Ricky Willis

Personal finance blog spotlight: Skint Dad

Skint Dad is written by husband-and-wife team Ricky and Naomi Willis. Sharing tips on saving money and growing wealth, the blog was recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Personal Finance Blogs. We caught up with Ricky to find out how the blog has become an accidental business, why  making money is as important as saving money and how the pair work collaboratively with PRs.

How has your blog changed over time?  
It’s definitely got more professional. It started off as a hobby blog using a free WordPress theme. We never intended for it to become what it has, and it was an accidental business that now supports both myself and my wife.

We now look to run Skint Dad as more of a community. We talk with our readers daily and they have a massive impact on how the site is shaped – it’s no longer just about us sharing how we cut back; we want everyone to be in financially better off.

How much do you plan your posts in advance?
We do, and we don’t. We write a lot of content based on what’s happening in the world of saving money right now, so we never know the next thing that will come our way. However, we do plan and research into longer guides in a lot more depth.

What’s the biggest takeaway from the Autumn Budget for our personal finances?
The rise in the personal allowance will probably make the biggest impact for most people as they’ll see the change directly in their pay packet.

Is it more important to save money or find new ways to make money?
It gets to a point where you’ve saved all you can save, so it’s definitely about looking for ways to increase the amount of money you’ve got coming in.

How do you work with PRs for the blog?
Most of the time, PRs and agencies reach out to us about new collaborations via email. We then just take it from there to see what they are looking to achieve and how we can work with them to meet their targets. It’s important for us that it fits with our core values and works for both parties.

What campaigns have you collaborated on that were really good?
We’ve worked with many different brands, from supermarkets to banks, on many different campaigns; not just producing content, but also video and supporting with media campaigns beyond the blog.

What’s best practice for when PRs contact you?
I’m not sure there’s a one size fits all approach. It’s helpful that they read our blog and know a bit about us before approaching us with an idea that might not fit. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t look to brainstorm some ideas that may work.

I think, sometimes, PRs can just reach out hoping to get what they want, whereas we look to see if it will work for our audience too.

It’s not that we want to be overly picky, we just want to collaborate on things that will be genuinely useful to the readers and we believe in as well.

Do you think bloggers should have their own industry association?
I can’t see it working in the short term. There are so many different niches that nothing could really be settled. There are a number of blogging networks set up already if someone wanted to be part of a wider group.

Personally, I could see an association costing bloggers money to join, to get a newsletter once a month, but there would be little overall value.

I’m happy to be proved wrong.

What other blogs do you read?
I rarely read other blogs in our niche, to be honest, but do sometimes take a look at more technical sites like Search Engine Round Table and Moz to keep up with the fluctuations in the Google Algorithm.


Facebook news

Facebook launches Community News Project to fund local journalists

From January 2019, Facebook will be facilitating the recruitment of paid trainee journalists as part of its Community News Project.

The social network has pledged £4.5 million for the project as a donation to National Council for the Training of Journalist (NCTJ). The scheme will fund 80 new UK journalists over two-year period. Recruits will be trained up by the NCTJ before joining local and regional newsrooms across the country. Contracts for the new recruits will be held across a partnership of regional publishers including Reach, Newsquest, Archant, JPI Media, and Midlands New Association.

A focus of the project will be to fund trainees from different backgrounds, reflecting diversity across local communities. Another major focus will be to place recruits in areas affected by local newspaper cuts. NCTJ chief executive Joanne Butcher said: ‘The goal here is to encourage more reporting from towns and villages who may have lost their local paper or beat reporters to ensure these communities benefit from high-quality journalism.’

Roles will be added in addition to current reporters, not as a replacement. And although the scheme does not guarantee a job at the end, trainees will expand their skills and provide valuable input across busy regional and local press outlets.

Archant content director Laura Adams said the initiative, ‘aligns with our core objective, which is to engage with our communities, be reflective of them and have our reporters on the ground to be able to do that job effectively’.

This is the first time that Facebook has put money into local journalism in the UK, and the scheme will sit alongside the BBC’s Local News Partnership, which has provided some 140 local democracy reporters to newsrooms across the UK.

New community journalists joining newsrooms is a great benefit to PRs. These trainee journalists are going to be open to speaking to PRs, hearing about the latest news stories in their area, looking for leads and ready to build new relationships.

Ready to reach the right journalists? You need the Vuelio Media Database.

Fake news and facts

FAKE NEWS: tackling disinformation in society

Thanks to Donald Trump, ‘fake news’ is what people typically think of upon hearing the phrase ‘disinformation’, though in reality it covers a whole host of sharing false information, from misconstrued comments to propaganda.

At the recent newsrewired event, a panel of disinformation experts discussed its impact on news today. The session covered both sides of what makes disinformation spread – newsrooms not verifying information before publishing as well as audiences sharing information they are unsure is real.

BBC’s Alistair Baker Coleman thinks the responsibility to verify falls on publishers, platforms and tools, saying: ‘People don’t have time to check if something is true’.

Many publishers already have a process for confirming information is correct and factual, but now people are turning their focus towards platforms and tools where content is being shared by individuals.

The major social media platforms continue to implement techniques for spotting and removing false and malicious content, but these are far from perfect and not nearly comprehensive enough to tackle fake news completely.

Tom Phillips of Full Fact believes that there should be more focus on the end user and there is a need to show people how to trust. Phillips suggested that a toolkit helping people understand when to trust, and when not to, could assist in curbing the spread of disinformation.

A piece of information has very few ways of being right and infinite ways of being wrong, and it’s now so easy to access and share that the wrong information can quickly become the ‘accepted’ information. Accurate or not, if people are seeing content they agree with, or even strongly disagree with, they are more likely to distribute it on social media or across private messenger services.

Aoife Gallagher of Storyful thinks that teaching children from a young age could be the key, she said: ‘Students need to know how to spot disinformation and navigate the internet’. There was a general consensus that education about fake news, and the dangers of spreading it, was currently lacking but rolling out education for the masses is a huge job with questionable results. What is clear is that disinformation is now an undeniable part of our society.

An element not introduced to the discussion was the role PRs and comms professionals can play. They have the ability and the power to help set the record straight, providing authoritative expert analysis and opinion and help both the media and audiences with the truth.

Ready to reach the right journalists with the truth? Find out more about the Vuelio Media Database.

PRCA national awards

Taylor Herring dominates another industry Awards

Another PR Awards ceremony, another incredible performance from Taylor Herring. The creative agency picked up six awards at last night’s PRCA National Awards 2018, adding to the 21 wins and highly commendeds they’ve already achieved this year.

Other big winners from the night include the small, medium and large consultancies of the year, awarded to Talker Tailor Trouble Maker, Fourtold and Hope&Glory respectively.

There’s also a special mention to the winner of the Vuelio-sponsored Public Sector, Value for Money Awards, won by the agency Kindred for its Invisible People – Telling the World About Modern Slavery campaign and the In-house team at MHRA for its FakeMeds campaign.

Tin Man, the agency that joined Vuelio for the How to create an award-winning campaign II webinar, was highly commended in two categories, including one for its #ISeeMore campaign with the IET.

Across the night, 42 winners were announced in 30 categories – the full list can be viewed online.

The Awards are a celebration of both the industry and the PRCA. Francis Ingham, director general of the PRCA, proudly announced that the association has welcome 222 new corporate members in 2018.

He also made the call for fewer industry bodies, praising the decisions of the MAAG, ICCO, LG Comms and the APPC to join with the PRCA. He said: ‘We can best stand up for our industry if our industry has one clear voice. There is a need and a desire for collaboration and consolidation of membership bodies. There are quite simply too many small tents. There needs to be one big one.

‘The PRCA tent can and must and will grow bigger in the best interests of our industry. And we will work relentlessly over the coming years to achieve just that. So, here’s my big offer – come with us, and together we will make our industry even greater.’

For those in the room, the rewards were clear, but particularly for one agency. Welcome to 2018: the year of Taylor Herring.


Vuelio were delighted to sponsor the PRCA National Awards 2018, particularly because it gave us the opportunity to make cup phones – check out the team from Taylor Herring making good use of them:

Steph and the Spaniels

Pet blog spotlight: Steph and the Spaniels

Stephanie Walton is the blogger behind Steph and the Spaniels, which was recently named in the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs. Charting the adventures Steph has with her husband and two spaniels – Severus and Lily (Always) – Steph and the Spaniels is known for its beautiful aesthetics and for showcasing the best of dog-friendly UK. We spoke to Steph about how the blog has changed, the joy of loving dogs and how lifestyle brands can become dog-friendly.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
I started blogging around nine years ago so it has changed a lot; it’s grown and changed as I have. Now being a very dog-friendly lifestyle blog, it really is a large part of my life.

Just like our passions and hobbies change, that’s what has happened to what I’ve shared. I’m also sharing the fact I’m a 30-year-old fur mum.

Steph and the Spaniels

What’s the best thing about being a pet blogger?
The community is lovely, as well as the ease of it. Like I mentioned, what I blog about is literally my everyday life with the dogs, our travels tips for others or what we wear. I love that it’s such a diary for me to look back over.

How conscious are you of the animal’s personality as opposed to your own when writing?
It’s not the dogs’ personality at all actually, I think it’s very important to showcase a dog’s life and that isn’t without the owner. It’s a lifestyle blog with a dog-friendly topic, so it’s all about our spaniel life, both human and hounds. Of course, I showcase what the dogs like and want to be sure my readers get to know them too.

Steph and the Spaniels

What’s better cats or dogs?
I’ve not owned a cat, so I can’t say which is better. It’s such a personal opinion, and I’d never take that away from a cat owner – as only they know.

I know I adore my dogs, I’d do anything for them because they make me so happy and all I want to do is make them happy. They make me a better person, they get me out adventuring and exploring and they make me passionate about something.

Steph and the Spaniels

Did you have a pet growing up?
I did, we had a lovely show cocker called Megan. She no doubt started my love for spaniels.

We also got Alfie and Tilly, our family dogs while I was still living at home. Sadly, Alfie has now passed but we love having Tilly over and inviting her on our adventures too – she loves being with Sev and Lily.

What’s the best top tip you have for pet owners?
That’s a hard one! I have so many. But I think enjoy them, let them love you and be loved. Have fun with them and get to know them, they have so much to give.

Steph and the Spaniels

How do you work with PRs and brands?
In many ways, we really love campaigns with substance and that can really get us creating fun and interesting content. We love being able to collaborate with pet brands, as well as lifestyle brands that we can bring a dog aspect into, as it shows how important pets really are to everyone.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
Again, such a hard question because we’ve had some wonderful collaborations.

Our travel work is amazing, it gets us out and exploring and holidaying with your pets is so popular now too, so sharing that is great for my readers.

Being able to work with brands we love is so exciting and such a proud feeling.

We’ve adored working with Barbour and Haven Holidays particularly this year, but every collaboration we are thankful for and so excited we get to create content to share.

Steph and the Spaniels

What other blogs do you read?
I love reading dog-friendly blogs, any lifestyle and travel blogs too. I’m a big blog reader and I love finding new pet blogs like mine. I enjoy reading everyday life and snippets into travelling with your dog or day to day life like walks and outfits.



Are you struggling to secure media coverage?

The Journalist Enquiry Service turns the pitching process on its head – journalists reach out to PR and comms professionals for help with articles, reviews, case studies, spokespeople, locations and celebrities.

Following our acquisition of ResponseSource, we are delighted to host a webinar with a detailed introduction to the market-leading Journalist Enquiry Service, showing how easy it is to use and how quickly it can secure you coverage.

Sign up to the webinar here

The Journalist Enquiry Service is used by all the national press outlets, key trade and consumer titles, leading bloggers and websites, and popular broadcasters – all of them looking for help right now.

Whether it’s a legal expert to discuss a breaking case, a fashionista who knows the royal wardrobe inside out, product suppliers for national gift guides or a filming location for an international interview – the Journalist Enquiry Service has thousands of requests and gives PRs the opportunity to easily earn coverage while building new relationships.

It’s also the PR’s secret weapon – a shortcut to reaching leading journalists at top publications and outlets.

In this webinar introduction, we will give a detailed demonstration of the Journalist Enquiry Service, show how easy it is to use and how you can customise your experience to maximise your exposure. We will also explore the different kinds of requests that journalists send and show you ways to increase your national press coverage.

Sign up to this webinar to learn:

  • The types of journalist requests that are submitted
  • How the Service helps you build relationships
  • Why the Journalist Enquiry Service will become your new secret weapon
Creative shootout

Are you creative enough to save the planet?

The Creative Shootout competition is back for 2019 and is now open for entries. Agency teams from all marketing disciplines are being called on to show off their creative talent to tackle plastic pollution.

For this year’s awards, and tapping into the current zeitgeist, The Creative Shootout has teamed up with A Plastic Planet (APP). Known for launching the world’s first Plastic Free Aisle, the non-profit social impact movement will be challenging agencies to come up with a campaign to help it achieve its singular goal; dramatically reduce the use of plastic to package our food and drink.

Check out the campaign video below:

Agencies have until 30 November to submit their 60-second creative entries via www.creativeshootout.com. Entries must convince judges that the agency is creative enough for the competition and will only be ‘consumed’ a maximum of 60 seconds – whether it’s visual, video, showreel, app, audio, written, a simple email or even a cake.

From there, entries are shortlisted to eight finalist agency teams, who go on to compete in the live head-to-head Final at BAFTA on Thursday 24 January 2019.

As with the 2018 Live Final, where Raw London was victorious with its ‘Any shape – any size’ campaign for FareShare, teams will be given a brief on the day from APP – and then have just four hours to turn it into the most creative campaign possible.

After the four hours, teams have just ten minutes – and the daunting prospect of a huge live audience – to present their campaigns. The winner is announced on the night and will get to see their idea come to life.

Bragging rights as ‘the UK’s most creative agency’ are also up for grabs.

Vuelio is delighted to once again be sponsoring The Creative Shootout and will be providing the live finalists with an on-the-day Canvas for inspiration and intelligence to help them shape their campaigns. Last year’s finalists used this Canvas to help shape their campaigns for FareShare. .

Johnny Pitt, founder of The Creative Shootout, said: ‘The Creative Shootout champions the UK’s best creative talent in a real, live and yet supportive environment. It’s like no other awards. And plastic pollution affects every single one of us, and will do for generations. The creative industry can really help.’

APP co-founders Sian Sutherland and Frederikke Magnussen added: ‘We’re just two self-confessed plastic addicts who have spent the last two years trying to reverse what we are all collectively doing to our oceans, our land and ultimately to our own health.

‘If you work for a creative agency, now is the time to stand up and be counted as one of the army of passionate people and experts standing up for the public who want the choice to buy food and drink that isn’t wrapped in indestructible plastic. Get your entries in and we’ll see the best of you at the Live Final on 24 January.’

The Baking Explorer

Baking blog spotlight with The Baking Explorer

The Baking Explorer is Kat Buckley’s Top 10 Baking Blog. Running since 2012, The Baking Explorer promotes achievable bakes that are both delicious and fun to make. Covering a huge variety of recipes, Kat also creates dairy-free baking and has a loyal vegan following. We caught up with Kat to find out how the blog has evolved, the best collaborations she’s worked on and what PRs need to know.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
I’ve been running The Baking Explorer for over six years now and it’s come a long way in that time! My photos are considerably better, the recipes are clearer and better laid out, I’m vegetarian now and I make vegan recipes too occasionally – overall it’s more user friendly, veggie-friendly and easier to find delicious treats to make at home!

The Baking Explorer

Why baking?
I was inspired to start my blog by The Great British Bake Off. I loved the challenge of baking new things and feeding my friends and family with my creations. I still get the same buzz from creating a new recipe and seeing people enjoy it.

The baking explorer

How do you make your blog stand out?

I always try to be creative and come up with fun recipes for my audience to try themselves at home and showcase my style of baking.

What’s the best bake you’ve ever made?
My favourite cake of all time has to be my Chocolate Guinness Cake with Baileys Buttercream, I make it every year for my birthday.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I’m vegetarian and I don’t drink tea! I get a lot of emails about tea as it goes so well with cake but sadly I don’t drink it.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I really enjoyed a recent collaboration I did with Berry Gardens where they sent me some of their amazing UK grown cherries and I made a White Forest Cake with a cherry & kirsch jam – it was divine!

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
I think we are well regulated at the moment in terms of making it clear when we’ve been paid to advertise a product, as it’s so important for the audience to make an informed decision.

What other blogs do you read?
Mostly other food and baking blogs! I have a lot of blogger friends in the community so I’m often checking out their recipes.


Pay to Play

Is your influencer marketing a hit? Or are fake followers plaguing your results?

Whether you want to be brilliant with bloggers or great on the gram, finding real influencers who can help you produce real results, is a real issue. With influencer fraud on the rise, and some bloggers charging thousands for a single post, it’s never been so important to prove the ROI of your campaign.

Our webinar focuses on the ethics of influencer marketing and we are joined by digital strategist and former Ketchum digital director, Scott Guthrie. Scott knows why it’s not all about the numbers and will explain how you can collaborate with the right influencers in the right ways.

Pay to Play webinar header

The Money Shed

Finance spotlight with The Money Shed’s Jonathan Gutteridge

Jonathan Gutteride writes The Money Shed, a leading money-making blog that was recently ranked in the Top 10 UK personal finance blogs.  A community and forum sharing and tips and tricks to make money from home, The Money Shed has grown a huge loyal audience and made them thousands of pounds. We spoke to Jonathan about how the blog has grown, why making money is better than saving and why he never has to contact PRs.

How has your blog changed over time?
Its tone has grown a lot. At the start I wanted it to be about how to improve your life by saving money or doing online work for pennies but it is very much a site that tells people those things are a waste of time and instead you can make your life easier by doing well-paid work online!

How much do you plan your posts in advance?
Not at all. Maybe five days or so! I’ll think of an idea on Monday and write the content on Friday! I don’t make blogging the long drawn out, overthought job that I see a lot of bloggers seem to relish.

What’s the biggest takeaway from the Autumn Budget for our personal finances?
Do you know I’ve not even watched the budget! I think at 37 I’m just immune to it all now and just wait until one of the budget changes impacts me directly!

Is it more important to save money or find new ways to make money?
Make money without a doubt! Why scrimp and save and cut corners on your lifestyle when you can instead just earn extra money and live a better life.

How do you work with PRs for the blog?
They contact me, we agree a price and the content goes up. I can’t even think of the last time I reached out directly to a PR as I guess after five years, The Money Shed has enough clout and authority that they want their content/backlinks on there.

What campaigns have you collaborated on that were really good?
I’ve done one for Universal in Orlando that was a good look at if the costs of theme parks are really worth it. I’ve worked with everyone from HSBC and Aviva to Quidco and Risk Free Matched Betting Firms. They all want to tap into the loyal Money Shed readership!

What’s best practice for working with PRs?
Set your budget expectations from the start! If you charge £250 for a pre-written post then make that clear at the beginning as if they can’t pay that then you are just going to waste your time going back and forth with them.

Do you think bloggers should have their own industry association?
Hell no! Blogging is far too varied for some kind of ‘bloggers union’. Every niche works so differently we wouldn’t be able to agree on anything!

What other blogs do you read?
None specifically but if I see your content come up on tweetdeck and it’s around blogging/money/starting a business etc. I will more than likely give it a click. I find 99% of my new content through social media.


Rosemary Kind

Pet blogging spotlight with Alfie’s Diary

Alfie’s Diary is written by Rosemary Kind on behalf of three of her dogs, all diarists and founding members of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party. Sharing their view of the world, the blog has also led to a range of merchandise, four books and been ranked in the Top 10 Pet Blogs. We caught up with Rosemary to find out how the blog has grown into an international phenomenon, writing for different personalities and working with brands and PRs.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
When we started the blog thirteen years ago, we were living in Belgium and had just got the puppy of my dreams. We only intended to write it for a short time for family and friends to know about all the funny things going on, living abroad and trying to work out what was going on around us.

We never thought then that it would be used to teach English in schools and would start being read by people all over the world! Complete strangers would meet us and know all about our life. Alfie became a celebrity and we just had to keep going. Now we review products, provide advice as well as continuing all the fun things that a life of international travel with a dog entails. Now our commute is between England and Switzerland, but still includes as many amusing situations.

Alfie's Diary

What’s the best thing about being a pet blogger?
We love it when one or other of the dogs receive emails and notes from other dogs around the world. It is great hearing about our readers from the dogs themselves.

How conscious are you of the animal’s personality as opposed to your own when writing?
Very – I write from the point of view of three of my different dogs. I’ve even been asked if different people write it as they can tell the different characters. Funnily enough if you analyse the language it shows up differently too. I’m very in tune with my dogs so if I’m thinking about how one of them would see things, their voice comes quite naturally.

What’s better (and WHY) cats or dogs?
For me it’s dogs. Cats are way too independent, whereas the lives of the dogs and mine are totally intertwined. Where I go, they go… even to the bathroom!

Alfie's Diary

Do you dress up your pets for Halloween?
We’ve struggled to find costumes that fit. As a breed, an Entlebucher is not a standard shape. They are much broader chested than many dogs of their size and longer in the back. Whatever costumes we’ve tried in the past end up looking ridiculous… for all the wrong reasons! Maybe Wilma needs to learn to sew.

Did you have a pet growing up?
It is my only childhood regret that I was not allowed to have a pet. I’m still working on making up for it now. My teddy bears were my substitute, that and every other dog in the neighbourhood that I could get up close to.

Alfie's DiaryWhat’s the best top tip you have for pet owners?
Do your research to find the right pet that fits your lifestyle. Don’t base your decision just on how the animal looks. Getting the right fit will bring years of happiness and it’s worth the effort it takes to do that.

How do you work with PRs and brands?
It has to be a relationship of mutual respect. Both we and they need to achieve our goals out of it. When it’s a good fit then everyone wins. I always try to reply where I am sent things that are relevant to us, but I don’t always say yes. If I’m going to partner with a brand, even for a short time, I need to make sure we can do them justice and that we can give an honest opinion.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
Recently the best has to have been First Impressions with their bronze resin casting of Alfie’s paw. The end result is amazing, and they were a real pleasure to work with.

Do bloggers need their own industry association?
That’s an interesting question. Yes, it would probably be useful. While some people set out to do this as their profession, many come to it by accidental success and probably are the ones most in need of a support network and advice.

What other blogs do you read?
We dip into all sorts. Whenever we have research to do, both for writing and life in general, blogs can be the perfect place to find information. The internet age is great for finding that whatever you are facing for the first time, someone has been there before you. I do look through the Vuelio lists too as in every category there are some really interesting blogs to read.


Baking Blog Spotlight: Holly Jade, The Little Blog of Vegan

The Little Blog of Vegan is the leading vegan baking blog written by Holly Jade. Ranked in the top 10 UK baking blogs, The Little Blog of Vegan was started after Holly suffered health issues and decided to switch to a vegan lifestyle. We caught up with Holly, who told us about working with her favourite companies through the blog, the joy of coffee-flavoured baking and her favourite blogs to read.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
I started it a few years back when i was struggling physically and wanted to be creative while at home. This was at a time I decided to go vegan too. Since then, its become a business for me, working with companies all around the world, making cakes and bakes for parties… it’s a dream come true!

The little Blog of vegan

Why baking?
I’ve always loved baking since I was around four years old (back then I think I just liked making a big mess in the kitchen – ha ha!). Now I have a strong passion for everything baking and cooking. I love to see how you can create a beautiful dessert/dinner from scratch! Plus, it’s really fun!

How do you make your blog stand out?
I work 24-7 on my website and try to make it friendly for everyone to visit, vegan or non-vegan. I have a strong passion for food photography too, even though I only really picked up a camera around three years ago.

The little Blog of vegan

What’s the best bake you’ve ever made?
Ooh, from people telling me and from what I tasted myself, I think it’ll have to be my Biscoff cake! It went down a storm.

What’s the best bake you’ve ever eaten?
To be honest, all of my cakes are my favourite! I’ll just have to go with anything with coffee in it: Y-U-M!

Holly Jade

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I think that would have to be working with companies such as Kitchenaid, Smeg, Wilton… just a few of my favourite companies that I’ve had the privilege to work with!

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?

What other blogs do you read?
I mainly read food blogs for writing inspiration. My favourites are: Deliciously Ella, Minimalist Baker and The Loopy Whisk.


Miss Darcy's Adventures

Pet spotlight with Miss Darcy’s Adventures

Miss Darcy’s Adventures is written by May Wong and was recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs. Covering life in the city as a dog, Miss Darcy is joined by little brother George to tell tales of the exciting places they visit and the new friends they make. We spoke to May about how the blog has developed over time, why dogs are better and how brands can work with the blog.

How has your blog changed from when you first started? 
When a friend pointed out to me that Darcy had sabotaged my Facebook because I was posting all the things that Darcy and I did together, I thought it was time to give Darcy her own voice; thus began the blog. It was simply a diary of things we did together as we manoeuvred the challenges of living in London with a dog.

I’m often out and about and I didn’t think it was fair for to leave Darcy at home while I go about my daily chores. When I started asking around, I soon realised there are places where I can take her to – restaurants (not just pubs), shopping and travels, in the UK and abroad. I decided to use the blog to share our knowledge and adventures, and to encourage others to do likewise. Over the last five plus years of blogging, we have continued to search for dog-friendly places and address all the issues of travelling abroad. Along the way we have also gained friends in many places, some as far away as Australia and Asia.

I am often asked why we do not monetise our blog, it’s simply because we don’t want to compromise what we choose to write. As we got more involved with the dog world, especially adding a rescue into our mix, we choose to support dog causes – whether rehoming a dog or using our broad reach to help raise money for causes – but I always continue to encourage others to do everyday things with their dogs. Today we find London so much more dog friendly than when we started five years ago.

Miss Darcy's Adventures

What’s the best thing about being a pet blogger? 
Knowing that it brings a smile to our reader’s day. We often get messages from them to say how much our stories make them smile, and there are times we make them cry. Either way, it connects with people’s emotions.

How conscious are you of the animal’s personality as opposed to your own when writing?  
I write through Darcy – it is her blog, so it is her voice, her thoughts, her view of the world.

What’s better (and WHY) cats or dogs?
DOGS! Because they are much more attuned to us humans. They are there when we need them, and what better thing to do than to have a walk with your dog. Can’t do that with a cat.

Do you dress up your pets for Halloween? 
Yes, here’s Darcy as Paddington Bear and George as a spider!

Miss Darcy's Adventures

Did you have a pet growing up?
Not really. My father had a couple of birds but they were his pets. We had some goldfish but they all eventually died. My sisters and I have always wanted a dog but it was too much work, etc. So as soon as we all grew up and had our own homes, we all got our own dogs.

What’s the best top tip you have for pet owners? 
If you want to involve your dog in your daily life, start doing things with them early on. They will adapt easier and as soon as they see there’s nothing to worry about when they are with you, they soon trust you in all situations.

Miss Darcy's Adventures

How do you work with PRs and brands?
PR agencies and brands approach us for influencer campaigns – we only accept requests and invitations if they fit our brand and if we like their products/services. We understand a lot of times this is a less expensive option for the brands and if it doesn’t hurt us to help promote their wares and brands, we would happily do so in exchange of goods/services. But we forewarn them that we would only write and post positive experiences. If we don’t agree with the products/services, we will not review them.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I can think of three that I really enjoyed working with, mainly because of their products. The first was Cloud7 – we like their products and they are generous in offering us products we love. The second is Hindquarters because we love their unique and excellent leads and collars, and we have them in almost every colour and we do colour combinations! And I feel very privileged to have the chance to work with Indre Cukuraite of Amarcord Photography who takes the most beautiful dog portraits and has published a book of her photography.

Do bloggers need their own industry association?
Not sure about this. For me this is a personal venture and not so much for business purposes. If there is one, I would probably look into it.

What other blogs do you read?
The Lon Dog and Marcel Le Corgi.


Twitter likes

Will Twitter replace the ♡?

Social media sites continue to hit the headlines for not tackling fake news, especially since research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that fake stories spread faster than the truth on Twitter.

In response, Twitter recently released updates to its rules covering fake accounts, distribution of hacked materials, and the way it handles the enforcement of its terms. Twitter will now use more in-depth ways to identify and remove fake accounts. These include spotting inauthentic activity, stolen or stock profile photos and accounts sharing misleading information. Aliases for previous offenders will be found faster, and action will be taken on anyone claiming to have hacked information.

In addition to these changes, The Telegraph reported this week that Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey said he was not a fan of the heart-shaped ‘like’ button and would be removing it ‘soon’. Twitter clarified that there are no immediate plans to get rid of the feature, however, it is rethinking aspects of the current service with hopes of improving the quality of debate.

The Twitter like replaced the star-shape ‘favourite’ in 2015 and provides a quick way of acknowledging a post or keeping track of content you want to come back to. When multiple people like a post, the Twitter algorithm sees it as more popular and pushes it out further in timelines and notifications.

Usually the aim of those posting fake news or unsuitable material is to get it shared and viewed by as many people as possible. Therefore, techniques like using bots to manipulate likes helps the content reach further.

Twitter users and brands shouldn’t worry too much about the demise of the like. If Twitter was to remove the button there is likely to be a replacement option. The company has already been testing a Bookmarks feature – letting users privately save Tweets for later – and alternatives similar to Facebook’s reaction buttons could also be a way forward.

Many users are unhappy with the news, but luckily journalists are on hand to provide Twitter with advice to save the situation:

Can Twitter find a way to allow users to express their feelings towards a post, while preventing inappropriate content from spreading? Let us know what you think @Vuelio (but please, no likes).  


Interview with the leading pet blog in the UK: Katzenworld

Katzenworld is the brainchild of Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger and Iain Runcie-Unger and was recently named the number one pet blog in the UK. Together with a team of cat-lovers (cat-obsessives!), the pair cover everything feline from cat cafes and reviews to products and poetry. We caught up with Marc-Andre who told us about the blog’s development, the cats’ personalities and working with PRs.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
When we first started our blog it was a very simply blog hosted on WordPress.com and we quickly realised that in order to get it known and out there we needed to increase its usability, content and design. Initially, we moved to a custom domain and WordPress-own themes to improve this but eventually our blog outgrew what WordPress.com can offer even on their paid-for packages.

We did a lot of research and decided to self-host with a UK hosting company called 34SP that specialises in dedicated WordPress hosting. They helped us move our blog and its readers, and it enabled us to completely overhaul our theme and blog features. Today the blog runs on a custom designed themed that allows us to interchange blocks and create engaging and visual sections for our readers.

Content-wise our blog has always stayed true to its key principals of providing the cat-loving people with a place to mingle and interchange their views and opinions, find product reviews, read the latest cat news and more!

But we didn’t just stop there… we actually took our Blog out on the road and have been running stalls at various cat shows and big events like the National Pet Show to talk to people about our Blog, provide them guidance on all things cat as well as sell some of the products we as a team loved the most!

Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger and Iain Runcie-Unger

What’s the best thing about being a pet blogger?
Well apart from that our pets are an integral part of running a pet blog and being our family there is also the people you get to meet! Networking is such a fun and important part of any blogger’s life. The pet industry especially seems to be full of amazing individuals.

How conscious are you of the animal’s personality as opposed to your own when writing?
The personalities of our cats are the most important thing to me! This is why most of our product reviews and advice posts are written from the view of our cats. It’s all about getting into the mindset of what our cats would have to say about things.

What are better cats or dogs?
Well as cat bloggers one could say we are biased on this… but I truly believe cats are better as they are much more independent and us humans have to earn their respect!

Do you dress up your pets for Halloween?
We don’t. It’s just much more difficult with cats than with dogs and most cats don’t appreciate the extra ‘coat’. Though one of our guest bloggers dresses up her cat regularly and her cat looks happy and doesn’t mind at all!

Did you have a pet growing up?
I had fish as a child as my mother was highly allergic to cats and dogs but I always wanted a cat as a pet. Iain, on the other hand, grew up with cats and it was him who got us to adopt our first cat (Oliver the Tuxedo) shortly followed by Nubia (the black cat), Renegade (the oriental) and Freya (the straightcoat Peterbald).

What’s the best tip you have for pet owners?
Cats are trainable! Many people think cats can’t be trained but you just have to take a slower and different approach to how to train a dog. It’s all about finding the right reward for good behaviour with them. Oliver, for example, will come when called.

How do you work with PRs and brands?
For me it’s important to understand the company/project I work with fully. A collaboration should be about mutual benefit and you can’t achieve that if you don’t fully understand the brand or product you are working with.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
One of the best collaborations we have done and in fact do every year is awareness of the effect of fireworks on pets. The dog of one of Iain’s sisters was never the same after he got scared by fireworks and thus we wanted to raise awareness of preventative measures on this anyway! Each year we work with a selection of companies around top tips and advice including herbal remedies

Do bloggers need their own industry association?
Yes! We are lucky as there is the international Cat Writer Association that we are part of to provide us with important journalistic resources, but a dedicated Blogger association would be able to address specific topics that only come up for Blogs even better.

What other blogs do you read?
Bionic Basil, Catster, Tuxedo Cat and Großtadtkatze.


Monty Dogge

Pet blog spotlight with Monty Dogge

Monty Dogge is the superstar Newfoundland that stars in the Adventure of Monty Dogge, which was recently named in the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs. Written by ‘hooman’ Mark Sanders, the blog covers Monty’s adventures with his family of doglets – and also features the latest books Monty appears in. We caught up with Mark to find out how he manages posts with Monty’s personality, Monty’s hilarious opinion of cats and how the pair work with brands and PRs.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
I started back in 2011 with a series of Facebook posts called Life according to Monty Dogge. It was about the life of a very big puppy in his own words and it’s fair to say things have changed quite a bit in the past seven years. Though the Facebook page and group still runs regularly, the blog is via the website and features articles from Monty and me. I have collected every post from 2011 as I plan to write a book next year and the first posts were very basic and were mainly Monty talking about his toilet habits on that particular day. People have followed him for years and now it’s very much a conscious effort to offer new content that is entertaining, informative and fresh.

What’s the best thing about being a pet blogger?
For me I get to spend all day with the dogs, and it’s been a huge adventure. From posting on Facebook I have now published four children’s book and spend most of the week in schools with Monty or Cookie reading stories about my best friends. I have done book signings at Waterstones, attended the Edinburgh Fringe and blogged live from Crufts. To be honest, at the age of 59 and supposedly retired, everything is great about being a pet blogger.

Monty Dogge

How conscious are you of the animal’s personality as opposed to your own when writing?
This is a great question because this is something that has really developed over time. As Monty has gone from a puppy exploring the world to a seven-year-old adult Newfoundland, his personality and understanding of the world has changed as has my writing. It sounds a real cliché, but I actually think it’s made me a better ‘hooman’.

To be constantly looking at life through the perspective of an animal really makes you realise how good, honest and full of love they are. I love the relationship we have on the page, Monty views me as quite odd and really struggles to understand most of the things I do as a furless biped. We end up having this loving battle between our personalities and it’s a fascinating writing process.

What’s better (and WHY) cats or dogs?
I’ll let Monty answer this one. Well it’s obviously dogs isn’t it? Cats do all this aloof independent act, but they don’t fool me. Really, they’re needy and desperate to be dogs but they know if they go paw to paw to get the hooman’s attention they’ll lose. And clever? Really? A friend of ours locked themselves out of the house as the door slammed behind them. They looked through the letterbox and could see the key so they asked the cat to pass it to them… Well, the only thing this supposedly intelligent pet could say was Me? Oww?

Do you dress up your pets for Halloween?
We are a bit of a crazy house with five dogs, four children and four adults so there is always something going on around events such as Halloween and Christmas. The dogs always join in, but I think it’s one of those things that can get overdone and for us it’s occasional rather than daily costumes on Instagram. I think it comes down to knowing your dogs. Believe me Monty wouldn’t do anything unless he wanted to so yes, we do.

Did you have a pet growing up?
My parents didn’t really like animals, so I only ever had a hamster, just the one. I really got obsessed with animals after visits with my Grandad to Paignton Zoo in Devon where I grew up. My first job after I left school was as the Curator of Birds at a Bird garden which was an interview where I had to be quite imaginative about my previous animal experience. I then spend some time as a Giraffe keeper and kennel manager, so I think not having a pet as a child probably pushed me further in that direction.

Monty Dogge What’s the best top tip you have for pet owners (management/maintenance/behaviour)?
I’m by no means an expert and anybody who has seen my You Tube character ‘Absolutely Barking’ – the world’s most incompetent dog trainer would, I’m sure, agree. I think any advice I could offer is about socialisation. I personally think if dogs are really socialised well, have firm but kind boundaries and are treated with respect you won’t go far wrong.

How do you work with PRs and brands?
We have some good relationships with brands and like to build that relationship on a mutual respect. We do get contacted by lots of companies but I really like to believe in the product and welcome the chance to really try it out before featuring it in a blog. Luckily the good brands also have this philosophy, so we have done some good work with those. At the moment working closely with PRs has been in my thoughts more and more. I am really keen to get to the next level with our books particularly and see the blog as a great way of attracting a larger audience and following.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
We have been very lucky to been asked to get involved in some really exciting projects over the past 12 months. 2018 saw the very first Dog Lover Show at the SCC in Glasgow and we were asked to be the guests of honour, which was amazing. We set up a separate blog page for the show and were given our own ‘Monty Dogge’ area complete with branding and bean bags for the children. The show attracted a very big public attendance and we were very busy for two days. Monty was also asked to be an Instagram model for Lintbells who are a major brand in the Pet industry and this has been a lot of fun. I think each of the collaborations that we’ve worked on have been interesting and unique and we’ve certainly had a packed 12 months.

Do bloggers need their own industry association?
I really think this needs looking at as blogging becomes more of a respected and realistic occupation. Monty and I have recently been asked to be author/s in residence at a school for young people on the autistic spectrum and one of the things they are really keen on is blogging and writing on social media. I think several years ago when you mentioned blogging people thought it was just something you did as a bit of a geeky hobby but boy has that changed! So if I was asked for a short answer it would be Yes.

What other blogs do you read?
I have to be honest and say I really don’t read at all as much as I’d like. When I do get a chance my go to blogs are Guido Fawkes, DIY Daddy and the wonderful Paw Post.


Autumn Budget 2018

Read the Autumn Budget Summary and Stakeholder Reaction

Monday’s Autumn Budget announced a raft of spending across the board. Philip Hammond repeated Theresa May’s Party Conference announcement that austerity is over, albeit with the caveat that it’s ‘finally coming to an end’ – then revealed spending for the NHS, housing, defence and schools.

The full Budget was hugely comprehensive with the vast number of announcements affecting everyone in the country. But some areas have done better than others.

In our Autumn Budget Summary and Stakeholder Reaction, we have covered the full budget, including what’s been promised and the impact it’s intended to have.

We’ve also curated reaction from leading stakeholders from industry bodies and associations, to give context to the headline-grabbing announcements. This is accompanied by the media’s response, with journalists’ tweets revealing the story beyond the headline.

This is all available for free download – click here to get your copy today.

Becky Excell

Interview with the No. 1 Baking Blogger: Becky Excell

Becky Excell writes the number one baking blog in the UK. Originally started as a way to share gluten-free recipe ideas, the blog has become a major resource for a vast audience with its tasty treats and practical advice. We caught up with Becky to find out how much the blog has changed, the joy of her grandma’s ugly cake and all the different channels PRs need to know about.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
It’s changed loooooads since I first started. At first it was just a little project I did to keep me sane in my final year of university. I’d review products, restaurants and sometimes create recipes instead of revising (oops). Now my blog is my job and while it’ll always be a passion project first and foremost, it’s taught me a lot and it’s grown with me.

These days, I love creating recipes more than ever (especially baking!) but also foodie travel guides, gut health discussions and light-hearted lifestyle pieces too. The blog is more about me and what I’m interested in these days – not just about reviewing products. I like to think that the quality has improved too, just from experience. Sometimes I do go back and read old posts, look at the photos and think ‘gosh, that’s awful!’.

Why baking?
I’ve always loved baking and I’ve been baking since I can remember. I would stand on a step-up as a young girl when I couldn’t reach the kitchen worktop and help my Mum make cupcakes. Fortunately, I can reach the worktop all on my own now!

But when I found out that I couldn’t tolerate gluten, my mission was just to simply recreate all those cakes I used to love as a kid – but 100% gluten free. I find baking really therapeutic too. I’ve had a bit of a rocky relationship with food but baking always reminds of being a kid and being totally care free.

Plus, you then get to eat it at the end!

Baking bloggerHow do you make your blog stand out?
Hmm… probably a combination of injecting my personality into my writing – along with sharing my life experiences and improving my photography. That’s been the magic combo for me.

I always think to myself ‘anyone can buy a WordPress theme exactly like mine, so how am I going to make my blog unique?’ and the answer is always… me.

So, I worked on my photography, wrote my blog posts in the chatty way I’d talk IRL (complete with terrible jokes) and shared experiences from my own personal life. My blog is basically me!

What’s the best bake you’ve ever made?
I’d have to say my gluten-free Battenberg cake, but probably not for the most obvious reason! Basically, I’d tried to make a Battenberg at least three times in the past and it had always gone horribly wrong. Half the time, the pink sponge would come out as if I’d never put any colouring in it in the first place or just I’d fluff up assembling it (then curl up in a ball and cry).

But literally like two years after swearing I’d never bother baking one ever again… I did it! And not only did it turn out well, but it gave me the confidence that I could actually make cakes that look nice. If it wasn’t for that Battenberg victory, I don’t think I’d ever have attempted to make half the cakes on my blog today.

What’s the best bake you’ve ever eaten?
This might sound really boring, but I’d have to say my Grandma’s Victoria sponge. She wouldn’t mind me saying this, but it was such an ugly cake! Sadly, I don’t think she’d ever be able to have a baking blog, but it tasted absolutely out of this world. It didn’t even have jam in it, just the buttercream alone was amazing!

For a long time I thought that making ugly cakes that tasted amazing ran in the family… but I think making that Battenberg might have managed to break the curse for me!

Who will win The Great British Bake Off?
It’s got to be Rahul, right? I can totally relate to being a nervous baker with zero confidence, so I feel like if he can just keep it together then he’ll smash it!

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I guess that I’m a passionate creator of all different types of content, not just blogging. I’m not sure that most PRs even know that I’m really into videography and often I create recipe videos, travel guide videos and vlogs. I also often speak in public about my gut health and I’ve done tons of baking in front of the camera and at live events too. I was on BBC radio a few times in the last year talking about gluten free food!

Basically, I’m full of ideas and no matter what the medium, I’m always up to the challenge. Baking and beyond!


What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
Oh wow that’s tough. I loved travelling to Palma earlier this year with Jet2 to experience the food of Majorca. I’d love to do more things like this and create content for those going on holiday who are in need of allergen-friendly places to eat.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
It would definitely be useful. There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to this industry and it would be nice to have a place to go where all the ‘rules’ are laid out clearly and updated regularly.

What other blogs do you read?
I tend not to read a lot of food and baking blogs really. Instead, I read a lot of lifestyle blogs. I really enjoy Hannah Gale’s blog for her down to earth realness – it’s so refreshing, relatable and funny all in one.

Want to work with content creators like Becky? You need the Vuelio Media Database, which lists thousands of bloggers, vloggers and Instagrammers alongside journalists, editors and broadcasters. 

Five Things 26 October

Five Things: Injunction, Ross the thief, Radio 2, Facebook and Popémon Go

This week’s Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed includes the one with the injunction, the one with the David Schwimmer lookalike, the one with the departing Radio 2 host, the one with the Facebook ads and the one with the catholic Pokémon Go.

Don’t forget next week’s Five Things will be an hour later because the clocks go back this weekend.


1. Injunction

Sir Philip Green

The biggest story of the week is undoubtedly the injunction that stopped the Telegraph from publishing its investigation. Making the front page of The Daily Telegraph midweek, the story was headlined ‘The British #MeToo scandal which cannot be revealed’.

With speculation rife over the ‘leading business’ who was at the centre of the storm (including this amusing denial from Lord Sugar), Lord Hain used his parliamentary privilege to name Sir Philip Green as the man behind the injunction.

As reported by ITV News, Green has ‘categorically and wholly’ denied being guilty of any ‘unlawful sexual or racist behaviour’. Hain has been criticised for using parliamentary privilege – and the Guardian reports this will now reopen the issue of whether MPs or Lords should be able to speak with impunity.

It’s also likely to throw the use of injunctions into the spotlight, with many MPs earlier this week claiming you shouldn’t be able to ‘buy silence’.

Expect this one to rumble on.


2. The Geller Yeller

Ross Geller

The second biggest story of the week is the David Schwimmer lookalike who was wanted in connection with a theft by Blackpool Police. Not only did the original police appeal on Facebook spawn thousands of jokes in response, it also led to this comedy gold from Ross Geller himself:



3. Radio 2

Simon Mayo and Jo Whiley

The Radio 2 Drivetime show will end in its current format after co-host Simon Mayo has announced he is leaving the station for good.

He has only been hosting Drivetime with Jo Whiley since May, though has hosted the show solo (alongside his team) for eight years. The new format has never really sat well with listeners who have complained about the lack of chemistry between the two presenters.

BBC News reports that Mayo will not be moving to a rival broadcaster, despite social media reports suggesting otherwise. He will continue to co-host the film show at 5 Live with Mark Kermode.

Mayo’s departure is part of a bigger catalogue of changes at Radio 2 – not only will the Drivetime show get a new host (Whiley is moving back to the evening slot), the breakfast show is losing Chris Evans in the New Year when he is replaced by Zoe Ball. Radio is often overlooked when we discuss PR and campaigns, but with 50 million radio listeners a week, it’s still one of the most popular media channels in the UK and PRs should take note.


4. Facebook

Vice News Facebook

Last week, Nick Clegg was appointed head of global affairs at Facebook, which drew praise from the PR industry. Now he may have his first issue to tackle – no not the £500,000 fine for the Cambridge Analytica data breach issued by the ICO – but VICE News pulling apart Facebook’s ‘more transparent’ political advertising.

VICE placed ads on behalf of prominent political figures including Mike Pence and Tom Perez, which Facebook approved. It also approved an advert on behalf of ‘Islamic State’. VICE tried imitating adverts that have been identified as Russian bot/interference during the election and, again, they were approved.

Facebook did stop an advert submitted by ‘Hillary Clinton’ but gave VICE no explanation as to why.

To submit political ads, VICE was required to submit a valid ID and proof of residence, but there was nothing requiring this to match up to the public facing ‘paid for by’ name.

Check out the full story here.


5. Popémon Go

Follow JC Go

A new Pokémon Go-style game is being released by a Florida-based Catholic evangelical group where instead of pocket monsters, you catch saints and biblical figures. While not coming directly from the church itself, the Pope apparently approves of the idea. The app group’s executive director, Ricardo Grzona, said: ‘You know, Francis is not a very technological person, but he was in awe, he understood the idea, what we were trying to do: combine technology with evangelization’.

The app is called ‘Follow JC Go!’. As one Twitter user pointed out they missed a trick – they should have called it Popémon Go.


Seen something we missed? Let us know on Twitter @Vuelio

Digital radio

Are you taking advantage of the digital radio boom?

Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) has released its quarter-three listening report, which shows that digital listening is at an all-time high.

At the start year, digital listening reached its tipping-point when just over half (50.9%) of radio listeners were tuning in via digital channels. The latest report shows digital channels rise further, with 63% of the population listening each week – that’s three in five adults.

Overall, almost 50 million people switched on their favourite radio station each week. This equated to a total average of just over a billion hours listening each week in quarter three.

Of those, 34 million people selected BBC channels, 51% of those now listening through digital means – the highest number on record.

Bob Shennan, Director of BBC Radio and Music, said: ‘While millions continue to listen every day we’ve also been reinventing radio to expand our digital offer for the increasing number of online listeners’.

Digital listening hours across all radio stations has reached 538 million, up 5% year-on-year. Following the increased popularity of smart speakers and the availability of radio apps, listening to radio digitally is extremely accessible.

This change in listening habits prompted the Government to consider the future of the FM frequency. Reported earlier this year by The Guardian, it is proposed that there will be a complete switch-off of major FM radio services in the 2020s.

For comms professionals, the shift to digital could offer more targeted opportunities to reach your audiences. There are hundreds of national and regional radio stations available on DAB devices, which means you can be more selective of channels and still reach large audiences.

And it’s not just large audiences that make radio an exciting medium. Some 44% of 15-24 year olds and 32% of adults say they follow their favourite presenters and radio stations on social media. People are not just listening to radio but also engaging with it, especially younger audiences.

Radio is often overlooked when it comes to integrated campaigns or award-winning PR but with 50 million people listening across the UK each week, now is the time to reconsider your strategy.

Planning a radio PR campaign but lack the right contacts? You need the Vuelio Media Database