Donna Wishart

Blogger Spotlight: Donna Wishart, What the Redhead said

Donna Wishart is a new entry to the Top 10 UK Parenting Blogs with What the Redhead said. A full time blogger, Donna follows her family of four, documenting important milestones and family adventures. We caught up with the Redhead to chat all things parenting, spending time with the kids and working with PRs who understand.

How would you describe your blog?
My blog is pretty much a typical family lifestyle blog. It follows our adventures – days out and holidays, documents the children growing up and talks about our home and day to day family life. It’s full of nice photos, our family fun and the highs and lows of parenting – although more highs than lows thankfully!

Why did you start your blog?
I started the blog when my first child was seven months old to document her weaning journey. We did baby led weaning and back then there wasn’t much information online about it – mainly just traditional weaning – and so I thought it might help other people to write about it. But, since then the blog has grown massively and, over five years later the blog is now my full time job. It’s something I never imagined when I first started writing.

What’s the best thing about being a parent?
I thought I had quite a busy, full life before having children but becoming a parent for the first time, and then having a second child has totally changed my life. It’s made me appreciate things more, notice every small detail and try so hard to commit every moment to memory. So, the best thing for me is how much more meaning life has since having Athena and Troy – they have taught me what life is really all about.

Donna Wishart

What advice would you give new parents?
I think the best advice really is to listen to all the advice you get given – mostly unrequested – and then do what works for you. Go with your instincts and do whatever you need to do to get through. Being a parent for the first time is hard. There will be ups and downs and there will be so much change. Do whatever works for you.

What advice would you give new bloggers?
I would tell new bloggers to think about why they are starting to blog. If it’s just to get free stuff and easy money then it’s best to stop writing now. Blogging is not an easy choice of self employment. It takes such a long time to build and grow a blog and there is so much behind the scenes that takes hours of work and you will only ever get out of your blog what you are prepared to put in. Likewise, if you start a blog to document your children’s milestones and your family’s adventures, never lose sight of that. In years to come when you’re paid to write and getting sent things to review try to always keep that underlying focus. Your readers will engage with it and you will always be glad that your blog never lost its roots.

What makes your blog successful?
I think that really depends on how you define success. My blog isn’t the ‘biggest’ blog, it doesn’t have the most followers or the best photos and shiniest videos but, it allows me to stay at home with my children and work around them – something I never imagined possible. I think my blog has had that kind of success because I have never really focused on one thing – I have always tried to be as good as I can be at as many aspects of blogging as possible rather than trying to be the best or spread myself too thin. If I’m not good at something, or if I don’t enjoy it, I just don’t do it. But, I do my best at photography, at social media, at making videos and I think because I just do my best rather than the best, readers can relate to that.

How do you like to work with PRs?
My favourite PR campaigns are always ones where we can have fun, where I can be creative and where there isn’t a really strict brief involved. My favourite campaigns recently have been around family food and days out – something where we can have a nice experience and work at the same time. For me, the blog opportunities have always been something I’ve really appreciated as they mean I can give the children experiences they wouldn’t have otherwise. So, my favourite ways to work with PRs really are to give the children something they’ll always remember – a nice meal cooked at home, a day in the great outdoors or a week in a caravan at the seaside. Everything I do has the children in mind.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
I recently worked with Maryland Cookies on a recipe video. It was something I really enjoyed doing, although it pushed me out of my comfort zone both with filming and editing afterwards. But, I loved the finished video, did my absolute best at it and the brand really liked it. I’m now looking forward to creating more collaborative videos in the future.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I have two pretty amazing school-age children. Because of this, campaigns need to fit around school (Unless they are super duper incredible!). I love it when PRs invite us to do things at the weekend or ask me to work on something that involves the children and give us deadlines that allow time to photograph the children outside of school hours. It means so much when I work with people who really understand what it’s like to, not just have a family but to have a family who are so involved in your work – and who work with us to create the best content despite the children being at school.

What other blogs do you read?
Oh I read so many! I have over 200 blogs on my Bloglovin feed and I read blogs each evening before bed. My favourites at the moment are We’re Going on and Adventure, Just Saying Mum and Mini Travellers – an eclectic mix but all with beautiful photos and family adventures.

Donna Wishart and What the Redhead said feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Slummy Single Mummy

Blogger Spotlight: Jo Middleton, Slummy Single Mummy

Jo Middleton is the multi-award-winning influencer behind the UK’s biggest parenting blog Slummy Single Mummy. Jo has been writing about family life since 2009 and is also now an expert in social media, marketing and copywriting. Slummy Single Mummy is the number one blog in the Top 10 UK Parenting Blogs, and we caught up with Jo to discuss the importance of not comparing, her advice for new bloggers and working with brands.

How would you describe your blog?
That’s a tricky one, because it has changed a lot over the years as my kids have grown up. I think in a way that’s the beauty of ‘parenting’ as a theme though – pretty much anything can fall under that umbrella if you try hard enough! I like to think my blog doesn’t take itself too seriously, it’s just a bit of light entertainment – like a friendly chat with a friend.

Why did you start your blog?
I actually started it as a way to promote the freelance journalism and copywriting I was doing, way back before brands had really started engaging with bloggers meaningfully, so I never imagined it would evolve into my main source of income.

What’s the best thing about being a parent?
Wow, that’s a big question?? Aside from the unconditional love, joy of seeing your kids grow etc?? Probably that you get to watch Disney films at the cinema and go to theme parks and eat Big Macs and pretend it’s all just because you have to.

What advice would you give new parents?
I think just do your best. Accept that at some point in the future they are going to blame you for ruining their lives in some way – it’s how parenting works – so just do your best from day to day and don’t compare your child to others.

What advice would you give new bloggers?
This is such a tough one, because I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to come into the market place now with so much competition. I think I’d say firstly to just go for it – don’t spend too much time over-thinking things, as you can always grow and develop as you go along. Secondly though I’d say you have to be prepared to work hard and be professional at all times. You can’t expect big brand partnerships to fall into your lap from day one – it takes a while to build up a readership and a reputation. Also, a bit like parenting, don’t compare your blog to other blogs. Comparison really IS the thief of joy.

What makes your blog successful?
I like to think that I have a very consistent, approachable tone of voice, that makes it easy to read and makes people feel like they want to come back and read it again. Commercially, I think honesty is a big part of my success, and professionalism. I always do everything on time, I try to make even the dullest subject interesting – all that stuff that brands love!

How do you like to work with PRs?
I’m pretty open to any kind of approach as long as it’s well researched, friendly and honest. I’m not saying I end up working with everyone who gets in touch, but I try to read most things. I like it best when I’m given plenty of rein creatively, but with clear goals too – I want the brand to be able to measure whether or not they’ve got what they want from working with me, so they come back!

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
Thinking long term, I really loved working with Bailey of Bristol, who make motorhomes. For a couple of summers they leant us a motorhome so that we could go off on adventures around the UK and Ireland – what’s not to love about that??

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I am NOT interested in reviewing potty training apps. Yes I have children, but they are 15 and 22.

What other blogs do you read?
I have to admit that when I’m not working I prefer to be away from screens if I possibly can, so although I dabble, I’m much more of an old fashioned magazine or book kind of girl.

Jo Middleton and Slummy Single Mummy feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Mum in the Madhouse

Blogger Spotlight: Jen Walshaw, Mum in the Mad House

Jen Walshaw recently ranked on the Top 10 UK Parenting Blogs with her award-winning Mum in the Mad House. Chronicling the life of a family of four, Jen also uses her blog to share creative makes and recipe ideas. We caught up with Jen to talk about the rewards of family life, working with PRs and being creative!

How would you describe your blog?
Mum in the Mad House is a one-stop shop for people trying to live a creative family life in the digital age on a budget. I am passionate about raising creative children whilst instilling them with skills that will last a lifetime, which can be quite a challenge in this digital age!

So, my blog is filled with crafting, art, cooking with kids, realistic parenting tips and screen-free activities to encourage people to try and live a creative family life.

Why did you start your blog?
My blog started out as a dairy after a health scare. I had two boys under three with 14 months between them. It was my way of recording our day to day life whilst reclaiming time for me. I had always wanted to be one of those people that had a batch of journals to look back on but never found pen and paper that appealing long term. I loved being able to create my own digital photo album with words!

What’s the best thing about being a parent?
Parenting is the hardest thing that I have ever done, but it is also the most rewarding. I adore watching my children develop and grow and seeing their potential. Each stage of parenting has been different and amazing in its own way. Now we are entering the teen years and it will be interesting to see what they bring!

What advice would you give new parents?
The best advice I ever received was not to listen to what other people said you have to do but to trust your own instincts. For me, parenting confidence came with experience and it took time to learn that I had to do what was right for my family and that wasn’t necessarily the same as someone else’s.

What advice would you give new bloggers?
Starting a blog was one of the best things I did, I would encourage anyone thinking about it to just do it. But you do need to have a thick skin. I am aware that by putting myself out into the public eye I am inviting comments and opinions that I might not necessarily get in real life. Think about why you want to blog and what you want to get out of it. I started as an online diary and it has developed organically over the years. I think it has become much harder to be heard since I started as the market is much more saturated. There are some great communities out there so get involved, have fun and connect with people.

What makes your blog successful?
I think that Mum in the Mad House is so successful as it is relevant and I am relatable to people. Over the years it has gone from strength to strength, some readers have been with us from the beginning, others found us whilst looking for a specific solution. It has stood the test of time and remains a trusted voice in a saturated market.

Jen Walshaw

How do you like to work with PRs?
I love working with brands and companies. I prefer to produce unique quality content based on their needs. Over the years we have produced and featured in videos, attended events and press trips, featured on company websites, offered competitions and much, much more. For us, it is about thinking creatively and finding an angle that connects with our readers. I am more than happy to chat to a PR about what they are looking to do and come up with something that meets both our needs.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
It is so hard to pin it down to just one collaboration. We are big fans of family experiences and have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic brands and have lots of fun at the same time. There have been different favourites depending on the stages of our family life. The man of the house loves car or holiday collaborations, the boys are particularly keen on theme parks and festivals, whilst me, like most mums, are happy when the rest of the family is, however, I do love going to concerts, visiting new places and experiencing new things.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
That I am a proud Northerner, so invites to events in the capital mean quite a chunk of travel! I want PRs to understand what I can offer them and their clients and to develop long-term relationships. Things really need to be relevant to me and my readers. More and more it is about being a trusted voice. It is great to connect with people that understand what you do and see how you can work together for the benefit of their client. Also, I think that it is time for brands to understand just how much impact working with a blogger can have. I can reach so much more people than the traditional press, but often they are still not willing to pay a commensurate fee.

What other blogs do you read?
I am an avid blog reader and love being part of such a wide-ranging and diverse community. I turn to blogs for pretty much everything, looking for a recipe then there is a great blog for that, planning a party, again I turn to a blog.

Jen Walshaw and Mum in the Madhouse feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Bianca Derhy

Blogger Spotlight: Bianca Derhy, Bibi Goes Chic

Bianca Derhy is the international digital influencer behind Bibi Goes Chic. Covering a range of topics from fashion to travel, Bianca has a significant social media presence and is a rising Instagram star. We spoke to Bianca about her blog, making it big on Instagram and working with a network of PRs around the world.

How would you describe your blog?
My blog is a combination of what I love most: fashion, beauty, travel and luxury lifestyle. Specialising in the best of both, premium luxury and high-street fashion, Bibi Goes Chic aims to inspire women to style fashion-forward looks for different occasions through a combination of personal fashion posts, product reviews and trend tips – with professional photography to accompany each story.

What took your Instagram account to the next level in terms of followers?
Back in 2014, when I started blogging, growing on Instagram was definitely easier as public accounts gained more visibility. I think what worked best for me, and what continued to do so, was when I would get reposted on a popular accounts’ page. For example, if I would wear an outfit from Missguided and tag them, that picture could get shared on their page, driving a couple of hundred or even thousands over to mine. I definitely think interacting and collaborating with others on Instagram is a tool that works!

Bianca DerhyWhat advice would you give someone trying to make it big on Instagram?
I think nowadays, with Instagram’s algorithm having affected a lot of us in terms of reach and growth, big numbers isn’t everything. Rather, focus on creating amazing quality content, interacting with your followers, using the Stories and Live feature to get more personal, and the rest will follow!

How do your other social channels work with Instagram and your blog?
My main social media is definitely Instagram at the moment, as it serves as the main storyteller where I keep my viewers most up to date about what goes on in my life. I do love to blog when I feel like I have a lot to say about a particular topic, and feel like my readers would enjoy that depth a bit more. I’ve recently started YouTube where I film more about my university studies, lookbook and style tips, vlogs etc, so my readers can get to know me better.

What’s your favourite topic to blog about?
At the moment I’m loving writing about travel, as it’s been a passion of mine since I was young. I’m so grateful for each opportunity that comes my way, and having the ability to travel, see the world and immerse myself in a new culture is certainly an unforgettable feeling! I hope to capture that sensation as much as possible in my content on social media and my blog.

Who takes your pictures and what’s your process uploading content?
It definitely varies – if I’m collaborating with a brand or writing a blog post I would work with a photographer, yet I mostly use my iPhone 7 Plus for shooting daily content on the go (the quality is certainly up there and it’s the easiest tool we have!).

My process when it comes to shooting and uploading content is always to first brainstorm for new and exciting ideas I can share with my readers, whether that be for a blog post, Instagram photo or YouTube video. Once the content is created, I will use several editing tools such as Lightroom, and plan a schedule for when each post should go live. However, I always keep my content current and so most of what I post will have been shot that same week so my readers are most up to date!

What’s the next big trend going to be for influencers?
That’s a tough one! Instagram has just launched a polling tool, where viewers on Insta Stories can click which option they prefer between two things (say, do you prefer this Valentino bag or this Chanel clutch?) and see voting results live. I think surveys and testing is huge for both brands and influencers, and can help get a better insight into what our readers want to see from us in order to create more tailored experiences.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I love working with PRs and have a global network with them so that whenever I’m traveling, I’m still able to attend events and work with international brands. They also have loads of connections already built within the industry, and serve as a great introduction should you want to build a relationship with someone. Networking is definitely key!

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I would introduce myself as an international digital influencer, having grown up in the fashion capital of Paris and now living in another major fashion city, London. I’m also very passionate about what I do, and certainly motivated!

What other blogs do you read or vlogs do you watch?
I love to read, and am a big fan of popular blogs such as Chiara Ferragni (now turned into an e-commerce/digital magazine), but I am loving YouTube and regularly watch Kane and Pia, Jon Olsson and Clothes Encounters to name a few.

P.S. I also recently started a YouTube channel as well!

Bianca and her blog feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Aurelie Four

Blogger Spotlight: Aurélie Four, Marcel Le Corgi

Marcel Le Corgi is the fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi that features on the eponymous blog written by Aurélie Four. Recently ranked in the top 10 UK pet blogs, we caught with Aurélie to talk about Marcel’s fame, favourite pet products and working directly with brands.

How would you describe your blog?
Our blog is all about sharing what we love (and sharing the love), Marcel and having him as part of our family, travelling (which we do with him when reasonable), good food and nice things… in a fun and pawsitive tone which reflects what Marcel is and what he has brought to our lives.

Why did you start your blog?
A friend of ours suggested I did. We were enjoying running Marcel’s social media so much and his audience loves the travelling and London life part! It can be a struggle to find information on dog-friendly things and posts on social media only stay visible for a few hours, so I thought why not use and share all the pictures I would never have released otherwise, and the information I gather whilst researching trips, food (etc) on a blog where they can be found more easily!


What’s it like having a famous pet?
Fun! We get to do so many amazing things and go to places where I never thought he’d be able to go! We’re now used to him being recognized in the streets, but the first few times it was very overwhelming (for us; he loves the attention). We get a lot of love and it’s great being able to share it with charities.

Having people leap in front of us to take photos without asking makes me understand why some human celebrities ‘snap’ – just ask and I will happily make him pose! There is an element of responsibility too – I want to make sure people understand what having a dog means and always make sure people do not get a corgi pup because ‘Marcel’s pictures are so cute’. We also make sure we are not encouraging anything that might impact all other dogs and owners, for example, picturing him on seats on public transport, in uncomfortable situations, taking him to places where he is nervous or endorsing a product we would not use.

Registered trademarkHow does Marcel cope with the pressure?
He does not, because I make sure that he never gets pressured to do anything. Photo sessions are kept fun, short, and rewards are key. We ask for regular breaks when filming/shooting and I have cut short or refused jobs when I knew he would not be comfortable or has had enough. At the end of the day, he is a dog and I fully intend to allow him to enjoy being a dog. As for the attention, he loves it and again I just remove him from the situation if it ever gets too much.

What’s your favourite pet product?
We’re lucky enough to get many amazing products to try, including prototypes, so picking one is impossible. His travel essentials are DogRobes drying coats (which doubled as a life-saving cooling coat when we were stuck with extreme temperatures during our summer road trip), Hindquarters leads and dog beds (practical yet super stylish), Hownd’s on the go wipes, Hiro+Wolf’s hands-free lead when I’m on my own with Marcel and the Fish4Dogs squid and salmon treats.

What’s your favourite post?
I only post about things we love (I have a policy to forget about things I would not recommend and always disclose those paid or where we received a free product to feature – I think we owe that to our amazing audience) so all of them really, the travel ones especially.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like to work directly rather than with too many people in between, where communication can get lost. Being honest (both ways) and knowing exactly what is expected and agreeing on that before any campaign or shoot is key. I also like to feel like we and our work are respected, be it the dog’s welfare, our time, or my photography.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
We’re a team that comprises of an adorable and super friendly, well-trained and camera-ready dog, a semi-pro photographer and pet industry specialist, and a Michelin-star-trained chef. We won’t compromise Marcel’s welfare for anything. Working with us will mean we bring our fun, positivity and experience to selected brands or campaigns we will be dedicated to.

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?
There are many but this year’s highlights were helping raise awareness for the amazing work of volunteers at the Therapaws programme (by visiting a hospital’s dementia ward with Marcel for Alzheimer’s month – we ourselves regularly visit hospitals as volunteers), and Marcel being invited to the Chelsea Flower Show by RHS (a first for a dog and a dream come true for me) – his photo [above] ended up on the front page of The Times!

What other blogs do you read?
Most of the other blogs I read are fellow dog-friendly travel and lifestyle blogs (mostly UK or France based) or human travel and food blogs.


Aurélie Four and Marcel Le Corgi feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

JustinRoiland on twitter

When isn’t bad PR, bad PR? When it’s Szechuan sauce

McDonald’s made headline news last week because of a cult cartoon’s obsession with a promotional dipping sauce that was last seen in 1998. But was the lack of Szechuan sauce really a PR disaster? Or was it a stroke of genius worthy of Rick Sanchez Dimension C-137 himself?

*Warning: this post contains references to Rick and Morty – wubalubadubdub*

McDonald’s originally launched the Szechuan sauce for the release of Disney’s Mulan, but season three of Rick and Morty drew a new focus to the ‘delicious sauce’. Rick claimed: ‘it’s what it’s all about’ and he doesn’t care if it takes nine more series to get it back.

Fans were quick to pick up the campaign on social media and this was enough for McDonald’s to leap onto the good PR opportunity, gifting the show’s creator a giant container of the sauce.

Obviously, this fuelled the fanbase’s desire for what was effectively teriyaki and ketchup mixed together (let’s put that to one side). Keeping its PR cool, McDonald’s was coy, announcing a limited-edition release of the sauce for one day only.

Fans went mad for it, camping outside McDonald’s restaurant locations and travelling hundreds of miles to get a taste. And what happened? McDonald’s didn’t supply enough – some locations had none and many more had a measly 20 samples.

Who the squanch believes this was anything but a carefully choreographed strategy? Are we really expected to think THE fast-food giant couldn’t organise enough sauce deliveries?

The ‘disaster’ hit headline news around the world, as people were left disappointed by not having enough of a McDonald’s product. How would you feel if your product or service was in the news because people couldn’t get enough of it? Probably pretty good.

And what did McDonald’s do next?

That’s right, as an ‘apology’ it’s making the sauce more widely available so fans can get it everywhere. Bravo McDonald’s, bravo.

So how can you Get Schwifty like McDonald’s? Follow these simple rules:

  1. Track mentions of your brand on and offline – if McDonald’s hadn’t been aware of Rick and Morty’s fandom’s desire for Szechuan sauce, this would have been dead in the water. Make sure you have the best monitoring available so you don’t miss a single opportunity.
  2. Don’t be afraid to engage with your audience – speaking to fans and responding to their demands is one of the main purposes of social media for brands; get stuck in and have fun with it.
  3. Approach the right influencers first – McDonald’s sent the product to Justin Roiland, co-creator of the show and voice of leading characters Rick and Morty. Don’t know who your influencers are? Get a database that does the work for you.
  4. You’re allowed to have ‘bad press’ – McDonald’s aced this situation by undersupplying the promotional product. There’s very few ways this could have backfired – if no one had claimed the sauce then it wouldn’t have mattered. You shouldn’t be worried about your fans wanting more, this gives you all the power. And if the media thinks you’ve made a mistake? Ride it out, all the press does is make you seem more desirable.
  5. Give the people what they want – McDonald’s has now made moves to make the sauce available for everyone. If it had remained elusive, they could have pushed fans away. It moved quickly to ‘rectify’ the ‘mistake’ giving the fans their pay off.

No one wants to be a PR Morty, and McDonald’s has shown how easy it is to be a PR Rick. What did you think of McDonald’s stunt? Let us know in the comments below:

Blogger Spotlight: Mark Sanders, Adventures of Monty Dogge

Monty is a large white-and-black Newfoundland dog which has inspired his owner Mark Sanders to start a blog and Facebook fan page written from the perspective of Monty Dogge. This year Monty and Mark even released their own children’s book based on his adventures, entitled I’m Not a Pandacow. Recently featured in our first Top 10 Pet Blog ranking, we spoke to Mark about the blog, how Monty Dogge literally stops traffic and some of the campaigns that they have worked on so far. 


How would you describe your blog? 
Life According to Monty Dogge is a light-hearted look at life through the eyes of a huge Newfoundland dog. He shares his insight and wisdom on things such as ‘hoomans’ and how odd they can be, and other dog breeds, particularly ‘Cockeyed Spangles’ who he has to share a home with. He also enjoys interviewing famous people and asking them the questions others may fear to raise. He is a keen poet (he is in fact the self-styled poet, Newfiette) and regularly shares his prose with his admiring public. 


Why did you start your blog? 
The blog was started originally because Monty was such a difficult puppy that it was felt he needed another way to express himself rather than trying to eat the postman or chew through walls. That is all behind him now and he is a pillar of the community, as a mascot for the charity Shoulder to Soldier – having helped raise over £30,000 for the Poppy appeal over recent years, as well as his other charity work and his visits to schools and nursing homes. 


What’s it like having a famous pet? 
I am known as Monty’s dad and I regularly have to stop so that people can say hello. Most of our post is addressed to Monty Dogge and photographers constantly want to move me out of the picture… Despite this I’m not bitter… honestly! 


How does your Monty cope with the pressure? 
Monty takes everything in his massive stride. He blogs live from Crufts every year and meets literally hundreds of people, but nothing fazes him. He can sleep through a school assembly and recently, at Edinburgh fringe, all of the performers sat down as everyone was crowding around Monty. He just turns to face the cameras and when he’s had enough, he has a nap. 


What’s your favourite pet product? 
His favourite pet product has to be Angell Petco fish treats. Monty won’t do so much as shake a paw but if you have one of these in your hand, well… he’s like puppy in your hands. 


What’s your favourite post? 
We have so many favourite posts, but one I particularly remember is when Monty stopped the traffic in York City Centre, as one by one twenty Japanese tourists posed with Monty, while the other 19 took photos – from the middle of the main road in the city centre! 


How do you like to work with PRs? 
Monty loves working with anyone that makes him more famous. He likes everyone, especially if they have treats. 


What one thing should PRs know about you? 
PRs should know that Monty can be a bit of a diva sometimes and if things are taking too long he will sleep, anywhere and anytime. 


What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?  
Our first children’s book, I’m not a Pandacow, has been very memorable as we had the opportunity to travel the country. However, according to Monty Dogge, Crufts is always special. 


What other blogs do you read?  
I like idreambooks and often dig into that when I have time. 


Mark and Monty Dogge feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Blogger Spotlight: Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger, Katzenworld

Katzenworld is a Top 10 Pet Blog which is written by a group of international friends who all share a love of cats. As well as being a source of adorable cat pictures, humorous stories and mishaps, the blog is home to interesting content including research, news from around the world and product reviews (reviewed by the cats themselves) for your feline friends. We spoke to one of the blogs writers Marc-Andre about what it’s like to run a pet blog, why they decided to start it and the campaigns that they’ve worked on. 


How would you describe your blog?
Katzenworld is all about being a fun and informative place that promotes all things cats. Our goal is to unite the cat-loving audience of the world to come together and share their stories with each other, while promoting important cat welfare topics. 

Why did you start your blog?
It all started over a board game one evening at my place back in 2014. My partner Iain and I had just adopted two shelter cats (Oliver & Nubia) from the Celia Hammond Trust, and as Yuki was already looking after her own cats, the evening soon turned into a great discussion about cats. Back then there weren’t many community-focused online publications so a plan was developed to change all that! 

Many readers wonder where our name came from. Well, I’m German, and Katzen means Cats, so in English the blog means “Cats World” though many people think it means Cat Zen World! 

What’s it like having famous pets?
It’s fun! We are always amazed at how many people know the stories of Oliver & Nubia and we’ve even met some people at events that have named their own cats after ours.


How do your pets cope with the pressure?
Very well. Nubia thrives on her many photo shoot moments and knows exactly how to pose for the camera whenever we need her for an event post or a product review! 

What’s your favourite pet product?
Ah that is a difficult one as there are so many great products out there! I’d say we’d have to pick a few here.  

For pet food, our favourite product has to be Almo Nature, as their food addresses the carnivore needs of our pets – plus the brand has a great ethos on animal welfare (both pets and wildlife alike). 

For cat toys, it’s the 4cats catnip and Valerian Toys, as not only are they hand-finished in Germany and use a secret organic catnip mix that works on more cats than others, but they too have a great brand ethos and support local and international cat charity projects. 
Lastly, we think that the Kiki cat cave is one of the most unique cat caves we’ve ever trialled that not only fits perfectly into a stylish home, but also addresses the specific needs of cats at the same time. 

What’s your favourite post?
Our favourite post was the collaboration with International Cat Care on where to stroke a cat. This was a fun research study and taught us and our readers alike much about cats! The post was read by more than 100,000 people in a single month across our blog and news apps, so we think our audience may agree on our choice here.


How do you like to work with PRs?

For us it’s all about working as partners! We ideally like to work with PRs that understand what we are about and work for or on behalf of a brand that’s looking for a long-term brand partnership. Of course, we are open to short term campaigns as well, but we do thrive on the long-term work. 

What one thing should PRs know about you?
The blogger team and I run the blog as a hobby to bring the best in cat news and cat products to our audience. For us, the well-being of our feline companions and their wild cousins is the most important aspect of what we try to promote and achieve through our blog. 

What’s the most memorable campaign you’ve worked on?
I think the most memorable campaign has to have been our work with the Ebony Horse Trust and James Bowen to help raise awareness and funds for the charity. It was great to help them spread the word, find additional collaboration partners for them to increase their fund raising and of course to meet James and Bob “backstage”. 

What other blogs do you read?
My favourite blogs out of the list of blogs I follow are: Cat Wisdom 101, Cat Chat with Caren and CodyI Have CatThe Conscious Cat and LoveMeow. 


Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger and Katzenworld feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

the rise of the parenting blogs

The rise of the parenting blogs

Vuelio’s UK Bloggers Survey revealed there’s been a steep rise in parenting bloggers, the category now making up 29% of all bloggers in the UK. This is a marked rise from 2016, when only 16% of parenting bloggers were focused on parenting.

So what’s going on?

One possiblity is that a lot of the new parenting bloggers were already established in other fields and have since had children – shifting their focus to parenting. We know from the study that 43% of bloggers are aged between 25-34 and in the UK the average age of having your first child is 30.4 years.

Bloggers are also mostly female (78%) and many parenting blogs are started during materntity leave to find a new community of understanding people online that can share day-to-day struggles. It’s not just for mums, dads also find comfort in a community and the knowledge they’re not alone.

For many, finding the community but not the right answers is a big impetus to start a parenting blog. Elliott Rae, founder and editor-in-chief of (MFF) said: ‘I started MFF when my daughter was three months old, on New Year’s Day in 2016. I had loads of questions about fatherhood and wanted to hear about others’ experiences.

‘There was nowhere online that I felt I could read or discuss all the questions I had, so I started MFF to provide that space.’

Jo Middleton, author of top parenting blog Slummy Single Mummy, joined Vuelio for a webinar discussing the Survey results, and she believes that a visible group of successful parenting bloggers are encouraging a new generation to start. As a new mother on maternity leave, seeing bloggers can be sent products and paid to write reviews is an attractive proposition.

Jo has seen a rise in the professional blogger, those who start blogs with the intention of making it commercial from the beginning. This is also reflected in the Survey results, which reveal there has been in a rise in both those making money from their blogs and those intending to in future.

Sometimes a clever solution to a parenting problem can encourage bloggers to start. Jo Addison, who writes Kiddieholidays, said: ‘I’d recently had a baby and struggled to find somewhere to go on holiday which was suitable for babies. I was looking for somewhere that had loads of baby equipment, lots to do in the local area for young children and didn’t cost a fortune, but I couldn’t find many places. Then I had the idea about Kiddieholidays.

‘I want the site to match up amazing baby and toddler friendly destinations and accommodation with parents who are looking for ideas about where to go.’

One of the biggest reasons we’re told parenting bloggers start is they want a way to document their child or children growing up. Tim Liew, who writes Slouching Towards Thatcham, is a typical of this, he said: ‘So much of the early years of parenthood focuses on the big ‘firsts’: first word, first step, first day at school and so on. I also wanted to document all the little moments and observations that otherwise get lost in the mists of time. Bearing in mind this was back in 2008, it didn’t really occur to me at the time that parent blogging or dad blogging could become a ‘thing’. Now, it definitely is!’

Whether this rise in parenting bloggers will continue is difficult to predict, especially when considering the growing number of lifestyle bloggers and the popularity of ‘alternative sharing platforms’ like YouTube and Instagram. Either way, the Vuelio Bloggers Survey in 2018 will reveal all the answers.

Storytelling with Vuelio Canvas – WEBINAR

Looking for a creative way to tell a story? 

Whether you’re helping your team make sense of ongoing news, pitching a client, or reporting on a campaign or an event, curating content from a range of channels is a daily chore for most.

Visualising and presenting this data can be a daunting task, but we have just the tool to help you nail yours!

Join us on 24 October 2017 at 11am to learn how you can bring your presentations to life with Vuelio Canvas. Impress your boss, co-workers and clients by transforming your data and content into engaging stories. We will show you how you can bring together individual elements from millions of media sources, be it news stories, social media activity, charts, PDFs, video or audio files into beautiful presentations made in seconds.

Stop wasting time on old fashioned spreadsheets and emails and transform the way you present your PR. Save your spot for our next webinar now! Even if you can’t make the live broadcast, we’ll send you a recording after it airs.

Webinar: Storytelling with Vuelio Canvas
Date: Tuesday 24 October 2017 
Time: 11:00 am BST



Blogger Spotlight: Antonia Ludden, #tidylife

Antonia Ludden is the Top 10 Interior Design Blogger behind #tidylife. Antonia was inspired to create her blog back in 2012 after following US bloggers and their DIY, home organising and décor blogs. We spoke to Antonia about transforming rooms, being inspired by bloggers and working with PRs.

How would you describe your blog?
#tidylife is the place to discover all the latest UK home interior design trends and ideas, lush homeware and lifestyle inspiration.

Why did you start your blog?
Five or six years ago, I began searching for home improvement inspiration online and was finding lots of blogs from the USA but not many equivalent UK blogs. So, I thought I would give it a try myself.

Whats your favourite thing to blog about?
I love to style products and there’s also something exciting about revealing a finished project; I love a good ‘before and after’ when a room has been transformed and think readers enjoy that sort of thing too.

How do you manage your photography?
I get reasonable pictures with my Nikon – set to auto mostly, but would like to develop my photography skills. I am considering working with a photographer in the future to produce some magazine-worthy shots.

Whats your favourite interior?
I like dark moody interiors as well as light, bright modern spaces.

What or who are your biggest inspirations?
Fellow bloggers and Instagrammers mainly.

What makes your blog successful?
Perhaps because it has been going a while, I’ve been blogging consistently since 2012.  I also like to share achievable interiors and design inspiration on a budget, plus I am adding more lifestyle content at the weekends for something different.

How do you like to work with PRs?
It makes things so much easier when a PR is clear about their expectations. Getting a brief sent through with deadlines, social media hashtags to use etc. is really helpful.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I am flexible and open to creative ideas!

What other blogs do you read?
The first blog I discovered was IHeart Organizing and I still like to look in on it from time to time. I enjoy reading the blogs of people who have become friends through blogging and am starting to dip into more beauty and fashion blogs as well as the home interior ones.

Antonia Ludden is just one entry in the market-leading Vuelio influencer database, which has thousands of bloggers, influencers, journalists, editors and media outlets. Find out how to reach them all here.

Carl Thompson blogger

Blogger Spotlight: Carl Thompson

Carl Thompson is a Top 10 Men’s Lifestyle Blogger with his eponymous blog. Created to document his personal style and promote his menswear label Carl Thompson covers grooming tips, cocktails and travel. We caught up with Carl to talk about FSTGLFFC, modern man, the iPhone changing marketing and how he likes to work with brands.

How would you describe your blog?
The blog is really an evolution from my menswear label ‘Hawkins & Shepherd’ that I launched back in August 2013. I like to think the site is a reflection of my personal interests. I often describe it as an amalgamation of fashion, style, travel, grooming, lifestyle, fitness & food content. Which is a bit of a mouthful but unfortunately FSTGLFFC is a rather rubbish and convoluted acronym.

Why did you start your blog?
To begin with I was looking to drive more traffic to my menswear label, but it soon became apparent that the blog was developing into something separate and deserved its own platform. I wanted to talk about things other than fashion such as travel, cars etc. and Carl Thompson the blog became an extension of Carl Thompson the person. I’m really proud of the way the blog looks now.

What are the latest trends in men’s lifestyle we should be aware of?
I actually get this a lot, and it may sound funny but I’ve never been one to follow trends. I once heard David Gandy speak about the same thing in an interview, that trends are so fast and disposable that if you try and keep abreast of them all it will send you slowly round the bend. Also, lifestyle is a huge encompassing word; interior design is lifestyle, fashion is lifestyle, whisky is lifestyle. I suppose if I was to pick out any trends I know that male skincare and male grooming is getting spoken about a lot. Men are even getting into making their own moisturiser which was unheard of 5-10 years ago.

Male grooming is nothing new, it’s been around since Ancient Egypt and the Early Crusades, but it’s certainly proliferated with the likes of social media making it the zeitgeist of men’s lifestyle.

How does the modern man compare to men of the past?
It really depends on how you’d like to pigeon-hole the modern man. Certainly, our views on masculinity have changed, say from the 60s. If you think that Sean Connery was a body builder back in his day. His physique more than his thespian skills landed him the role of James Bond. Compare a 60s’ Sean Connery to a modern day Daniel Craig. A nice juxtaposition on Ursula Andress coming out of the water in Dr No was to have Daniel Craig coming out the water in his trunks in Casino Royale.

My point is, how we compare modern men to men of the past is heavily dependent on how we view not only masculinity, but varying degrees of masculinity. I mentioned David Gandy earlier who is the embodiment of elegant or refined masculinity then on the other end of the scale you have Connor McGregor, who many see as rugged masculinity. It’s an interesting question, one that has many facets though.

What’s going to be the next big trend in men’s lifestyle?
It might sound obvious but we’ve recently seen the introduction of the iPhone 8, which has integrated facial recognition technology. This will mean that people will likely be making more payments with confidence on the phone rather than on a desktop or tablet. I’ll be interested to see how men’s lifestyle reacts, how brands will move over to this technology sector where everything will be dictated by your mobile phone. I hope I don’t sound like a conspiracist; I have nothing against Apple. But they’re very clever, they don’t do a lot of advertising because the media goes nuts over them anyway and they’re very  determined, like Facebook, to have you do everything through their platform, whether that’s buying that new sectional leather sofa or downloading the latest style app. I think brands will be more mindful than ever on how they market themselves online.

Carl Thompson with his french bulldogWhat one thing could you not live without?
Ha, my Apple 8. Only kidding. My phone is king in my life but I’m also nuts about my coffee maker. I once heard that Beethoven counted out his coffee beans, I’m not that anal but I recently upgraded my coffee machine to a KRUPS Espresso Automatic Series. I’ve successfully climbed the ranks to reach ‘Coffee Snob’ status through years of purchasing substandard freeze dried crap, pre-ground coffee beans in cafeterias and capsule coffee machines. It also costs a king’s ransom so I’d be very sorry to see it go.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I’m lucky enough to know a lot of people within the PR world. I like to try and think from their perspective what do they want from me. The answer is numbers. They like to see a return on their investment for their client whether its stats, exposure or some really decent imagery.

It’s a real treat for me when my blog receives certain accolades. It’s not just a badge of honour that looks good on the site or in the email signature, it’s great for the PR companies too as they get to show it to their clients. It means they’re picking the right influencers to promote or endorse their brand.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
I’m going to mention the one I did with HomeSense. Most probably because it’s fresh in my mind, but it was also a lot of fun as I got to include my beloved French Bulldog Charlie. It was fun to play around with as it centred on a home interior theme, but themed for dogs. Charlie had a good time, he got some new toys and I just remember that being a fun day and they’re a good brand to work with.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I get to the point on the email. I’ve been told I’m a lot nicer in person than I am in email threads, but when you have an inbox like mine you don’t always have time to fluff around with niceties and holiday chat etc. I like to be clear, concise and I think everyone benefits from that.

What other blogs do you read?
This should be the time when I list all the cool blogs and mention other great bloggers doing amazing work. Truth is, I only read a handful of blogs. I like the obvious ones like the Mr Porter Journal, I keep an eye on Fashion Insight for product launches and PR updates. For photography & editorial inspiration my first stop would be Toni Tran at, Ali Gordon at for his style & creativity, then there’s a guy I follow who runs a site called Human Research, he likes to run his mouth and on occasions and can be controversial but I like that.


Carl Thompson appears on the market-leading Vuelio influencer database along side thousands of other bloggers, influencers, journalists, editors and media outlets. Learn more about Vuelio’s solutions


PR pros on the rise, journalists in decline

The latest report from the Office of National Statistics on employment by occupation shows the number of journalists has declined year-on-year by nearly 11,000 across both employed and self-employed journalists, editors and professional bloggers working full and part time.

For PR professionals, the number has risen by just over 5,000, again across both employed and self-employed full and part time staff.

The number of journalists in the UK between April and June 2017 was 72,908. That breaks down further into 52,723 employed by organisations with an 80/20 split between full and part time staff; and 20,185 self-employed with a 60/40 split between full and part time.

For PRs, they are still behind the number of journalists by some margin with just 54,301 in 2017. There is also a much higher proportion of PR professionals in employment with 48,447 employed by an organisation as opposed to just 4,968 self-employed. Of those employed, there’s an 80/20 split between full and part-time staff. The same breakdown is unavailable for those that are self-employed.

Year-on-year the biggest decline is to the self-employed sector – for both journalists and PRs. Journalists shed 14,000 self-employed and PR lost 4,000 self-employed professionals. Both actually rose in terms of those employed by an organisation suggesting the trends aren’t so stark; journalism just had more self-employed to shed.

Across every industry in the country though, this trend doesn’t continue as the self-employed workforce marginally increased in number (as did the total workforce overall).

The report also reveals the male and female split:

Journalists PR Professionals
Male 39,051 17,968
Male % 54 33
Female 33,857 36,333
Female % 46 67

As this shows, the journalism industry is much more closely balanced when it comes to gender, which makes the recent WIJ report on the lack of women on front page bylines even more concerning.

The PR industry is much more female-heavy, a trend which has actually become more pronounced since 2016 – as male staff numbers have declined and female staff numbers have increased. It is unclear why men are leaving the profession and whether the industry can do more to encourage a balance.

What do you think about gender divide in our industries? Let us know in the comments below.

Want to know how to contact all the journalists, editors and bloggers working in the UK? Check out our Media Database. 

interior design blogger

Blogger Spotlight: Jen Stanbrook, Love Chic Living

Jen Stanbrook is the Top 10 Interior Design Blogger behind Love Chic Living. Jen posts advice on how to easily transform a room, improve your living space with the help of interior design trends, or add a bit of colour. Love Chic Living is a finalist in this year’s Vuelio Blog Awards. We caught up with Jen to talk about room makeovers, working with PRs and having integrity.

How would you describe your blog?
Love Chic Living is a home and interiors blog showcasing inspirational yet achievable design for a family home. It’s evolved a lot over the last five years, responding to my readers and my own tastes too. As my skills as a blogger have developed I’ve been able to feature more diverse and interesting posts, reacting to the market and readers’ demands.

Why did you start your blog?
I started the blog as a platform for my love of home and interiors. I’d always wanted an interiors shop but a young family meant that was a little out of my reach at the time, so writing a blog about all my ideas was the next best thing. And I’m still here almost six years later doing exactly the same thing.

What’s your favourite thing to blog about?
My favourite blogging topic has to be room makeovers. They’re the most popular with readers too. They’re hard work and don’t necessarily come around very often but when they do, they make a very satisfying blog post. Brands are also now much more creative in the way they like to collaborate, and I love the way there’s always something new and fresh to work on for me and my readers.

How do you manage your photography?
It’s taken me a long time to get better at photography, but I’ve done a few courses and slowly improved my camera, lenses and setup. There’s always room for improvement of course, and I’m constantly learning how to get the best shot that shows the setting or products off to their best advantage.

What’s your favourite interior?
I’m really pleased with my recent living room makeover. Like other bloggers and stylists I’ve embraced the dark wall and tried it out in my own home. I wanted to show people how it could work and what it looks like in an ordinary home. I think readers really respond to that, I know I do.

What makes your blog successful?
Good question! Honesty, integrity and keeping it real. I hope I achieve those aspects in most of the posts I create, whilst also giving a little bit of me too. After that, it’s just relentless hard work, staying relevant and developing ideas, skills and features to keep things fresh. It’s exceptionally competitive so it’s important to do your own thing, and focus on the things you love rather than watching what others are doing.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I love working with PRs and brands on a long term basis. I like clear, honest information from PRs, creative campaigns and realistic budgets and timescales. I’m professional and straightforward to deal with and enjoy those qualities in PRs and the projects they run. I have a lot of contacts that come back to me multiple times for further projects, which is incredibly satisfying.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
My inbox is never ending! I endeavour to reply to emails quickly but it’s not always possible so don’t chase me 24 hours after your first email if you’ve not heard back from me. I read all of them, and answer most. Eventually.

What other blogs do you read?
I read all the fabulous interior blogs I can of course, including more established and newer, up and coming. I also read a few lifestyle and beauty blogs. I’d read more if I had more time!

Jen, Love Chic Living and thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database. Find out how you can reach them all here

Robot handshake

Will AI make you better at PR?

Artificial Intelligence is very much in the zeitgeist – building on 2016’s love of #BigData, AI is now the industry buzzword and it’s already making us better at PR.

We haven’t quite reached the level of Skynet (yet), but AI grows smarter every day, making our digital lives more personalised and data more understandable. It’s also everywhere –  from custom adverts across your online journey (ever felt like that product was following you?), to search engine results relying on natural language processing to serve up what you were actually looking for.

Aaron Cohen, writing for VentureBeat, claims AI will soon make us all PR superheroes. He points out that from identifying crises before they become pandemics to improving the way we speak, AI has the power to radically enhance our day-to-day activities.

And for those that fear AI will take over, Cohen points out there’s a slim chance we’ll be replaced by machines. According to Will Robots Take My Job?, PR specialists only have an 18% chance of being replaced by AI. Thankfully being excellent at PR requires too much creativity and humanity, which can never be replaced by 1s and 0s.

AI has already begun to make the life of a PR easier; Vuelio uses AI to link your contacts with their output via media monitoring, and allows you to track all of your stakeholder interactions with our powerful CRM. Not to mention all the cool things it does with distribution, analysis and data presentation.

As with any job, there are things PRs like doing and things PRs have to do. Don’t waste time on public relations, allow AI into your life to take on the necessary but dull jobs, while you focus on what’s important – building relationships and managing reputations.

And for those still not keen on AI, I’ve got bad news. Artificial Intelligence is coming (sorry Elon Musk), and we all need to embrace it. Make sure you know how AI can help you day-to-day and you too can be a PR superhero. Decide it’s just a passing fad and you’ll be left behind.

We all remember Blockbuster, right?

The Dapper Chap

Blogger Spotlight: Adam Tanous, The Dapper Chapper

The Dapper Chapper is a Top 10 Men’s Lifestyle blog written by a team led by founder Adam Tanous. The Dapper Chapper covers an eclectic mix of men’s lifestyle and fashion advice, with updates on the latest apparel, luxury cars, fitness, places to go and must haves. We spoke to Adam about his love of whisky (hint hint), pocket squares and his transition from a PR making his PR relationships excellent.

How would you describe your blog?
The Dapper Chapper is a men’s lifestyle blog with writers based across the UK. Our aim is to see every man have the confidence to explore their own individual style, no matter their taste or budget.

Why did you start you blog?
I was working as a sports PR and my reasoning was two-fold. Firstly, my weakest PR skill was press release writing, so I started The Dapper Chapper as a creative space to improve my writing. I found it far easier to write about topics I am passionate about and I quickly improved. Secondly, I wanted to be involved with, and gain access to, a lifestyle that I was genuinely interested in. I’ve always loved sports and fashion, so The Dapper Chapper was my route into the latter.

What are the latest trends in men’s lifestyle we should be aware of?
We obviously remain as cutting-edge with our content as possible but we take fashions and trends with a pinch of salt. We tend to try and focus on brands that boast timeless style and if there’s a modern twist, even better.

How does the modern man compare to men of the past?
I believe men are more aware of various aspects of their lifestyle that previously may have been overlooked, from grooming to styling. I think different industries, like grooming for example, have done a far better job of expanding into the mainstream. The fashion industry has a bigger job to do and I think things like London Fashion Week Men’s haven’t resonated with the masses yet, hence why the blogosphere is so crucial.

What’s going to be the next big trend in men’s lifestyle?
Every other day we’re emailed about a new athleisure brand and lots of them are really good. Mainstream brands are also releasing athleisure collections too which reflects the demand. On the other side, gin is very much in. I’m drinking Martin Miller’s Westbourne Strength at the moment, I recommend you do to.

What one thing could you not live without?
I wouldn’t want to live without a pocket square, but I suppose I’d just about survive without one, so I’d say my Apple Mac. It was hacked a few weeks ago and it’s genuinely scary to realise how much I rely on it every day.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I used to be a PR so I found this transition very easy. I read all the time about PR horror stories but the ones I deal with regularly are first class.

What’s one of your favourite collaborations?
We’ve had some amazing collaborations, we’ve worked with The Royal Exchange, Jaguar, Clements and Church, Oris and The Jockey Club on some amazing projects that have taken us everywhere from backstage at the British GP to parties in Basel. But, if I have to pick one, I think it would be our takeover of Maserati GB’s Instagram account.

I love Maserati and was really proud of that partnership, it was blogger/brand cross-pollination at its finest. Not many people know this but I actually broke my leg 48 hours before the shoot. The team pulled together and we produced 20 images to take over the brands account for August.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
We’re very PR-friendly but if you send a generic email, it won’t be read. Also, I like Whisky, particularly from Islay.

What other blogs do you read?
Men’s lifestyle blogging is now really strong and we’re proud to be part of that. I think MenswearStyle produce good blogs with genuine takeaways and I also have a lot of time for bloggers attached to Individualism, most of whom create effortlessly cool content.

Adam Tanous and The Dapper Chapper features on the marketing-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Table about broadcasters

Broadcasters criticised for lack of diversity

The latest report from Ofcom has revealed that women, ethnic minorities and disabled people are all under-represented by broadcasters.

The report, Diversity and equal opportunities in television 2017, has led Ofcom to call for more diversity among broadcasters, with a particular focus on the BBC who should be ‘leading the way’.

Channel 4 is currently the most diverse channel with 59% female employees, 18% ethnic minority employees and 11% disabled employees. The equivalent staff breakdown at the BBC is 47% female, 13% ethnic minority and 4% disabled.

By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds. Ofcom is currently reviewing all the responses to its draft operating licence for the BBC, and will finalise the licence in the autumn.

Ofcom also discovered that many broadcasters don’t know their staff make-up, with poor monitoring widespread.

To improve diversity across the industry, Ofcom has announced a series of measures it plans to implement. They include changing the way it monitors broadcasters, holding broadcasters to account in line with their licences and even taking action against broadcasters who fail to provide the required data. On this occasion, 57 licensees failed to respond to the request for information before the deadline, and as such the regulator has begun enforcement action.

Sharon White, Ofcom’s chief executive, said: ‘Television is central to the UK’s cultural landscape, society and creative economy, and we believe that creativity in broadcasting thrives on diversity of thinking.’

Ofcom announced three measures which all broadcasters should take as a starting point to increase diversity:

  • Broadcasters should regularly measure and monitor the make-up of their workforce
  • Ofcom expects broadcasters to set clear diversity targets so their employees more accurately reflect the society we live in
  • Diversity transformation should be led from the top. We want chief executives to be accountable for delivery against their diversity targets

Across the whole of the UK, women make up 51% of the population, ethnic minorities make up 14% and those with a disability make up 18%.

Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

Blogger Spotlight: Louise Baltruschat, Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

Louise Baltruschat is the Top 10 Wedding Blogger behind Whimsical Wonderland Weddings. Whimsical Wonderland Weddings provides beautiful photography promoting eye-catching features, accompanied by real life stories. We caught up with Louise to talk about what makes her blog successful, the latest wedding trends and working with brands.

How would you describe your blog?
Whimsical Wonderland Weddings is a welcoming, friendly and stylish space on the internet to assist in planning a day which represents each couple totally. Our ethos is all about focusing not on trends but on allowing a couple to express themselves through their wedding.

With a focus on real weddings in the UK, which are utterly gorgeous, we only feature the best photography the wedding industry has to offer and here in the UK we really are spoilt for choice with talented photographers. We also feature weekly international features and styled shoots for an array of ideas and destinations. We love to share planning advice and ideas too, with expert contributors for real life dilemmas and solutions.

We work with our valued sponsors to connect like minded couples and wedding suppliers through our advertising packages, which are made up of banners, our Supplier Love wedding directory and editorial features as well as our new social media advert options.

Why did you start your blog?
The blog began back in 2010 when I started planning my own wedding. It was a bit of a hobby, sharing my finds and making online connections. It gradually grew into me sharing other weddings and organically built a following over the years. We did cancel our 2010 wedding just six weeks before, due to severe anxiety I was suffering with, but kept the blog going. Don’t worry though – we made it down the aisle in 2015.

Whimsical Wonderland WeddingsWhat makes your blog successful?
I think it’s a combination of many factors. A real passion, addiction and drive to work on something I loved, without making any income. It’s about evolving and developing consistently, for example the move from popularity on Twitter, onto Facebook, then Pinterest and now it’s all about Instagram. Making connections and networking with others in your industry to support and inspire one another is vital. I also think there was a lot of luck with the timing of the start of the blog, there were not as many wedding blogs back in 2010 when I began. Above all it’s about trying again and again, even when there are set backs and hard times. For example, I have two children and didn’t have maternity leave when having my youngest, it was a big decision, but the blog wouldn’t be where it is today without that level of commitment.

What’s the biggest trend in weddings at the moment?
I think authenticity. It’s not too much about the bells and whistles, details and décor. But the feel and atmosphere of a day. Couples are looking more and more at alternative options, which really sing their personality and story. That in itself really brings an authentic feel to a wedding. Not to mention incredible photography and film making to capture it all forever.

In terms of trends in style, greenery and floral backdrops have been huge. As have bohemian style dresses and natural touches. I think this will continue into 2018 too.

What’s going to be the next big thing?
This is a toughie, you never really can predict where couples will go next. There have been copper and marble elements over this year too, which has filtered down from interior and fashion trends. So often it’s worth looking at trends in other industries to see what will affect us.

I think couples, especially in the UK will increasingly be looking for outdoor ceremonies and humanist led ceremonies.

What was the best thing you’ve seen at a wedding?
Ohh I have seen so much over the past 7/8 years. I think it’s just the little moments that really speak volumes. Making time to visit loved ones that can’t be there on the day, that’s such a touching and emotional thing to do. Emotional speeches that have everyone in tears. That feeling of joy captured as a couple exit a ceremony. It’s those intangible moments that mean the most to couples and guests.

Weddings seem seasonal – how much does this affect your blog?
The busiest time for the blog is always at the beginning of the year. It’s following swathes of festive proposals and it’s that time where you say ‘right let’s get cracking with the planning’. Both in terms of couple’s wedding planning and suppliers planning for the year ahead. I love it, there is such a buzz and there is so much excitement in the year ahead.

There are predominately summer wedding features on the blog due to the number of them taking place in the summer months. But we are definitely seeing more and more Spring weddings and the trend for Autumnal weddings really has increased in recent years.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I love hearing from PRs that are inviting us to super fun events and we subsequently share our outings over on Instagram stories. We also work with PRs that represent our sponsors to share all about their latest news.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
We have worked on so many wonderful collaborations. One of my most memorable was the campaign with Lomography back in 2012. It was such a great fit with our readers, both planning couples and photographers. It created such a great buzz.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I’m really friendly and approachable but time efficient. WWW is made up of myself and my assistant Rachel, so we can’t always reply to all of our emails sadly, but we always read them and follow up on those that work for the blog.

What other blogs do you read?
I read a lot of blogs, many wedding blogs and interior/lifestyle blogs. My favourite right now is Roses and Rolltops, as we too are our renovating our home – so love all the interior inspo.

Louise Baltruschat features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Navaz Batliwalla

Blogger Spotlight: Navaz Batliwalla, Disneyrollergirl

Navaz Batliwalla is the Top 10 Fashion Blogger behind Disneyrollergirl. Launched in 2007 while Navaz was working as fashion director at CosmoGirl!, Disneyrollergirl is the go-to platform for insights on the fashion world, through the eyes of an industry insider. We spoke to Navaz about London Fashion Week, fashion trends, collaborations with brands and all the wonderful blogs she reads.

How would you describe your blog?
Disneyrollergirl hasn’t changed that much since I started it ten years ago. It’s still a place to share my informed opinion on goings-on in the fashion, beauty, media and retail industries. I also publish original fashion editorials, films and shopping pages, sometimes in collaboration with selected brands. What’s changed is the community.

I have a great community of likeminded enthusiasts across several platforms so rather than considering just the blog, Disneyrollergirl extends cross-platform to offline including, recently, a style book. I try to keep my focus on the brands that speak to me on a personal level but I’m very interested in emerging movements and product categories. Currently that includes the rise of affordable fine jewellery, non-gendered beauty, positive fashion,  re-commerce and niche fragrance.

Why did you start your blog?
I was working full time as fashion director of CosmoGIRL! in 2007 and simply fell in love with this new, immediate and opinionated way of speaking to likeminded fashion enthusiasts. I had a background working with online communities since contributing to as far back as 1999. In this case I liked the rawness of uploading content in real time and having a direct dialogue with readers.

What are the latest fashion trends we should be aware of?
There is a big growth in women buying luxury jewellery and watches for themselves. It’s no longer just the husbands buying for their wives. So the designers doing well are those creating simple, beautifully-made pieces that are adaptable, that can work from day through to night and can be worn as a signature piece, even if it’s understated.

How does London Fashion Week fit in with your blog?
I attend LFW mainly as part of my freelance work as a fashion writer and editorial consultant. And then I’m happy to support my favourite designers on my platforms as well as keeping my readers up to date on trends. LFW content can be industry news, it can be catwalk highlights (from my personal point of view), consumer-based news (see now, buy now or buying a beauty look straight from the show), or tech innovation such as shoppable social media. I will go to events to support PRs and meet clients but I don’t cover parties or celebs on the site.

What’s going to be the ‘next big thing’ in fashion?
Currently I feel like there’s a real sense of product and content fatigue. I think we’ve all over-consumed so people want a breather. So there’s an interest in slow, considerate fashion, buying things to keep long term, an appreciation of handmade craft or ‘circular fashion’  – i.e. having frequent clearouts via eBay, Depop, Grailed or Vestiaire Collective. Arket will be an interesting business to watch as it’s based around building a wardrobe, not chasing trends.

Content-wise, the ubiquity of social media has caused the downfall of many legacy print magazines. They adopted the same mediocre tone of voice and forfeited their point of view in the process unfortunately. Niche magazines have stepped into that ‘meaningful’ space and are disrupting the traditional magazine market. I imagine a similar thing could happen with blogs and influencers.

Consumers are getting bored of glorified salespeople who don’t seem to have any other interests and the algorithmic changes of popular social platforms has caused disillusion among users.

What makes your blog successful?
I measure success by creative fulfilment and I get that by doing work that interests me. I work to build relationships with brands and PRs that have the right fit to gain access that my readers wouldn’t get otherwise. If you focus on producing editorial that has meaning to you and your readers, rather than successive sponsored posts, then you win the long term game. It hasn’t been smooth by any means but I’m still enjoying it and I’m still here!

How do you like to work with PRs?
I’m a fan of the targeted approach. I like to get to know PRs and their brands over the long term so that there is a mutual understanding. I’m happy to give pure editorial if I’m genuinely passionate about a story. I’m also happy for PRs to send me general info/press releases etc. if it’s a brand/product/category I’ve expressed interest in. I hate being added to generic mailing lists and I instantly unsubscribe! I’m not a fan of being sent unsolicited product – that’s unnecessary and wasteful. The dream is to be asked to collaborate on a multi-platform project that’s well researched with ample  time to deliver quality content. However, I’m equally very used to last minute briefs!

What collaborations are you proud of?
I love the series of Petit Dejeuner shoots and films I have made with filmmaker and photographer Emma Miranda Moore. They celebrate new beginnings and reinvention or interesting morning routines and can be stills shoots or short films. I’m also very proud of my book, The New Garconne: How to be a Modern Gentlewoman, published last year by Laurence King Publishing. I worked with the PRs of my favourite heritage and luxury brands to profile the modern considerate consumer and her approach to style, work and lifestyle.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I’m very much a behind the scenes kind of person and I like the get to the root of a story. So I’m happiest sharing the story of an amazing designer, collection or start-up through words and images, rather than taking outfit pictures of myself.

What other blogs do you read? and The Fashion Law for business insights; Keep It Chic, The Women’s Room Blog and That’s Not My Age for grown up style; Coco’s Tea Party, The Very Simon G and Fashion Foie Gras to keep up with my mates; The Anna Edit and The Lifestyle Edit (not strictly a blog) for life stuff; British Beauty Blogger and Into The Gloss for beauty intel and Style Bubble, What Olivia Did and Peony Lim for eye candy.

Navaz Batliwalla features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

From Bedrooms to Boardrooms, the evolution of blogging

Influencer outreach: From Bedrooms to Boardrooms – WEBINAR

The biggest annual survey into the habits and behaviours of UK bloggers has been published, revealing the industry is professionalising, not all bloggers believe in disclosure and relationships with PRs vary wildly depending on the industry.

A whopping 87% of parenting bloggers have good PR relations, but with politics, that falls to just 17%. How are these PRs getting it so wrong? Or are some sectors just better at influencer outreach?

Who better to talk about working with PRs and all the Bloggers Survey results than Jo Middleton – author of the award-winning Slummy Single Mummy and parenting blogger extraordinaire.

As more and more influencers see blogging as a valid career path, PRs have no choice but to have a clear strategy for handling influencer relations. Jo will reveal how she manages her own excellent relationships with brands and agencies and discuss the future direction of this burgeoning industry.

The webinar: UK Blogger Survey 2017 – the Results, takes place on Tuesday 26 September at 11am. Jo will be joining us live to take you questions throughout the webinar and share some of the secrets of her success.

Click here to register for the webinar. Even if you can’t make the live broadcast, we’ll send you a recording after it airs.