventures.

Donna Wishart and What the Redhead said feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Blogger Spotlight: Mark Sanders, Adventures of Monty Dogge

Monty is a large white-and-black Newfoundland dog which has inspired his owner Mark Sanders to start a blog and Facebook fan page written from the perspective of Monty Dogge. This year Monty and Mark even released their own children’s book based on his adventures, entitled I’m Not a Pandacow. Recently featured in our first Top 10 Pet Blog ranking, we spoke to Mark about the blog, how Monty Dogge literally stops traffic and some of the campaigns that they have worked on so far. 


How would you describe your blog? 
Life According to Monty Dogge is a light-hearted look at life through the eyes of a huge Newfoundland dog. He shares his insight and wisdom on things such as ‘hoomans’ and how odd they can be, and other dog breeds, particularly ‘Cockeyed Spangles’ who he has to share a home with. He also enjoys interviewing famous people and asking them the questions others may fear to raise. He is a keen poet (he is in fact the self-styled poet, Newfiette) and regularly shares his prose with his admiring public. 


Why did you start your blog? 
The blog was started originally because Monty was such a difficult puppy that it was felt he needed another way to express himself rather than trying to eat the postman or chew through walls. That is all behind him now and he is a pillar of the community, as a mascot for the charity Shoulder to Soldier – having helped raise over £30,000 for the Poppy appeal over recent years, as well as his other charity work and his visits to schools and nursing homes. 


What’s it like having a famous pet? 
I am known as Monty’s dad and I regularly have to stop so that people can say hello. Most of our post is addressed to Monty Dogge and photographers constantly want to move me out of the picture… Despite this I’m not bitter… honestly! 


How does your Monty cope with the pressure? 
Monty takes everything in his massive stride. He blogs live from Crufts every year and meets literally hundreds of people, but nothing fazes him. He can sleep through a school assembly and recently, at Edinburgh fringe, all of the performers sat down as everyone was crowding around Monty. He just turns to face the cameras and when he’s had enough, he has a nap. 


What’s your favourite pet product? 
His favourite pet product has to be Angell Petco fish treats. Monty won’t do so much as shake a paw but if you have one of these in your hand, well… he’s like puppy in your hands. 


What’s your favourite post? 
We have so many favourite posts, but one I particularly remember is when Monty stopped the traffic in York City Centre, as one by one twenty Japanese tourists posed with Monty, while the other 19 took photos – from the middle of the main road in the city centre! 


How do you like to work with PRs? 
Monty loves working with anyone that makes him more famous. He likes everyone, especially if they have treats. 


What one thing should PRs know about you? 
PRs should know that Monty can be a bit of a diva sometimes and if things are taking too long he will sleep, anywhere and anytime. 


What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?  
Our first children’s book, I’m not a Pandacow, has been very memorable as we had the opportunity to travel the country. However, according to Monty Dogge, Crufts is always special. 


What other blogs do you read?  
I like idreambooks and often dig into that when I have time. 


Mark and Monty Dogge feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.