
The Best 14 Bloggers in the UK

The winners of the 2017 Vuelio Blog Awards were revealed at the Bloomsbury Big Top on Friday, 24 November.

Hundreds came together in the fabulous Bloomsbury Big Top to enjoy top entertainment, fire dancers, aerial silk artists, fine dining, the hilarious Ellie Taylor, and the company of the best bloggers in the UK right now! In their third year, the Vuelio Blog Awards continued to show why the UK blogging industry is the world’s best.

With Twitter trends made by guests using over 3GB of data a minute; hundreds of posts; thousands of likes, retweets and hearts; and millions of impressions – the Vuelio Blog Awards proved themselves, once again, as the must attend event of the year.

Congratulations to all of winners from the night:

Best Arts & Entertainment – sponsored by Splento
That Grape Juice

Best PR, Media and Communications Blog – sponsored by Access Intelligence

Best Political Blog – sponsored by PLMR
Guido Fawkes

Best Fitness & Healthy Living Blog
Lunges and Lycra

Best Men’s Lifestyle Blog – sponsored by Jameson
Menswear Style

Best Women’s Lifestyle Blog
Lily Pebbles

Best Food & Drink Blog – sponsored by InterContinental London Park Lane
My Fussy Eater

Best Wedding Blog – sponsored by Sandals Resorts
Rock My Wedding

Best DIY & Interior Design Blog
Swoon Worthy

Best Beauty Blog – sponsored by PZ Cussons Beauty
A Model Recommends

Best Travel and Leisure Blog – Sponsored by Celebrity Cruises
Hand Luggage Only

Best Fashion Blog

Best Parenting Blog – Sponsored by STAEDTLER
Toby & Roo

Best Newcomer Blog
Best Before End Date

And the overall prize, awarded to one category winner from the night who wowed the judges with his original content, professional blogging and unique proposition:

Best UK Blog 2017
Menswear Style

Congratulations to all of our winners, and look out for the official photos from the night which are being compiled as you read!

Here’s to 2018!


As always, the winners of the Vuelio Blog Awards are all listed on the Vuelio Influencer Database

Laura Scott

Blogger Spotlight: Laura Scott, SheHearts

Laura Scott is the blogger behind SheHearts, a luxury lifestyle blog that specialises in beauty, fashion, travel and food. Laura showcases handpicked favourites from each sector with in-depth reviews and quality photography. We spoke to Laura about how her experience as a social media consultant helps with her blog, excellent collaborations she’s worked on and  the importance of Twitter.

Why did you start your blog?
SheHearts started due to my sheer passion for all things beauty, fashion, travel and food combined with my love of photography and creative writing. I brought my interests together along with my professional skill set to ensure that readers came away feeling both visually and editorially inspired.

Another reason is that I simply love helping others when it comes to helping choose places to travel, beauty products to try, and restaurants to enjoy.

Professionally I work as a social media consultant and I’m also a certified photographer, fashion stylist and marketer, so my professional skill set benefits the quality of my blog and brands that I work for.

Can you tell us about your social media consulting?
I have over twelve years’ experience in social media consultancy and it’s something I’m very passionate about. I’ve had the pleasure of working with some truly wonderful brands such as NIVEA UK while they sponsored The Voice on ITV, Monsoon and Accessorise, Celebrity hairdresser Stuart Phillips, and many others.

I love helping brands create personalised strategies to boost their social media performance, and just like SheHearts, everything I do is highly personalised. I always ensure I help brands create unique and personalised social media strategies to help maximise their brand’s online voice.

Want to work with influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in beauty, fashion, travel, food & more.

Which social platforms are most important for your blog?
Before starting my blog, I started off on Twitter which is something that’s incredibly important to my blog. Social media is all about engagement and developing relationships online; I love the people I have met and friendships developed through Twitter and also through my blog.  Twitter is my favourite social media platform in general because it’s so simple to use and an effective way to continually engage on a daily basis, I love it.

Instagram is also important especially for travel photography, I love showcasing images of beautiful places I visit.

SheHeartsWhat advice would you give other bloggers looking to be successful on social media?
To simply be yourself, talk about things you personally love and engage with your following. Develop relationships with others and always be genuine. Kindness is something which is incredibly important when it comes to social media.

Remember your blog is your brand, it’s so important to be yourself and be passionate about what you talk about. It’s important to start a blog out of sheer passion and enthusiasm.

You cover a diverse range of content, is it a challenge combining it all?
Not at all, the topics I cover all tie in nicely together underneath the same bracket: a luxury lifestyle.

Approaching things from a generalised luxury lifestyle perspective gives SheHearts readers a variety of things to choose from whenever they visit; I like a slight element of surprise too and creating posts which are slightly different.

How do you like to work with brands and PRs?
Developing relationships with brands and PRS is so important to me, I’ve worked in PR before and I’ve had the pleasure of working with bloggers before I became a blogger myself, so I understand the importance of brand/blogger relationship.

Relationship is the key word here, when working with a brand you feel passionate about, it benefits both brand and blogger, the pieces you create are always passionate.

It’s great to create a personalised piece between brand, PR and blogger to create something unique. That’s something I particularly enjoy so that it benefits both, that’s the beauty of a successful collaboration.

What one thing should brands and PRs know about you?
Delivering high quality content for brands I work for is incredibly important to me. Ensuring I deliver high quality photographic imagery and engaging editorial are aspects I always ensure to deliver when it comes to collaborative project.

Engagement is also something I really enjoy and generating conversation with my readers, bringing them great content excites me and it brings me joy when others enjoy the features that I create for them.

Can you give an example of an excellent collaboration? What made it so good?
There are a few favourite collaborations across my different specialist areas:

Fashion – I always enjoy collaborating with luxury international designer Omar Mansoor; he’s showcased at London Fashion Week International several times and I’ve had the pleasure of showcasing some of his samples straight from the catwalk and onto SheHearts. Interviewing Omar on my blog has allowed me to give features a personalised touch, and allows me and my readers to really get to know him as a designer.

Beauty – One of my favourite beauty collaborations has been with the Charlotte Tilbury team. The brand is very close to my heart as I hired a pro-artist from the Tilbury team to do my wedding day makeup last year, so showcasing her beautiful products on SheHearts really was extra special. Recently I showcased some of my favourite picks from the brand and also products I used on my wedding day. The collaboration was a success as the brand truly understood my vision for the feature and passion for photographic.

Travel – One of my travel highlights this year was a stay at the Abadia Retuerta Le Domaine, a five-star hotel in a restored 12th-century abbey tucked away in the city of Valladolid, Spain. The hospitality during our stay made this such a positive press experience.

FoodCollaborating with The Ritz London was a favourite foodie feature of 2017. The entire experience was incredibly personalised. We enjoyed a VIP tour around The Ritz exploring their private rooms which really was such a pleasure and, of course, enjoying their cocktails and moreish canapés!

What other blogs do you read?
I read a variety of different blogs, one of my favourite lifestyle blogs is A Glass of Ice run by Gabrielle who is also a great friend of mine. We have similar interests and both share a love of photography, fashion, beauty and chocolate! Another blog I enjoy reading is The Style Contour for fashion and great styling tips. For beauty I absolutely adore Kandee Johnson‘s YouTube channel and Lisa Eldridge‘s tutorials. There are just so many!


Laura Scott and SheHearts are just two listings on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

creative food

Blogger Spotlight: Grace Hall, Eats Amazing

Grace Hall is the author of Eats Amazing, a food blog focused on making healthy food fun for kids. With a special knack for getting kids to eat their greens (along with other fruit and veg), Eats Amazing was recently ranked in the Top 10 Food Blogs. We spoke to Grace about creative lunch boxes, mum being the best cook and working creatively with brands like Disney.

How would you describe your blog?
Eats Amazing is all about making food fun for children. Whether it be fun food craft tutorials or easy recipes that children can cook themselves, I create ideas for getting kids and parents engaged with and excited about making and eating healthy foods (with a few treats thrown in too!).

Why did you start your blog?
I originally started Eats Amazing when my oldest son started school as a place to share and record the creative bento style lunches that I was packing for him each day. I was excited about this new way of packing lunches and wanted to share my experiences. Over the years the blog has evolved a lot and although I do still share plenty of advice and inspiration for packing lunches, it’s now the place to go for easy fun food tutorials, totally doable food art and family friendly recipes.

What are the latest trends in food and cooking we should know about?
I don’t tend to keep up very well with what’s trendy to be honest, if it looks fun, I’m usually willing to give it a try, but I’ve never been one to follow the crowd. Having said that, it’s been all about the rainbows and unicorns on the fun food scene this year and I’ve enjoyed creating some really fun recipes inspired by those themes, so I look forward to seeing what 2018 holds!

What will the next big thing be?
I’ve noticed a lot of alternative foods appearing in the news this year, like edible insects, seaweed pasta and lab-grown meat substitutes. People are looking for more sustainable food sources and I think it’s going to force us all to be a bit more adventurous and step outside the box when it comes to our food.

What and where was the best meal you’ve ever had?
Though I love eating out, nothing beats a meal cooked by my mum! I grew up in a busy household as one of seven children but she still managed to create amazing home-cooked meals that we sat down and ate together every day of the week. Our family Christmas dinner has got to be the highlight, it gets better every year!

What’s your favourite ingredient to cook with?
It only takes a quick look at my blog to spot my favourite ingredient – edible candy eyes! Not the most serious of ingredients, but a couple of googly eyes can make anything fun!

bento box for kids

How do you like to work with PRs?
My favourite campaigns are those when I have a lot of creative control so that the branded content fits in perfectly with my usual style. Several of the most popular posts on the Eats Amazing blog were created for brand campaigns – provide me with the inspiration and I’ll run with it!

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I am quite selective in who I choose to work with, only promoting companies that I feel I can truly recommend to my readers. I’m also a bit of a perfectionist so when I do collaborate with brands I make every effort to create the very best content possible for each campaign.

Do you have an example of a great campaign or collaboration you’ve worked on?
One of my favourite campaigns this year was a collaboration with DisneyLife – I created five different family picnics, each themed around a different Disney film, then worked with the PR team to film video tutorials for them all. It was an intense campaign with a lot of hard work all round but I loved every minute of it!

What other blogs do you read?
I love the community to be found around blogging and like to dip into lot of parenting, craft and of course food blogs. My favourite blogs are My Fussy Eater, A Mummy Too, Charlotte’s Lively Kitchen and Le Coin De Mel. They all create fantastic family friendly recipes and showcase them with gorgeous photography in their own individual styles.


Grace Hall and Eats Amazing are both listings on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

stressed man

5 PR mistakes to avoid when sending a press release

Press releases are still a fundamental cornerstone of the PR industry, and while social, digital, events and meetings may yield strong results, the humble press release is here to stay.

PR pros are generally well-practised in the art of sending a press release but there are still common mistakes that can easily be avoided.

1. Don’t be generic
Journalists, editors, bloggers and influencers are already receiving an ocean of content from brands and agencies looking to secure coverage. On top of this, they’ve got their own story agenda – few professionals are just waiting for the next great press release to land on their lap. As such, good content needs to be original, unique and ideally include strong research – at the end of the day people want to read interesting stories and the latest iteration of your office move might not cut the mustard. Your company excels at something, otherwise it wouldn’t be an operating business; tell that story and coverage will come.

2. Don’t forget to know your targets
This ties in with our first point – you need to know your contacts before you send, or your press release will be from a stranger. Good media relations start with knowing your target audience and the right influencers to reach them. The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of contacts across thousands of outlets and includes detailed bios and content topics. Find the right people, give them a call to introduce yourself or, better still, take them out for a coffee (when they’re available) so in future it’s not a stranger pitching to them, it’s a friend.

3. Don’t forget to proof
Any media contact worth their salt will rewrite your press release, use your comments as just part of a feature or expand in their own ways. That said, if your press release has spelling mistakes, uses poor grammar or is just full of unreadable jargon, you may put your journalist contacts off before you’ve started. Keep it simple, and before you send it: proof, proof, proof.

4. Don’t fail to follow up
This doesn’t mean you should call up seconds after pushing ‘Send’ and lead with: ‘Hi there, I’ve just sent a press release…’

Make sure you’re monitoring the content with Vuelio Media Monitoring. That way, if the story is used online, in print or even broadcast, you’ll be able to track all of that coverage in one place. And, if a journalist uses your press release, send them a little note to thank them for the coverage – that lets them know you’re reading their content and also available to help with future stories. And if you’re working on a paid-for campaign with bloggers and influencers, you can ask for metrics to help measure the success of the campaign – work with the bloggers to get your results.

5. Don’t be sales heavy
Your ‘amazing product’ or ‘innovative solution’ is not what a journalist wants to print. The more salesy the press release, the more it will put off a journalist who is looking for a great story for their readers, rather than an advert for your buyers. While a journalist will probably just take these terms out, having too many in will make the whole thing seem like an advert and the journalist could skip it altogether. If you don’t have anything but sales content, then it’s not a press release.


What top tips would you give someone for a perfect press release? Let us know in the comments below:

Binny Shah

Blogger Spotlight: Binny Shah, Binny’s Kitchen and Travel Diaries

Binny Shah is the author of Binny’s Kitchen and Travel Diaries, a blog in which she shares recipes for dishes she loves and restaurants she’s tried. She also travels and writes about the destinations she visits and reviews hotels around the world. We spoke to Binny about getting out of your comfort zone, PRs appreciating quality and the best meal she’s ever had.

How would you describe your blog?
I am a writer, dreamer, serial wanderluster and travel addict and my blog captures my passion for food and memorable travel experiences.

Why did you start your blog?
I was always being asked by friends and family for tips on where to go and which restaurants to eat at, so it made sense to put them all online on one platform. I’ve always had a passion for writing and Binny’s Kitchen and Travel Diaries launched as a creative outlet where I could share my recipes and document my adventures, both in London and internationally, covering events, restaurants, hotels and destinations I have been to.

It’s also like a digital diary for me and I love reading back on some of my earlier posts from time to time and reliving the memories and experiences.

What’s the best thing about being a blogger?
What I love most about blogging is that it has really enabled me to move out of my comfort zone, meet amazing people, make some brilliant friendships and the blogging community is simply amazing. I hope that in five years’ time my blog has made a valuable contribution to the blogosphere and that it continues to inspire people to move out of their comfort zones and to travel off the beaten track and try new things.

What’s your favourite place to travel to?
As I was born in Kenya, it continues to be my favourite destination to travel to and I love discovering new places and sights every time I travel home. I also love exploring Italy and Spain.

Where haven’t you been yet that you’d like to visit?
The destinations at the top of my wish list are Tahiti, Fiji, Anguilla and Santorini.

Want to work with influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in food, travel, lifestyle & more.

What and where was the best meal you’ve ever had?
The best meal I ever had was a BBQ on top of a Catamaran in Mauritius. It was surreal! I also love the Butter Chicken at Jamavar in London, which was recently awarded a Michelin Star. Whenever I am craving Indian food it is 99.9% of time that particular dish.

What makes your blog successful?
I think the key to a successful blog is to be consistent, committed and dedicated to it. It is also wise not to compare yourself to others unless it is to inspire, and to focus solely on growing and improving your blog, finessing your writing style and loving what you do. Personally, I try to blog at least four to five times a week and I have focused on improving my photography as well, which has motivated me to blog and share my experiences even more. I think dedication, commitment and self-focus are the most important factors.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like to establish ongoing relationships with PRs and agreeing upfront what expectations are from both parties every single time. I have been really lucky to have worked with some amazing PRs and I like the fact that PRs are becoming more switched on to quality rather than quantity when it comes to aspects such as follower numbers, content engagement and reliability. I like it when PRs actually read your blog too and so know what kind of content you enjoy collaborating on. I keep in touch regularly with my PR contacts to always keep on top of what is new or coming up in the pipeline.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I love travel, taking my own photos and I don’t accept infographics on my site.

What other blogs do you read?
My favourite blogs to read are SilverSpoon London, Fresh and Fearless, Follow Your Sunshine, Adventures of a London Kiwi and The ZRW.

Binny Shah and her blog Binny’s Kitchen and Travel Diaries are both listed on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

The Money Principle

Blogger Spotlight: Maria Nedeva, The Money Principle

Maria Nedeva created The Money Principle, a blog that aims to help its audience get out of money trouble and build wealth. The blog recently featured on the Top 10 UK personal Finance Blogs. We spoke to Maria about building wealth, the effects of Brexit, her rules for financial health and how she is direct with brands.

How would you describe your blog?
The Money Principle is a blog that helps people leave their money troubles behind by taking them from ‘no money at all’ to ‘building sustainable wealth’.

Why did you start your blog?
I was in financial trouble myself; more specifically, £100,000 worth of consumer debt. Through learning about money and doing, we flipped out finances – in five years we went from £100,000 of consumer debt to £100,000 new investments. We didn’t stop there either.

I started The Money Principle to share what I learned and to support others on their way to financial health and wealth.

What’s the biggest issue facing personal finance today?
I believe that one of the biggest issues in personal finance today, and one that I’m very interested in, is about women and investing. All research shows that women do well when investing but very few of us invest. This is a problem at a time when the future of the state pension is uncertain, more women are on their own and we live longer.

I also believe that this matter is not going to be solved by education. Knowledge can get you far only after the fear and motivation have been taken care of.

How do you think Brexit, once enacted, will affect our finances in the UK?
Ha! This is a good one.

I think that we’ll have a very hard decade or so (and this is optimistic). Brexit will negatively affect our finances in variety of ways including:

  • low pound
  • consequently, all imported goods will be more expensive
  • this will be bad with food (or we can revert to eating mainly root vegetables)
  • inequality in the UK will increase (and poverty as well)
  • crime will rise with it (beyond a level of poverty opportunistic crime rises)
  • education and health will be (predominantly) private and costly
  • we’ll experience labour market gaps (jobs for which our people are either over- or under-qualified)
  • weaker pension funds will fail

This is one of the cases where I really hope that I’m wrong. Getting out of profound economic, social and identity crises is very hard work.

Want to work with influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in finance, business, lifestyle & more.

What piece of advice would you give a young adult in relation to how they manage their money?
Here are The Money Principle rules for financial health:

  • Make sure you don’t waste and remember that frugality is over-rated
  • Pay off all debt before you are in your mid-30s (probably except your mortgage)
  • Earning more is very easy: just remember that it is about contributing value to people’s lives
  • Start investing and don’t be scared. Make use of digital wealth managers and low-cost index funds
  • Do not lust after material things – it is just rubbish that empties your bank account and kills the planet
  • Buy experiences instead – much more satisfying

And the main thing: whatever you choose to do, remember that life is for living with joy.

How do you engage with your readership?
I mainly write aiming to educate and entertain. Sometimes I make videos, but Hollywood is not on the cards!

I also talk to my readers on Facebook and Twitter and I always respond to emails.

What makes your blog successful?
Honesty. This is something I learned from my martial arts practice.

Honesty not only tells my readers that I’m fallible just like them; it also makes me think about things much more deeply so I become better.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I suppose the key is in mutual respect. Here honesty rules again – I only work with brands I love.

What’s the one thing all PR pros should know about you?
No messing about, no ego, no bullsh*t. Just value!

What other blogs do you read?
I read many blogs and am always on the lookout for new ones. I have preference for blogs that focus on big issues in personal finance like paying off debt, money management and investing. I regularly read: Budgets are Sexy, Listen Money Matters, Reach Financial Independence, MonevatorRockstar Finance (which has very good curating), and Miss Thrifty.


Maria and her blog The Money Principle are both listed on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

Miss thrifty blog

Blogger Spotlight: Karyn Fleeting, Miss Thrifty Blog

Miss Thrifty Blog recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Personal Finance Blogs. Written by Karyn Fleeting, the award-winning blog focuses on spending and living well. We spoke to Karyn about the return of fashionable thriftiness, her advice for young adults and why PRs need to get to know her first.

How would you describe your blog?
The Miss Thrifty Blog champions the idea that you can spend less and have more. In other words: you can live within your means, get out of debt and begin saving for the future, without resorting to recycling teabags. My posts tackle all areas of spending, from food and fashion to personal finance.

Why did you start your blog?
When I launched Miss Thrifty in 2008, I was thousands of pounds in debt, but talking about money just wasn’t ‘done’. With the exception of my grandmother, who lived through the Blitz and still makes do and mends, my friends and family had zero interest in hearing about my new passion for making ends meet. So, I began sharing my money-saving tips, tricks and discoveries online instead. As the recession hit, traffic to Miss Thrifty soared. Thriftiness became fashionable again – for the first time since the 1940s.

What’s the biggest issue facing personal finance today?
The pension’s hole and the difficulties facing younger people who want to save. When house prices are going through the roof, rental prices are going the same way; you are saddled with an exorbitant amount of student debt and you are expected to plonk down tens of thousands of pounds for your wedding. What can you – and will you – put aside for your pension?

How do you think Brexit will affect our finances in the UK?
Generally, I avoid writing about politics on Miss Thrifty, because I have found my audience doesn’t engage with that subject on my site. People come to Miss Thrifty to discover good ideas and to cheer up! However, Brexit goes beyond politics, because the financial implications are going to affect so many of us. I think we are going to be in the soup.

What piece of advice would you give a young adult in relation to how they manage their money?
Never borrow against a depreciating asset. Don’t take out a car loan, or pay for electronic goods with a credit card if you can’t pay off the balance immediately.

Struggling to reach influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in personal finance, business, lifestyle & more.

How do you engage with your readership?
I serve Miss Thrifty readers on a variety of platforms. A number of email subscribers communicate with me via email, asking questions and sending ideas. The blog has been around for a long time now, but I always try and reply personally and promptly. Right now, I enjoy engaging with Miss Thrifty readers via Facebook Live. I like the immediacy of it, and the ability to engage with my audience in real time.

What makes your blog successful?
It makes frugality fun and the editorial voice is distinctive. I am not a domestic goddess; nor am I a 1950s housewife. But this, I believe, is where much of the blog’s appeal lies. What really sets the Miss Thrifty Blog apart is its strong, active community of readers, contributors and followers. They range from schoolgirls to great grandmothers. What they share is the love of a good bargain.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I don’t do much with the news releases I get, but I like to work with PRs and their clients on a more meaningful level: brand partnerships and exclusive, in-depth features are more my thing.

What’s the one thing all PR pros should know about you?
I live with my young family, in a modest semi in Greater Manchester. Why am I taking the trouble to point this out? Firstly, if you invite me to your after-work event in London, I probably won’t make it. Secondly, journalists at a women’s magazine once asked if they could come and photograph me in my ‘craft room.’ I was amused by the assumption that I lived in some sort of Pinterest mansion, but had to let them down gently.

What other blogs do you read?
When I started the Miss Thrifty Blog, there weren’t many other UK money blogs around – but now there are lots, and I enjoy reading them. Current favourites include Debt Camel, Be Clever With Your Cash, The Money Principle, Skint Dad and Emma Drew.


Karyn Fleeting and Miss Thrifty Blog are both listed in the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

The Young Money Blog

Blogger Spotlight: Iona Bain, The Young Money Blog

Iona Bain is a freelance journalist and speaker who writes The Young Money Blog. Covering advice for young people’s finances including housing, stocks and pensions, The Young Money Blog recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Personal Finance Blogs. We spoke to Iona about the financial issues facing today’s youth, using valuable research from PR sources and engaging her audience.

How would you describe your blog?
My blog is the first and pretty much only UK blog dedicated to covering young people’s financial problems – what they are, how they came about and what we could do to solve them.

Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog in 2011 when I was 23 because there was no coverage of financial issues that affected young people in the mainstream media at that time. We were entering a new era where teens and 20 somethings faced unprecedented financial problems, from student debt to unaffordable housing, but were getting very little guidance or representation. I used to be a musician and music journalist, but the work started drying up and I moved back home. It was a difficult time. My dad used to be a financial journalist before he retired last year, and he said I could start a financial blog. That way, I would build my confidence around money and possibly help others at the same time. I am very glad I did.

What’s the biggest issue facing personal finance today?
Hopelessness and the feeling of alienation among young people. If we start to think there is no chance of saving any meaningful money or having a healthier relationship with spending, then we are destroying any chance of cementing our long-term financial security AND happiness. It is possible to be frustrated about the status quo and determined to not let it defeat or demoralise you at the same time.

How do you think Brexit will affect our finances in the UK?
I don’t know. I see very little point in speculating about the future. Waste of time. None of us know how things will pan out. Anyone who pretends otherwise is putting on a very good show.

What piece of advice would you give a young adult in relation to how they manage their money?
Don’t get a credit card. If a company offers you one, delete the email, close the webpage, throw the letter in the bin. They’re not worth the huge psychological price you will end up paying throughout your twenties. I don’t have one because I can’t trust myself. We’re only human – credit cards pander to our weaknesses and make us pay dearly for them.

Struggling to reach influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in personal finance, business, lifestyle & more.

How do you engage with your readership?
I am sympathetic to my readers – I’m not constantly telling them what to do. I say, ‘Hey, I get it. Handling money is tough – particularly these days.’

It helps that I’m not an old fogey. But I don’t talk down to readers either. I don’t assume that they’re thick, wrong-headed or easily bored just because they’re young. I don’t write insultingly short blogs in big font with simple words. I try to write the kind of blog I’d like to read – intelligent, witty, thoughtful and insightful. I don’t always succeed but hey, I think people appreciate the effort. I respond to comments and I’m always trying to reflect the zeitgeist, what young folk are thinking and worrying about.

What makes your blog successful?
I think the title says it all. Young Money. It’s simple but it represents something important. Nobody really cared about my generation and its money problems when I started in 2011, bar a few articles/news items here and there. Now we’re starting to recognise that young people need to be listened to, understood and helped when it comes to their money. And I think the blog has become a very visible focal point for that feeling. And it helps that I’m a journalist, applying certain standards to what I write.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like PRs who really understand what journalism is about. Any research or insights have to be commensurate with that. Good PRs think about what the blog is, what it’s trying to do and make a real effort to come to me with something valuable (maybe even something I could use as a freelance journalist).

What’s the one thing all PR pros should know about you?
The blog doesn’t accept advertising or guest posts provided by companies. It’s independent – readers trust that I’m not swayed by commercial considerations. But I am definitely always interested in hearing about genuinely original research or insights into young money issues.

What other blogs do you read?
To be honest, I have massively cut down my online time recently. It was quietly driving me around the bend and dulling my creativity/free-thinking. So, I’m making more time to read offline. Newspapers, The Week…and magical things called books. There are blogs I admire and respect, but in the end, you’ve got to go your own way. That’s the only way you create something original or significant.

Iona Bain and The Young money Blog are both listed in the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

The Money Shed

Blogger Spotlight: Jonathan Gutteridge, The Money Shed

Jonathan Gutteridge is the author of The Money Shed, which recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Personal Finance Blogs. The largest community websites focused on earning money online, The Money Shed helps people find home-based opportunities and shares experiences of making money in the digital world. We spoke to Jonathan about avoiding judgement, engaging his readership, working with PRs and his absolute favourite blogger.

How would you describe your blog?
The Money Shed is the UK’s largest community website dedicated to earning money from home. People can come to our site and instantly find out how to earn £1,000+ a month from home without any trouble. We have a community forum with over 100,000 posts on it as well, which is chocked full of thousands of UK members all talking about how they earn money from home.

Why did you start your blog?
I wanted to create an alternative to MoneySavingExpert. I wanted to create somewhere where people could ask questions and get helpful replies instantly to get them earning money as soon as possible. I wanted to create a culture that wasn’t just advising people to do surveys for pennies but would promote higher paying things such as Web Search Evalulator work or Risk Free Matched Betting .

What’s the biggest issue facing personal finance today?
Judgement. People made decisions a lot of the time because they are right for them at that point in their life. Sadly, that can come with a lot of judgement, either from their family or friends or from the banks. There’s sadly a real culture of looking down on people who are just trying to crawl their way out of debt in the best way they can.

How do you think Brexit, once enacted, will affect our finances in the UK?
Well it’s already affected our exchange rate with the Dollar. I remember working the night of Brexit and literally watching it nosedive as it became clear ‘out’ was going to win. Apart from that I just think it’s too difficult to say at the moment how it will change things financially, heck, not even the Government seem to know!

Struggling to reach influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in finance, business, lifestyle & more.

What piece of advice would you give a young adult in relation to how they manage their money?
Make a spreadsheet. I know it sounds boring to anyone under 40 but visually being able to track where your money is going can really set you up for life. If spreadsheets really aren’t your thing then you can look at using one of the many money tracking smartphone apps around so you can keep on top of things.

How do you engage with your readership?
The forum is the number one place to find me. As the UK’s largest community site dedicated to earning from home, it is always busy but I personally connect with every new user who signs up to get an understanding of what drew them to The Money Shed and what I can do to help get them earning and improve their financial situation. On top of that I would say social media is a biggie, it can feel like you are on a conveyor belt sometimes trying to manage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. all at once but it’s worth it when you connect with people and are able to help them out.

What makes your blog successful?
It’s been featured in The Sun, Daily Mail, The Mirror and all sorts of other places but I wouldn’t say that’s what makes successful. Instead I look at how many lives The Money Shed has been able to change. People have been able to have holidays or even just been able to afford the bills easier thanks to my site once they are shown how easy it is to earn a decent amount from home.

How do you like to work with PRs?
Always, until I get told there isn’t a budget and ‘others’ have worked for free and they sort of expected me to do the same. Lol.

What’s the one thing all PR pros should know about you?
That I don’t work for free but your content will get cross promoted across both our blog AND our forum so you get double the bang for your buck!

What other blogs do you read?
Slummy Single Mummy is probably the only regular one that I read every few days if only because I like to see her latest middle-class japes.


Jonathan Gutterridge and The Money Shed are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

Eva Thompson

Blogger Spotlight: Eva Thompson, Eva and Amelia’s World

Eva Thompson writes Eva and Amelia’s world about the adventures she has with her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Amelia. Recently featuring on the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs, Eva and Amelia’s World reviews style products and accessories. We spoke to Eva about the dog-friendly side of London, Amelia’s love of attention and forming friendships with PR professionals.

How would you describe your blog?
Our blog is very picture based, set with a white and light pink theme. I wanted to create more of a lifestyle magazine feel to it than a classic pet blog – a London lifestyle blog with your dog! We live in Knightsbridge and our blog features snippets of our daily life, where we like to go and so forth. We have had the pleasure of working with many companies since our launch this year and product reviews have taken centre stage! Our Instagram account and blog complement each closely.

Why did you start your blog?
Being a dog owner in London is wonderful as so many places are dog friendly. Particularly when you own a small dog it’s very easy to spend all day out with them in London without being turned away from shops or restaurants. I wanted to share my knowledge of dog-friendly locations with others.

Whats it like having a famous pet?
It’s such a joy! Every couple of days someone recognises Amelia and comes up to us wanting to stroke her. It’s very sweet. Some people have been too shy to come up to us directly and message us on Instagram later on to let us know they saw us today. It’s such an incredibly nice feeling to know people around the world know of Amelia and feel connected to her.

Struggling to reach influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in pets, lifestyle, travel & more.

How does your pet cope with the pressure?
Amelia loves being the centre of attention and meeting new people. As soon as the camera comes out she is excited and ready to pose! I think from her point of view every day is just a fun day of meeting people and receiving treats! Of course, when attending full day events or photoshoots it can be very tiring for both human and hound! We try to split up these long days by playing with her favourite ball and having a cuddle in a quiet spot.

Whats your favourite pet product?
I couldn’t live without our Teddy Maximus carrier. Amelia comes with me everywhere I go and it’s very convenient to have a bag with me for her. Whether it be rush hour on the tube or a bed on the go at a cafe having a stylish carrier makes all the difference!

Amelia in a bag

Whats your favourite post?  
My all-time favourite post is one of my first ones, ‘Valentine’s day with your dog’. This was the first post I had planned in my mind when starting our blog. It is set at Peggy Porschen in Belgravia, which has remained our signature spot.

How do you like to work with PRs?
Getting to work with PR companies is a privilege many don’t get to experience. Forming working relationships is based on trust. I like to be very honest and when this is returned from PR executives it forms a lasting working relationship.

What one thing PRs should know about you?
We are very organised. We like to have a clear idea of what is expected and in what time frame. I firmly believe that when both parties feel comfortable and in the know the relationship becomes more of a friendship.

Whats a memorable campaign youve worked on?
Amelia was chosen to promote the Just Eat Food Festival this year which was great fun! The team had organised a shoot with dog ice cream that Amelia got to enjoy while being photographed this past summer. We both had a fantastic time on set and at the event itself, thanks to her agent Layla at Urban Paws.

What other blogs do you read? 
A personal favourite of mine is South Molton St Style. Anna has an authentic voice you can relate to and Lopez, her adorable little dog, features in her blogs and Instagram alongside her.


Eva and her blog are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

Stranger Things

6 PR lessons from Stranger Things

While you’re probably not fighting the upside down at work, there’s still plenty we can take from the Stranger Things gang to apply to our everyday PR practices.

*WARNING – mild spoilers lurk ahead, though Stranger Things 2 has been out long enough for everyone to have watched it multiple times over. Totally Tubular!*

1. ‘Mornings are for coffee and contemplation’ – Hopper
You’ve probably checked your emails all the way into work, and once you hit your desk you’re swamped – digging your way through your inbox until it once again has some semblance of sanity. When you first get in take a breather, talk to your colleagues and plan the day ahead – everyone is their most alert and this period of ‘contemplation’ can produce the best creative ideas.

2. ‘Friends don’t lie’ – Eleven (and others)
Working as a team is vital for public relations. While it may seem that you have a different story to tell different stakeholders – and often you do – making sure you’re consistent with your allies lets them pull in the same direction. To make this simple, Vuelio Stakeholder Management allows you to track who in your team has said what and to whom, so everyone is on the same page.

3. ‘Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage: Maxine!’ – Mr Clarke
How many teachers would take a call from a child at 10pm to help build a sensory deprivation tank? Mr Clarke is keen to encourage his class to push boundaries and think outside the box. Too often in a PR organisation the most senior directors are pulling the team. Great concepts and knowledge can come from anywhere (including the ‘kids’), and the best agencies push their teams, encouraging ideas no matter what the source is.

4. ‘Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world.’ – Jonathan
Being different and unique is the best way to stand out for both you and your client. It may seem like obvious advice, but don’t always do what’s been done before, don’t stick to accepted wisdom and don’t be normal. Floating something large down the Thames caught everyone’s attention the first time, but it’s now become a norm. Find something new and keep pushing boundaries.

5. ‘I am on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel. These books are my paddles.’ – Dustin
Research, research, research. In-house have a distinct advantage here, they should know their brand, product and service inside out. Agencies have to work twice as hard to fully integrate themselves with the client before being able to effectively communicate on their behalf. Sector specific content and finding the right influencers is vital to understanding the company, the company’s aims and the company’s target audience. Research can also predict potential pitfalls along the way, so there is no excuse to end up curiosity creek without a paddle.

6. ‘I may be a pretty s**tty boyfriend, but turns out I’m actually a pretty damn good babysitter.’ – Steve
No you’re desperate to fit Steve into this article. To be honest there were lots of golden Steve moments that could have made the list, but his character arc from confused jock boyfriend to solid advice-wielding parental figure is both heart-warming and spot on. If you find out you’re good at something, there’s no shame consistently being excellent at it. That doesn’t mean you don’t ever leave your comfort zone (see: Steve in the tunnels surrounded by Demadogs), but playing to your strengths is a no-brainer, even if that means staying on the bench to save the day.

What other PR lessons can we take from Stranger Things? Post your comment below.

Rachel and Daisy

Blogger Spotlight: Rachel Spencer, The Paw Post

Rachel Spencer is the author of The Paw Post, which recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs. Rachel is a freelance journalist and content writer who started The Paw Post in 2017 after taking her friend’s dog Daisy in. In this Spotlight, we speak to Rachel about her lovely dog Daisy, working on charitable campaigns and her favourite pet tech.

How would you describe your blog?

It’s a mix of news, human interest stories about animals and people making a difference in the pet world, travel and reviews. My dog Daisy and her adventures feature lots, and I try to create content that’s helpful, interesting and informative.

Why did you start your blog?

I work as a freelance journalist writing pet stories for newspapers and magazines, but there would always be stories I wanted to tell in my own way and that’s where the idea for the blog came from.
I’ve worked with pet businesses writing content and thought a blog would be a way to showcase my writing too.

The more I wrote about pets, the more people approached me with stories and interesting pet brands, and I thought it would be a good idea to create my own platform to share them.

What’s it like having a famous pet?

Oh my gosh, I still don’t see Daisy as famous, she’s a little scruff from Manchester Dog’s Home but she has featured in lots of articles now so I guess she is! It’s lovely.

She has a fun life and still is like a regular dog who loves chasing her ball and rolling in fox poo, but she also has some lovely opportunities come her way too.

How does your pet cope with the pressure?

It doesn’t faze her. She’s very good when it comes to having her photo taken and has done shoots from when she first came to live with me and my photographer friends used to take photos of her.

I think she’s oblivious to it. No one day is the same for her and she relishes her adventures.

What’s your favourite pet product?

I think it would be the PitPatPet activity tracker. It was the first ‘techy’ item we reviewed, and it’s a UK based product that has been picked up worldwide.

We’re thrilled to have been able to review it at the start of their journey back in January 2016.

They went on to appear on Dragon’s Den and now work with insurance companies helping dogs stay healthy.

Rachel and DaisyWhat’s your favourite post?

I did a post for a contact of mine, Liz Haslam of Beds For Bullies rescue. I’ve known her for many years and she was going through a tough time, struggling with bills and was worried she might have to close her rescue.

I set up a JustGiving page and told the story of all 16 of her dogs, many of which I had written about individually, but when I put them all together, I realised just how remarkable she was and readers did too.

The response was overwhelming, it was shared worldwide and people donated £2,000. It was amazing to be able to help her and her dogs. I spent most of that weekend crying happy tears!

How do you like to work with PRs?

Ideally send a pitch via e mail first, then I’m always happy to chat on the phone if I feel it suits the blog.

I look for human interest stories, usually case study led, and I’m interested in trends, products and technology.

The blog is an extension of my work as a journalist and I try to ensure each post either makes people laugh or cry, think ‘Aw that’s cute’, ‘Ooh that’s interesting/helpful’ or ‘Wow, that’s someone doing something really out of the ordinary.’

What one thing should PRs know about you?

I’ve always worked with PRs as a journalist so I’m completely new to doing it as a blogger. One thing that has come up is people saying: ‘can you just put something up on your blog for me?’ and I’d like people to realise that it takes a lot of time for me to do a post and I have bills to pay!

I’m very open to ideas and I like people to be clear about what is expected of me, treat me fairly and understand that I try to make my posts newsworthy because of my background.

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?

This week I worked with Jade Statt of StreetVet who launched her new website on #worldhomelessday and she approached me as a blogger rather than as a journalist.

I was totally thrilled and spent a day shadowing her as she helped homeless dogs and their owners.

She is such an inspiration and being able to tell stories like hers without having a word limit and having my work edited is what my blog is all about.

What other blogs do you read?

I love Rocky the Traveller, he’s an English Bull Terrier who has travelled the world, and Philleas Dogg, as Atlee is a rescue dog like Daisy and it’s lovely seeing them both on their adventures and having fantastic lives.

I enjoy Twilight Bark UK too, her Instagram photos of her lovely Sausage dogs Ted and Millie are brilliant!


Rachel and The Paw post are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

03 November

Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed – 3 November 2017

A round up of the biggest PR, comms and media stories this week including the sexual harassment scandals, a spoilt Bake Off, Ian Katz’s appointment, Fake News and Halloween.

1. Sexual harassment dominates the news

The allegations against Harvey Weinstein quickly led to allegations against others in the Hollywood, this week including Kevin Spacey and Dustin Hoffman. But the entertainment industry is not alone in the scandal, a #MeToo campaign on social media – which gave people a chance to share their own experiences of harassment – followed, and now the allegations have hit the UK’s Government and media.

A so-called ‘sleaze list’ (of questionable intent and accuracy), appeared in the media before Michael Fallon MP left his role as Defence Secretary amid the allegations, causing a minor reshuffle.

What’s clear, and obvious to many individuals outside of the mainstream media’s gaze, is that sexism and sexual harassment is rife everywhere. Now that people feel able to share their stories, expect this one to continue to hit the headlines.


2. Prue Leith spoils the final Bake

bake Off

The Great British Bake Off has been flying high – the series, which moved to Channel 4, was expected by some to be a flop but the familiar format and atmosphere in the tent has led to sizeable viewing figures and peak-time audience shares for Channel 4. All was right in the world (if you excuse the fact Liam went home two shows too early #JusticeForLiam) before Prue accidentally tweeted the winner 10 hours early.


Though she quickly deleted the message, the damage was done. Prue, who was in Bhutan, claimed the time difference was to be blamed, before telling the Press Association: ‘I’m in too much of a state to talk about it. I fucked up.’ Channel 4 was less concerned (probably due to its record numbers) as Prue, Noel and Sandi will join Paul again for the next series.


3. Ian Katz appointed Channel 4’s director of programmes

Newsnight, Channel 4

BBC Newsnight’s editor, Ian Katz has been appointed to the top creative role at Channel 4, following Jay Hunt’s departure in September. While Katz doesn’t have significant programme commissioning experience, he is considered by Channel 4’s CEO Alex Mahon to ‘live and breathe’ the Channel 4 values. The role is considered one of the most influential in the UK’s media – Hunt’s departure followed her acquisition of the programme in our second story. Katz starts his new role in January.


4. Fake News is the ‘word’ of the year

Trump figure fak news covefefe

Collins Dictionary once again announced its word of the year, which follows in-depth research of language trends across millions of sources. The ‘word’ that has most increased in usage for the last year is ‘Fake News’. (Yes it’s two words, which has upset a surprising number of people).

The phrase (that’s better) was thrust into the spotlight by Donald Trump who used it repeatedly throughout his Presidential campaign to attack first the ‘mainstream media’ and then anyone who disagreed or cast allegations against him. More recently, Fake News has been flipped against the President, now describing Russia’s influence on the American election results.


5. All Hallows’ Marketing

Halloween feature

The Halloween season is now embedded in British society where people wish each other ‘Happy Halloween’ and brands and businesses spend increasing amounts on their Halloween tie-ins. On the Vuelio Blog we’ve rounded up five of the best campaigns, including Google’s heart-warming Doodle (no really), Fanta’s big budget 13th floor experience and the Beano’s investigation into the scariest outfits (pictured).


That’s everything from this week – think there’s something we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below.

Martin Gallagher

Blogger Spotlight: Martin Gallagher, Learning To Dad

Martin Gallagher writes Learning To Dad, a blog that recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Mental Health Blogs. Covering a mixture of parenting and mental health issues, Learning To Dad is also used for equality activism for Gypsies, Romani and Irish Travellers (GRT). Martin told us about the myth of ‘manning up’, the need to open up and working with PRs.

Why did you start your blog?
I started the blog whilst being a stay at home dad doing my degree. It was hard. At the time I needed an outlet to clear my head as my depression had me in a dark place for a long time. My writing, and being able to control the content I could put online, meant I could be honest and raw about my life, whilst having some fun and joking about it all!

All of the above, plus the fact I don’t have the money for a councillor!

What’s the biggest issue facing mental health in the UK today?
Society still has a problem with thinking that getting some fresh air, or ‘manning up’ cures depression. It’d be dead good if that was the case, as the GRT community, who are the human embodiment of ‘manning up’, are still seven times more likely to commit suicide than the rest of the general population. Also, the need for accessible services that meet the need and demand without unbearable waiting lists.

How do you think mental health awareness has changed in recent years?
I think the work being done is brilliant so far!

Through campaigns from Time to Change and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), I felt that I could open up and visit my doctor. Being an Irish Traveller, opening up about depression is a massive ‘NOPE’. So, those organisations helped me massively.

By challenging the perceptions that have stopped people from opening up about their mental health in the past, I believe these campaigns, as well as each individual who are speaking out, have already shaped future generations to be more accepting and open about mental health.

What advice would you give someone who was struggling with their mental health?
The best piece of advice I would give is to open up, and speaking to your friends and family if you feel like you can do so. I was fortunate to have family who are supportive, and gave me the patience I needed to get to where I am now. Unfortunately, some people may not be as supportive, which may make you feel isolated, so make sure to use one of the many free helplines that can be found with a quick search. The path to feeling able like you can manage your mental health issues is a long one, but it begins with reaching out for help.

How do you engage with your readers and community?
Being a chatty person, I’m fortunate that social media makes it easy for people to get in touch! Through Facebook and WordPress, I’ve had Q&As with people about the GRT community and our lifestyle, for example, or people have messaged who have just needed to talk about their own mental health issues, and I’m happy that people feel that the can talk to me about it!

How do you like to work with PRs?
When aiming to appeal to different communities, I have to be flexible. The same goes for PR. I was fortunate to work with an online store earlier this year, which was a good experience for me. I now write for two print magazines, speaking about mental health and GRT lifestyle, all because of the blog! I am always open to new opportunities that the world of blogging and PR can bring!

What one thing should brands or PRs know about you?
I like to be as honest and raw as can be, and I feel honesty is the best way to connect with your audiences. I always want to have fun and add a bit of humour, (at my own expense mostly) to anything that I am involved in!

What other blogs do you read?
I LOVE The Blunt Backpacker, the author, Noni Roberts writes about the things you would never think about whilst travelling and it hilarious. Speaking of travelling, Travel Mad Dad and Travel Mad Mum, have made us decide to travel for six months.

To name a few more, DADventurer, Rachel Hawkins, Dad Blog UK and Toby and Roo, (worthy award winners this year!). All enjoyable reads.


Martin and Learning To Dad are both listed on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

DADult life

Blogger Spotlight: Zen Terrelonge, DADult Life

Zen Terrelonge is the founder of DADult Life, a new parenting blog started by Zen during his partner’s pregnancy. With baby Roma now just over five months old, we caught up with Zen to talk all things proud parent, joining a crowded parenting blogging industry and working with PRs.  

What inspired you to create your blog?
Finding out I was going to be a father filled me with such incredible pride and passion that I wanted to scream the news from the rooftops – I couldn’t for 12 weeks, of course.

In the meantime, I contented myself by writing about what was happening behind-the-scenes and finally decided I’d make it a regular thing, leapt two feet in and had a website launched.

My close mates aren’t dads yet, so, being something of a lone wolf in that regard, I wanted to share my thoughts throughout pregnancy, birth and fatherhood to reflect on the serious and the funny. And if anyone takes something away from what I’ve written, then even better.

I’m a journalist by trade, so writing is something I do on a daily basis, but with parenthood and my family, they make me feel so strongly and deeply that writing is even more of a pleasure than I would have thought possible.
Zen Terrelonge What is the most challenging part of being a blogger?
I suppose the biggest challenge is giving people a reason to listen or to sit up and pay attention. There are a lot of blogs in operation, so getting heard in the noise of the online world can be tricky.

Launching a blog in such a popular space almost feels like being the new kid in a school. It can be quite cliquey and you just hope someone wants to be your mate instead of flushing your head down the loo or writing about you in their Burn Book – the blogging equivalent of which I guess would be indirect tweets.

How have you built up your audience?
I’ve been as engaged as possible. Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram or comments on the site, I’ll make sure I react to what people are saying and attempt to foster conversation.

And as I mentioned, given that writing is my profession, I pride myself on the content I’m pushing out, so I won’t rush anything or put out a blog that’s been written with a half-arsed approach.

Since starting your blog, what have you learned about the industry?
I’ve learnt that there is a genuine community of parents who love to talk and share. As someone who doesn’t know lots of young parents, it’s been a brilliant way to connect with others going through the same things I am, as well as learning from others further ahead in the parenting journey or offering my experiences to those just starting theirs.

Struggling to reach influencers? Try the Vuelio Media Database and get access to 11,000 UK Bloggers in parenting, travel, lifestyle & more.

Is there any advice that you would like to share with any PRs or aspiring bloggers?
To PRs: please spare a moment and take the time to recognise who you’ve approached – make sure what you’ve sent is relevant and addressed to the right person. Respond to all emails if they’re genuine because everyone starts somewhere, and look beyond high follower numbers – what is the content itself really like?

To aspiring bloggers: You’re not alone – come and say hello! I don’t have snacks, but I have memes and hug emojis to provide.

How do you like to be approached by PRs?
I’m flexible; email is great because it spells everything out in front of you and it’s fast, and phone calls are also welcome – but if you call someone and don’t get an answer, leave a voicemail!

I’ve become friends with some PRs over time, and ones I’m pally with will just send a message via WhatsApp for guaranteed delivery and convenience.

Do you consider social media an important tool in directing traffic toward your blog?
Certainly. You can showcase your personality via social media in terms of what you’re about with posts, whether that’s through pictures, statuses, videos and even captions, so doing so should support redirection to the meatier stuff on the blog, which ultimately has the richest content of all.

What are your plans for DADultLife in 2017/18?
I’m embracing fatherhood as much as possible, so naturally that’s going to result in some interesting scenarios. In just under three months since Roma has arrived, I’ve been blasted by a poozooka, invented the prambrella, as well as taken her to the cinema and a festival – not locations you’d normally associate with a newborn.

I’m having an incredible amount of fun while also gaining knowledge with parenting, which I hope comes across with my work – I plan to continue that, meeting other amazing dads and mums along the way.

What kinds of PRs or campaigns are you interested in working with/on in the future?
I can openly say my knowledge of baby and parenting brands is still a work in progress. I’ve tried a few gadgets and gizmos and whosits and whatsits, as well as various nappy brands, but I’m by no means an expert.

If any PRs want to educate me on the wares of their clients, then I’ll be only too happy to listen to what they have to say – I’m one of the good guys.

Just as long as it doesn’t involve me using ten brands of teeth whitener like a reality TV star, I’m open to suggestion and available to talk.


Zen Terrelonge and his blog DADult life are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which is the UK’s leading influencer database available to the PR and communications industries.

UK – 2 November 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes including appointments at Prima, Red, S Magazine, The Sunday Times and the Paisley Daily Express. 

News & Politics

  • Gavin McInally has been appointed editor of the Paisley Daily Express. Gavin was previously a senior reporter at the title.
  • The Clare Echo, a free weekly local newspaper covering local news from County Clare, Ireland, was launched on 19 October. The paper is published on a Thursday. The editor is Stuart Holly and the news reporter is Elaine Tubridy.


  • Jen Crothers and Elisa Roche are now acting entertainment director and acting celebrity director respectively for Prima, Red and Good Housekeeping. They are covering for Rosamund Dean and Jessica Callan, who are both on maternity leave.
  • Victoria Gray has been promoted to lifestyle director at The Sunday Express’ S Magazine. She was previously lifestyle editor.


  • Alice Gledhill has been promoted to assistant editor and Robert Hogg has been promoted to emerging markets senior reporter at the International Financing Review.
  • Liam Kelly has been appointed junior business reporter at The Sunday Times.


Everyone who moves jobs or changes publication is updated in the the Vuelio Media Database, which lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, influencers, publications and media outlets. Find out how you can reach them all here.

Newsnight, Channel 4

Newsnight’s Ian Katz appointed Channel 4 director of programmes

Channel 4 has announced that Ian Katz has been appointed director of programmes, following Jay Hunt’s departure in September.

Katz is currently editor of BBC’s Newsnight and was previously deputy editor of the Guardian. His new role will propel him to one of the most influential positions in British broadcasting, as well as earning him a reportedly significant pay increase.

Jay Hunt’s 2016 bonus of £180,000 in the role was more than Katz’s entire salary £151,600.

Hunt left Channel 4 after missing out on the role of CEO, which later went to Alex Mahon, and was recently appointed creative chief at Apple’s European video operations.

As the Guardian reports, Katz has limited experience of commissioning programmes but a Channel 4 source praised his ‘history of risk-taking’ and ‘promoting new talent’.

Alex Mahon backs this up, he said: ‘Ian is an inspirational leader who assiduously builds and nurtures talented and empowered teams. He has fantastic instincts and intelligence, huge editorial strength and is a proven creative and digital innovator, who lives and breathes the Channel 4 values.’

Katz is the latest high-profile departure from the BBC, after the director of news and current affairs, James Harding, and the former head of its political team at Westminster, Robbie Gibb.

Gibb was succeeded by Replacements for Harding and Katz are yet to be announced.

Talking about his appointment, Katz said: ‘I’m impossibly excited to be joining a broadcaster whose unique combination of innovation, risk-taking and elan I have admired for decades as a viewer – and more recently as a frequently envious rival. Channel 4’s deeply held values and relentlessly challenging sensibility have never been more important or relevant and I feel incredibly privileged to play a part in shaping the next stage of its remarkable journey.’

Katz starts in the new year, when he will take over from interim chief creative officer Ralph Lee.

All media moves and changes are updated in the Vuelio Media Database

UK – 1 November 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes including appointments at Stand Out, DC Thomson Media, Business & Finance and the Despatch. 

News & Politics

  • The Despatch has been relaunched by the team responsible for The Northern Echo. The newspaper, which hasn’t been published for 31 years, now serves Darlington, Bishop Auckland, Spennymoor, Newton Aycliffe and Willington.
  • DC Thomson Publishing has rebranded and is now DC Thomson Media. This reflects its role as a modern media creator and distributor.


  • Charlene McElhinney has been appointed lifestyle editor at the Strathclyde Telegraph.


  • Lauren Barnett has been appointed editorial assistant at Stand Out magazine. Prior to this role, Lauren was editor at Park World.
  • Stephen Dorney has joined Business & Finance as a multimedia journalist.
  • Louise Denvir has been appointed online content and social media manager at the Irish Farmers Journal. Louise was previously a broadcast journalist at RTE.


Everyone who moves jobs or changes publication is updated in the the Vuelio Media Database, which lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, influencers, publications and media outlets. You can access them all in one place.

Dog blog

Blogger Spotlight: Rosemary Kind, Alfie’s Diary

Continuing our spotlights of amazing pet bloggers – who all feature on the Top 10 UK Pet Blogs – we’ve caught up with Rosemary Kind, author of Alfie’s Diary. The blog has been updated every day since its creation in 2006 with the exploits of Alfie, the ‘leader of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party’, Aristotle and Wilma. Alfie has three books to his name and they have accompanying merchandise.

We caught up with Rosemary to talk about Alfie’s fame, the best pet products and her advice for PR professionals.

How would you describe your blog?
Alfie’s Diary is the world through the eyes of Alfie, Aristotle and Wilma, three Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, each of whom have their own views of the world. Alfie is the serious one and is founder of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party. Aristotle is too clever for his own good and Wilma is everyone’s friend and loves life.

Why did you start your blog?
Alfie was just 10 weeks old when he moved in with us. We were living in Belgium and so much around us was new and different. It coincided with me leaving a more traditional career to write full time. The blog was initially a way to share all the funny things that were happening living abroad with a new puppy and a way to make sure I wrote every day. I planned to write it for a year or so, but as it became popular with a much wider audience we just carried on. Alfie has missed posting his diary one day in nearly twelve years and that was because of unexpected hospitalisation so he couldn’t get the password from me!

Whats it like having a famous pet?
It’s really fun. He’s been interviewed in a radio studio and I regularly get people coming up to introduce themselves to him and ask about him and the others.

pet blogger

How does your pet cope with the pressure?
He’s doing well. He hasn’t let it go to his head and now he’s older he’s taken semi-retirement, sharing the workload with Aristotle and Wilma. Wilma being the youngster is usually up for anything and will be off to meet the Swiss Ambassador in a couple of weeks.

Whats your favourite pet product?
Oh, that’s a hard one. At the moment, it’s probably Wilma’s new rucksack. It means she can carry her own things when we go out for the day. Their answer would be different. I’m guessing they’d all say they couldn’t live without their Bonio bedtime biscuit.

Whats your favourite post?
Alfie has written some lovely Christmas messages over the years but one of my favourite posts was the one he wrote as a message to young pups.

How do you like to work with PRs?
It can be great or difficult depending on how they approach things. At the end of the day, I earn my living writing and whilst the blog is mainly for fun it takes me time and when companies ask for ‘something for nothing’ it is a little unreasonable. There has to be give and take and if for any reason what is proposed is not something that is a good fit for us then it is far better if PRs accept that and don’t try to keep pushing.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I won’t say I’m interested in something if I’m not!

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on?
I think the Panasonic Home Monitoring and Control Kit has been one we had most fun with!


Rosemary Kind and Alfie’s Diary are just two entries on the Vuelio Influencer Database, which lists thousands of bloggers, influencers and journalists, editors, titles, publications and channels. 

UK – 31 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes including appointments at, Empire, Research Europe and the Evening Express. 

News & Politics

  • Zoe Drewett has been appointed assistant news editor at Zoe was previously video news reporter at the Daily Star Online.
  • Ryan Cryle has been appointed head of sport at the Evening Express (Aberdeen). Ryan was previously deputy chief sub editor at the title.


  • John Nugent has been appointed news editor for Empire. John is currently social media editor and an online staff writer for the title, and takes up his new role on 13 November.


  • Sarah Richardson has been appointed editor at Research Europe. Sarah was previously editor of Building.
  • Luke Dicicco has been appointed group business editor across the CN Group‘s brands including in-cumbria.


Everyone who moves jobs or changes publication is updated in the the Vuelio Media Database, which lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, influencers, publications and media outlets. Find out more.