Neuro PR Vuelio webinar

How to strengthen connections to your brand with neuro PR

Using neuro connections to form unconscious and potentially unbreakable bonds between brands and consumers – sounds kind of sci-fi, perhaps. But don’t be worried – it’s perfectly natural.

Why are we drawn to particular cans of baked beans when we’re shopping, even if we don’t care what they taste like? Why is it so automatic to blurt out a certain chocolate bar’s tagline when someone mentions ‘taking a break’? This is the power of the subconscious and it’s something Harvey & Hugo PR’s managing director and Leader of the Pack Charlotte Nichols believes all PRs need to be aware of as part of their work.

Leading our latest webinar Neuro PR: Strengthening the Brain and Brand Connection, Charlotte showed that good PR takes the way our minds work into account and works with it. If your mind is now conjuring up those old stories of cinemas splicing pictures of popcorn into the adverts before films to boost concession sales, certain scenes of similar splices in Fight Club or the messages hidden in billboards in They Live, be assured that neuro PR isn’t anywhere near as nefarious – it’s just very clever.

Here are some of the useful ways Charlotte shared for creating memorable campaigns and locking in loyalty with brain science…

Get eyes, and brains, on you
‘We don’t see with our eyes, we see with our brain. We think we’re in control of our focus – we’re not,’ said Charlotte.

‘For example, think of ‘the cocktail party effect’. You’re deep in conversation with someone. All of a sudden, you hear your name from somewhere else in the room. Your subconscious scans the room all the time, no matter where you are, and picks up little alerts.

‘When you say “I’ve got a feeling about it”, it’s actually your subconscious. Often, we make decisions with our ‘gut feeling’, then use our rational thoughts to justify our decisions.

‘In the marketing sector, people say that “adverts don’t work”. Sometimes you can’t remember the adverts, sure, but it doesn’t mean it hasn’t gone into your brain. It’s always there, in your “gut feeling”.’

Attract the right kind of attention
Full attention from an audience can have its drawbacks. According to research, there are negatives that come with ‘high involvement attention’ – watching a perfume advert – versus ‘low involvement attention’ – checking your phone while the ad plays on a TV on the other side of the room.

Perhaps while watching a perfume advert, you realise you don’t like the model or actor chosen to represent the product. This can cause ‘inattentional blindness’ – ‘where you’re so distracted by one thing, you miss the message,’ says Charlotte. Letting messages seep through into the subconscious may be more effective. Certainly better than a potential customer watching an expensively-produced commercial with an internationally-famous actor and only thinking ‘Ugh, I really hate that guy’.

Enhance powerful emotions
‘Emotions exist to move us as humans,’ says Charlotte. ‘We feel first and then the brain interprets it.’
‘Feeling is an unconscious experience – you cannot control the way you feel. We frame things with our rational conscious thought, sometimes even doing that can’t take away the feeling of it.

‘There are also sematic markers when we feel emotions. Sweaty palms – that happens before our brain registers that emotion. We start running from a bear before our brain processes what’s going on. We feel first, and then our brain interprets it. That’s why all these small touch points add up to a massive experience of emotions.’

Brands that are making good use of their customers’ emotions right now that we can learn from? Charlotte pointed to McDonald’s current focus on friendship groups meeting up again after the isolation of lockdown: ‘They’re doing really well with their recent ads, it appeals to your emotion – wanting to meet up with your friends… and maybe you just really want chips, too.’

Show your brand’s personality, story and purpose
While brands like Tesla push brand personality first and foremost in campaigns focusing on sustainability, there are some standard personality traits that are tried and true, whatever your brand, product or service.

‘Listen and engage,’ says Charlotte.

‘You don’t always have to be doing anything. It can do your brand so well to just listen to your customers – social media is great for this. It helps build that emotional connection.’

Make good memories and good first impressions
‘The language we use is so important. We’re told imagery is more important, but never underestimate the words we use.’

‘As PRs, we are the artists of semantic memory networks. You can change these networks, it just takes a long time to do.’

The saying goes that first impressions are particularly important and, as Charlotte showed, there is evidence to back this up. Brains don’t always want to work so hard – ‘the brain uses 25% energy at rest,’ shared Charlotte. ‘You won’t remember something that’s really hard to understand, so don’t underestimate the power of a catchy tagline’.

Use your brain
After all this talk about other people’s brains, don’t forget to make the most of your own. Take time to think and really ruminate about the projects you’re working on.

‘Our subconscious is so powerful. As PRs and marketers, we can be guilty of measuring results the same way, over and over again. Meditation will boost creativity and it’s just good for our health.

‘I believe in the future we’ll be doing more of this to get to know ourselves, and our brands, much more.’

Watch the webinar here.

Want help listening to your audience to make connections? Try out Pulsar’s social listening solutions and the Vuelio media database.

Christmas in September - Journalist Enquiry Service

Christmas in September: what journalists are requesting for the festive season

While it can feel like the Christmas season comes earlier every year, journalists are already busy putting their festive features for Xmas 2021 together (and it’s not even Halloween yet).

During August, the helpful elves (media researchers) on the ResponseSource Journalist Enquiry Service team received around 150 requests with a mention of the word ‘Christmas’, with the majority focusing on ‘gift guides’, some looking for generic Christmassy stories and case studies, and a handful asking for help with advent calendars, food and drink and competition prizes.

It’s shaping up to get even busier during September – if you haven’t used the service before, book a demo here. In the meantime, here are a taster of themes we’re seeing so far from titles including Pick Me Up!, the Daily Mail, Good Housekeeping, PlantBased and more – could you help the media with any of these topics?

What to put under the tree
– Gifts you can find in garden centres – ornaments, crystals, candles, plant pots
– Prezzies for your pets
– Eco- and vegan-friendly beauty, food and drink
– Books of all genres
– Sustainable or handmade decorations, tableware and craft kits
– Geek-worthy gamer and streamer tech
– Educational stocking stuffers for children
– Slick skateboards for review

Ways to get in the Christmas mood
– Juicy Christmas-related stories involving relationship woes, quirky health anecdotes and love rats (these are not just for Christmas, of course)
– Food, sock, pet, beauty, alcohol and, of course, chocolate advent calendars
– Santa grottos worth a visit this year
– Chutney recipes to pair with wine
– Ethical and sustainable or personalised loungewear for Christmas chill time
– Festively-filled sandwiches for review

Spokespeople or expert commentary*
– Commentary on the pet gifting industry
– Interviews with women who’ll be working over the Christmas
– Business details and stories from black-owned hamper brands
– Uplifting stories from women who’ve experienced something inspiring over the course of the pandemic and would like to share
– Real-life Christmas community stories
– Advice for how to bring Christmas cheer back to events after the UK’s lockdowns
– How to stay calm when things get stressful with the family
– Comment on how the HGV driver shortage and shipping costs could impact Christmas shopping options this year

Could you help with filling up these Christmas features this year? Try out the Journalist Enquiry Service to have enquiries from journalists looking for help delivered straight to your inbox – no sleigh or reindeer set up needed.

*Father Christmas is not available for comment this time of year – very busy

Want to know how to make the most of the ResponseSource Journalist Enquiry Service? Read our tips for responding to journalists.

PR and social media - a match made in marketing heaven

PR and social media – a match made in marketing heaven

This is a guest post from Fox Agency’s head of PR David Clare.

It would be fair to say that we probably share too much on social media. Aside from the photos of perfectly poached eggs and smashed avocadoes #brunching all over our feeds, our social media profiles are also where we share what interests and excites us, what enrages and outrages us, our politics, our values and yes, possibly the odd cat video. And do you know what we call that in the PR world? Ready-made consumer research.

David Clare Fox Agency

Listen up
Look at your own social media, how much are you telling the world about yourself? Using social media to gain an audience insight and discover what your following is saying about news and current hot topics ensures that your brand can add something relevant to the conversation. And do so with language and tone of voice that’s going to resonate with your audience and different segments within that audience.

Social media, opposed to more traditional means of gathering data such as surveys or focus groups, offers real-time audience perception and insights, saving brands time and money when it comes to getting the inside scoop on their audience.

Think also about the different conversations which take place on Reddit as opposed to Twitter, and how your audience needs to be observed across a number of platforms in order to build the big picture of who your audience is, what they care about and how your brand is going to engage them.

Whereas measuring sentiment on news stories is likely to produce a majority of positive or neutral results, social media allows us to gain a much more well-rounded and personalised understanding of the reaction to a brand’s news or opinion. The journalist reaction to an announcement will differ dramatically to the reaction of a devoted fan-base.

In the same way that we can track an audience’s interests and insights, the same can be said for journalists. Knowing a journalist’s social media movements, enables PRs to make a well-aimed pitch with a much higher success rate, knowing the journo in question is already engaged with the topic of the pitch. Listen and learn, people.

Speak up
Gone are the days when brands could sit quietly in a corner, watching a debate unfold and keeping schtum. Today, it is more or less expected of a brand to join the conversation on matters such as the Black Lives Matter movement, climate change, or at the opposite end of the spectrum, Cuthbert the Caterpillar and Weetabix with beans.

Traditionally, PR has been the medium through which a brand expresses its values and opinions and manages its reputation. However social media offers an even more immediate outlet, unfiltered by journalists, for a brand to have its say.

Additionally, the pace at which the conversation changes on social media is rapid, therefore making it vital for brands to keep abreast of discussions to ensure their responses are reactive and relevant.

More so than just keeping up with the conversation, social media enables brands to keep ahead of the curve. Being aware of the little ripples on social media can lead to making a big splash with your thought leadership and opinion work in PR. Noting emerging trends and scoping out the next hot topic via social media can inform your PR decisions and make sure your audience ‘heard it here first’.

Look up
And social media isn’t just an outlet for opinion. Oftentimes, your audience will turn to social media for news and current events, before consulting more traditional outlets. We’ve all happened upon a piece of breaking news during a morning Twitter scroll and only later sort out the details via our newspaper of choice.

Monitoring social sharing is great way to get an insight into not only how many people are reading an article, but also how engaged people are on a topic over time. If shares on articles about certain topics are decreasing, Coronavirus for example, then adding to the pandemic chat probably isn’t going to be worthwhile at that moment.

With this in mind, brands need their news to not only be newsworthy but also social media-worthy. The story needs to be something that can be shared and spread across social media in a snowball of increasing reach and engagement. Whether it’s a headline, a key stat, or an incredible piece of imagery, news for your brand needs to be scroll-stopping.

Hook up
At last, we are emerging from the dark times of regarding PR and social media as add ons and afterthoughts. ‘Oh, can you put something out on socials?’ or ‘And then we’ll do some PR’. No.

It’s now abundantly clear that PR and social media are vital elements of the marketing mix and that when combined with an aligned strategy, one feeds and informs the other, increasing audience understanding, boosting awareness, and speaking with a brand voice which has its finger on the social pulse. Ultimately, they’re a match made in heaven and if they’re not hooking up, you’re missing out.

Find out about Vuelio’s media monitoring services and Pulsar’s social listening solutions for keeping ahead of the conversation and ensuring you and your brand are a part of it.

PR's class problem needs to be fixed

PR’s class problem needs to be fixed

Those in positions to make change in our industry are, in some cases, starting the work of listening to and acting on conversations around race, gender, sexuality, disability and class equality, and change is trickling down into campaigns that increasingly speak to a wider audience. But take a look at the make up of our workforce and it is clear there is much to do before the UK comms industry can reliably communicate with everyone it hopes to in society.

I hate cliches, prejudices and preconceived ideas, but I have them; we all do. When working on the media side of the PR/journalism field earlier in my working life, the descriptor ‘PR’ automatically conjured up a certain expectation in my mind, formed from the experiences I’d had so far. PR, to me, meant the person I would be working with would most likely be white, female and definitely middle class. If higher up in the agency or in-house hierarchy, I would expect to be dealing with a middle-class man instead. Usually, I’d be right in those expectations – I loved to be proved wrong.

When it comes to class, the PR and comms industry is still ‘posher’ than others. PRCA’s PR and Communications Census for 2020 found that the number of PR practitioners who attended fee-paying schools is three times that of the national average – 21% versus 7%. CIPR’s State of the Profession also underlined the issue with class inequality – PRs are more likely to have a degree (76%) when compared to the general public (35%). 41% of PRs have parents with university degrees, while around half of that number (21%) received income support or free meals during their time at school.

During our accessmatters session with The Social Mobility Foundation’s Sarah Atkinson, we asked the audience if they’d ever felt discriminated against because of their social background – 83% answered yes.

Sarah wasn’t surprised: ‘People are being judged for their accent, for not quite knowing the right things to say or do, not dressing ‘properly’. Others are assuming everyone can afford to do things. There are people asking, when you’re 35-years-old, what school you went to, as though that’s information that anyone needs.’

The first interview I attended when dipping into comms was with a man who looked at me like I was a miracle – a person who had attended a comprehensive school and then got into university. He genuinely didn’t seem to realise that these things happened. I’d never experienced this confusion and awe from anybody before. But then, like him, I’d never really had significant interactions with many people outside of my own social or class bubble. During the interview, he (not unkindly) aped some of my pronunciations with a little laughter and insisted on giving me £20 for the train home. I was offered the job, but I was rattled – I didn’t take it.

If you’re part of that 83%, come from a low-income background bolstered by Family Credit, or have working-class roots, the difference from your peers in comms can impact your work and levels of comfort. Backgrounds don’t get left behind because of achievement, or time. According to the statistics, ‘low-ability’ children from high-income families are 35% more likely to be high-earners than ‘high-ability’ children from low-income families. Only 12% of chief executives are from lower-class backgrounds. As Sarah summed up: ‘Talent is not making as much difference as background’.

Beyond personal achievement and career goals, imbalanced and unrepresentative creative teams can mean completed projects that only connect with a percentage of the public they should. On the launch of the PRCA’s Schools Outreach Programme in March of last year, PRCA director general Francis Ingham summed up the problem of unrepresentative teams: ‘Broadening the talent pool is not a virtuous ambition – it is a business imperative. The success and sustainability of our industry is dependent on our workforce reflecting the society it seeks to engage.’

Welcoming people from all backgrounds into comms is what’s needed to have every tool to hand for putting together campaigns that work, regardless of the background and circumstances of those you’re communicating with. Initiatives including the Schools Outreach Programme, the Social Mobility Foundation, the Taylor Bennett Foundation’s training options and A Leader Like Me’s Flight and Nest programmes mean the teams we work with will hopefully be less uniform and more representative of society as a whole. Until we get there, lowering that 83% of those who have felt discriminated against because of their background is work we can all do, every day.

‘Be an advocate,’ advises Sarah, ‘spotting those things where not having enough money, or understanding of the culture, can make all the difference.’

Watch our previous accessmatters sessions here for more on different experiences from across the industry and how to be more representative in your own work.


The PRCA teams up with the Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI)

The PRCA Ethics Council and the Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI) have teamed up to launch a first-of-its-kind research project focusing on worldwide ethics and compliance in PR and communications across the globe.

Launching in time for the start of Ethics Month for PR and Communications this September, the joint survey will be based on the ECI’s Global Business Ethics Survey® (GBES®) and will poll PR professionals across the globe. Results will aim to provide insight on topics including workplace pressures and the handling of misconduct as well as how PRs across different nationalities, genders, ages, races and ethnicities perceive ethics issues in their workplaces.

The long-term strategic PRCA and ECI partnership will provide both groups with opportunities for professional development as well as platforms for discussion on issues related to workplace conduct and integrity.

‘For the first time in our industry, we have an opportunity to quantify in statistical terms the real ethical challenges confronting public relations professionals across the world,’ said PRCA director general Francis Ingham.

‘With the help of ECI’s wealth of subject-matter expertise and independent perspective, our Ethics Council will be able to deliver the undisputed international benchmark on the state of ethics and compliance.’

ECI CEO Dr. Patricia Harned, said: ‘PR and communications professionals play a critical role in the success of the organisations they serve; their work often involves unique ethics-related challenges – we are excited that this study is a first step in a larger partnership with PRCA.’

Find out more about the PRCA Ethics Council and the International Communications Consultancy Organisation’s (ICCO) here.

For more on ethics in PR, check out the findings from the PRCA Ethics Council’s first Annual Perspective published in March of this year and read up on how to balance your brand’s potential political affiliations.

ESG processes

5 tips to improve your ESG processes

If you haven’t yet adopted Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations as part of every project, campaign you work on and business decision you make, you’re in danger of being left behind.

Ethical considerations have never been more important to consumers, whichever sector you work in. We caught up with ESG Clarity’s head of ESG insight Natalie Kenway to get her take on the growing trend. Here are five pieces of advice from Natalie on ESG-proofing your work and legacy.

Engage with the issue
‘Consumers, shareholders and regulators are favouring companies that are transitioning to a more sustainable way of operating. There is a very slow realisation, and I think the pandemic accelerated this, that life and our planet are so very precious and we need to address climate change and societal issues head on. As mentioned above, companies that are looking to improve their ESG credentials are future-proofing their business and those that aren’t will be left behind/won’t exist in years to come.’

Go beyond ‘greenwashing’
‘Regulators are stepping up in terms of their requirements and investors will no longer stand for greenwashing. Reports show investors are asking more from the companies they invest in in terms of evidence of ESG – they won’t settle for lip service and marketing spiel.’

Take note from companies doing it right
‘Groups are being vocal and using their votes to force companies to think about climate change and diversity; Legal & General, Rathbones, Federated Hermes come to mind and BMO GAM.’

Pay attention to what is important to your client base
‘We are seeing consumers increasingly make purchases based on their ethics and morals across all sectors. This is all happening because the demand is there. This is only moving in one direction.’

And if a brand ambassador or a spokesperson for a campaign isn’t on board?
‘Fire them,’ says Natalie.

Want more on ESG? Here are five more reasons ESG needs to be part of your planning this year and statistics on how big business is changing.

AMEC logo

Vuelio joins AMEC

The measurement and analysis of communications data is vital for understanding the strength and impact of PR and determining future plans for campaigns and the direction of business, which is why Vuelio is proud to join AMEC as a Full Member.

The International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) is the leading international professional body for media intelligence and insights, and a renowned mark of excellence with a 25-year record of representing specialists in media evaluation and communications research. Vuelio joins AMEC’s membership of over 200 organisations and 1,000 professionals, which spans more than 86 countries worldwide.

AMEC’s ongoing international education outreach, strategic partnerships with associations including PRSA and ICCO, and the sharing of industry-wide best practice includes its ‘Say No to AVEs’ campaign, which advocates a move away from the use of Advertising Value Equivalent (AVEs) in PR and communications work. This commitment to fairer and more accurate measurement within the industry is something Vuelio supports and bolsters with Vuelio Insights, which uses a mix of qualitive metrics, enriched data monitoring and tailored reporting for strategic recommendations.

‘Evaluating key comms activity accurately – making judgements on which parts of your business and strategy are working effectively – is complicated. Gone are the days of meaningless AVEs and vanity metrics; forward-thinking organisations demand communications measurement that directly impact business goals and moves the dial forward’ says Vuelio Insights lead Amy Parry.

‘As advocates for strategic planning based on true performance and actionable insights, we’re truly delighted to be members of a community dedicated to valuable and data-driven research and evaluation.’

AMEC global managing director Johna Burke says: ‘We are delighted to welcome Vuelio into the AMEC Member Community. The team’s expertise and enthusiasm will enrich the discussions and make us all the better as we tackle the challenges of measurement and evaluation of communication.’

For more on Vuelio’s media monitoring and analysis solutions, click here to book a demo/consultation with the Insights team.

ESG Clarity Natalie Kenway

‘We need to change our habits’ – interview with ESG Clarity’s Natalie Kenway

With consumers paying ever more attention to the ethical and environmental provenance of the goods they buy, it is perhaps no surprise to see big companies sit up and take notice.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has also become an increasingly talked-about subject among investors, who are looking to put their money in companies with less risk and more longevity.

We asked Last Word Media‘s head of ESG insight Natalie Kenway what’s driving this trend and what opportunities exist in the sector.

Why has interest and investment in ESG grown over the last few years, in your opinion?
For two reasons. Firstly, the likes of David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg have raised awareness on the damage we are doing to our planet and that we need to change our habits. Now, individuals want to align the changes in their personal habits and new values with their savings and investment portfolios.

Secondly, consumers, shareholders and regulators are favouring companies that are transitioning to a more sustainable way of operating. There is a very slow realisation, and I think the pandemic accelerated this, that life and our planet are so very precious and we need to address climate change and societal issues head on. As mentioned above, companies that are looking to improve their ESG credentials are future-proofing their business and those that aren’t will be left behind/won’t exist in years to come.

What, for you, are the chief differences between CSR and ESG?
The fact that I had to Google CSR tells you about the difference in awareness!

I think it’s fairly obvious, but ESG encompasses environmental, social and governance and CSR focuses on the social.

Maybe I am wrong on this and if this was face-to-face I would ask more questions about the question!

What big upcoming trends in ESG should UK brands and companies be aware of?
That there is nowhere to hide.

Regulators are stepping up in terms of their requirements and investors will no longer stand for greenwashing. Reports show investors are asking more from the companies they invest in in terms of evidence of ESG – they won’t settle for lip service and marketing spiel.

I think it is also important to note that this is covering all three aspects of ESG, whereas some assume they just need to tick the ‘environmental’ box. Investors now also want to know about treatment of staff, diversity in the workplace, community engagement, executive pay, transparency, voting, accountancy standards, etc.

What ESG initiatives from big brands and companies have been particularly effective this year?
It’s good to see investment managers collaborate on things like the Net Zero Asset Managers’ initiative, which is something we will be keeping a close eye on, as well as other individual group net zero commitments. We want to see interim targets in these, not just a target for three decades away.

We will also be looking at the C-suite and their approach to ESG. We think it should be tied to boards’ responsibilities and remuneration to be truly credible.

In your opinion, what should a big brand or organisation do if a spokesperson or brand ambassador no longer aligns with their ESG aims?
Fire them! See answer to above question.

Do you find contributions from PRs useful for any part of your work? If so, what kind of contributions would you welcome, and how/when would you prefer to receive them?
Pitches are always welcome! But what would be very useful is if PRs could check if it’s something A) relevant to fund selectors and B) not ground we have already covered.

Many assume that we will cover any ESG story but we are bombarded with emails and pitches every day – we have to be very selective. We are looking for the newest angles from the most senior industry experts.

For example, at the start of the pandemic we covered how it had focused the spotlight on the ‘S’ of ESG. Over a year later, we are still getting pitches on this topic.

Have a look at the website, run a quick search of the topic you want to discuss with us and see if you can put a new slant or opinion on it. That would be so very helpful.

Which organisations and companies are doing great things in ESG, and what should other orgs be learning from them?
I was really impressed with Robeco after interviewing senior management there recently in terms of their approach to impact investing but also their candidness around not being able to tackle climate change single-handedly; the firm is actively looking for other investment managers to partner with on this.

Groups such as BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon and BMO GAM have been quite innovative in their fund launches and at the smaller end of the scale I have enjoyed hearing insights from Tribe Impact Capital and Snowball.

In terms of reports, Morningstar has produced some great analyses of SFDR and the global sustainable fund market and Jefferies is another one that stands out.

I am also interested in how vocal groups are being and using their votes to force companies to think about climate change and diversity; Legal & General, Rathbones, Federated Hermes come to mind and, again, BMO GAM.

Just how important are ethics and moral choices for consumers in the modern marketplace?
We are seeing consumers increasingly make purchases based on their ethics and morals across all sectors. Just look at how many fashion brands are launching sustainable ranges, the number of food providers bringing plant-based products to the market, the adoption of electric cars and renewable energy providers in the home. This is all happening because the demand is there; this is only moving in one direction.

For more on Environmental, Social and Governance, check out these 5 reasons ESG policy needs to be part of your planning, advice from this year’s PRFest on keeping PR sustainable and statistics on the growing importance of ethical business

All-Party Parliamentary Groups

Are All-Party Parliamentary Groups something to worry about?

This is a guest post by Gavin Devine, founder of Park Street Partners and member of the PRCA Public Affairs Board.

At the start of August, two newspapers splashed stories about All-Party Parliamentary Groups. First the Mirror claimed that a ‘Tory MP [had] handed paid roles on Parliamentary groups’ to a lobbyist; and then the Guardian said that ‘MPs serving on informal parliamentary groups while working in second jobs are facing scrutiny’. In both cases it was All-Party Parliamentary Groups in the spotlight. And each story revealed a whole bunch of misapprehensions about these Groups and also how regulation of them is actually working rather well.

First, the misapprehensions. It is standard fare for the media to overstate the importance of All-Party Parliamentary Groups, implying that they give some sort of privileged access or play a formal role in the legislature’s activities. Sometimes they are put on a par with Select Committees; as a former Parliamentary Clerk, this used to be pretty irritating. The fact is, they have none of these powers or responsibilities.

What APPGs do is bring together MPs with an interest in a particular subject to debate and discuss the issues, and perhaps even to work out ways to make their case to Ministers. But they have no formal role and their powers are no greater than an individual MP or Peer acting on their own. They have no access to public money, so the idea of doling our paid roles is a touch misleading. What these Groups do can be important, but it is really important not to overstate their influence.

Another misapprehension surrounds the ‘revelation’ that MPs who have interests in the subject matter often serve on these Groups – or even set them up. Well, that’s the point. Surely it can be no surprise that MPs from former coalmining areas dominate the Coalfield Communities APPG, or that those who have an interest in manufacturing or have relevant firms in their constituencies are part of the Aerospace APPG? And is it really unexpected that an MP who worked in the packaging industry for 30 years now has a role as Chair of the Foodservice Packaging Association and at the same time runs the Packaging Manufacturing Industry APPG? What is the Guardian’s point: that Mark Pawsey shouldn’t use his experience and contacts to ensure that an important industry is regulated efficiently and effectively?

Which brings us to the second point: that regulation of these matters works rather well. In fact, neither of these articles could have been written without the transparency engendered by the existing rules. We know that the various MPs cited by the Guardian have paid external roles, and even how much they are paid, because they have declared it in the Register of Members’ Interests. We know they serve on various APPGs because they have completed the very frequent returns required for the Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups. We can see who their fellow office-holders are and if anyone provides them with support in the same, available-to-the-public-on-the-internet, register. In this case, at least, Parliament’s rules and regulations really deliver.

It seems to me that what’s really bothering the media isn’t APPGs at all: it is MPs having second jobs or being too close to ‘business’. There’s a debate to be had about Members received money from outside sources; personally, I think it is entirely legitimate if it is declared for all to see. And the discussion about proximity to companies is a tired conversation about lobbying itself. I don’t know how many times it has to be pointed out that if Parliamentarians do not speak up for major employers in their constituencies or industries they used to work in or businesses they understand and support we will end up with bad laws and regulations devised by officials who can never have knowledge of every facet of the economy and society they oversee. Lobbying is all about ensuring that the legislative process is well-informed, and if APPGs play a role in that, great.

Sitting behind all this is the on-going inquiry by the Committee on Standards into the rules for and regulation of All-Party Parliamentary Groups. This will consider all of the issues raised by the two newspaper articles and much else besides. I hope that the Committee will put any prejudices about ‘big business’ aside and judge the work of APPGs representing industry in the same way as those that are ostensibly more ‘worthy’. And I hope too that it will reflect on the way that the existing rules already promote openness; and that without APPGs MPs and Lords with common interests would simply get together informally without any transparency at all.

Read more political analysis from the PRCA in this overview of the association’s investigation into unregulated lobbying from February of this year

For more on the intersection of PR with politics, check out this guest post from BDB Pitman’s Stuart Thomson Guilt by association and why we need to fight back

Why you should write a book to build your profile

Why you should write a book to build your profile

This is a guest post from Lucy Werner, founder of PR & design consultancy The Wern and DIY PR and brand platform for small businesses She is also the author of Hype Yourself and Brand Yourself (the latter available for pre-order, coming out 7 September 2021).

Lucy Werner

Gaining traction around your PR business is too often focused on (expensive) industry awards, good relationships with trade publications or appearing on senior panels that, while impressive to the competitive set, can be tricky for boutique agencies and don’t necessarily help you build sales. A niche communications book is not going to win you an international literature prize, but it can really help deliver against all of a company’s business objectives – to drive sales with the right clients. I wanted to share how my book helped me and could work a treat for you:

1. Raise your game
Controlling the personal brand narrative of your PR business should be a cinch for us. We tell people from celebrities, well-seasoned entrepreneurs, and influencers how to raise the profile to grow their business. It makes sense we should be setting an example and if we are going to be speaking about our own industry, we must make sure we are sharing from a wealth of experience and continually learning and evolving our practice. Once you leave the shop floor and become the manager/CEO, it can be easy to not be as close to the evolving trends and mixing with young and emerging talent. Keeping fresh is important for the survival of your own business and to maintain industry best practice. Writing a book is the ultimate showcase of your knowledge and helps to raise your own standards because you are committing your words to print.

2. Client connection
PR is so much more than good publicity. For me, the best public relations teams really understand the business and market challenges of their client and create a tailored publicity strategy that will directly make a difference against them. The process of drafting a proposal, pitching to a publisher and then doing the hard work to not only write, edit and then market your book has really helped me to gain a different level of empathy for many of my service and brand-led clients. It is also a process that many of them are interested by… which leads me to my next point…

3. New set of skills
In the digital era, the best publicists are not the ones with a rolodex of contacts. They are the ones that can pitch a story well, at the right time, to the right contact. Whether you are helping your client secure a brand partnership, sponsorship, retail distribution: they use all the same pitching muscles. Pitching a book has given me a brand-new set of pitching and relationship building skills from creating a book title, finding contributors, and crafting angles for sales. At the time of writing, I’m now in negotiation with a commissioning editor for a business book for one of my clients – something I wouldn’t have considered attempting before learning the process in my own book.

4. New business
Yes, I wrote my book as a DIY guide for small businesses for the academy side of my business but that doesn’t mean I haven’t attracted larger b2b clients and when you are a boutique agency you only need a few of those for the pay-off to be very lucrative. I can say with 100% confidence that all current clients on both PR and design of the business are a direct result of the book. I didn’t anticipate how much a PR book would drive work on the creative and brand side of the business internationally. We’ve worked on four different design projects with a French client based on her seeing my book cover on her Kindle.

I can’t recommend the experience of writing a book enough.

Find out more about Lucy Werner’s Hype Yourself and the upcoming Brand Yourself

Want to get reading before you get to writing? Check out our round-up of best books for PR professionals and then, if you’ve got time, six more of the best

Do your customers care about your political affiliations?

Do your customers care about your political affiliations?

While your product in the hand of the right person can do great things for your brand, the grasp of someone you’d rather not be affiliated with can do great harm. In a time where ethics are demanded of companies just as much as they are of our politicians, is the combination of business and politics a good idea?

Whether political affiliations are welcomed or not, it’s very likely to happen at some point in the lifespan of a big brand. Remember ‘Milkshaking’? Since its inception in May 2019, throwing food and drink stuffs to make a political point has earned its own entry on Wikipedia as well as lots of laughs over social media, and it’s now unavoidably connected with particular makers of milkshake. As a police request to McDonald’s to stop selling the drinks during Nigel Farage’s visit to Scotland that year went viral on Twitter, Burger King countered with a reminder tweet to their Scottish fans that milkshakes would be sold in their stores all weekend.

The reaction towards each of the fast-food giants in relation to the Milkshaking phenomenon was very different. While the signage in McDonald’s was met with ‘urine it is, then’ joke tweets from the public, Burger King’s tweet was branded ‘irresponsible’ by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) and criticised by political figures including Tony Blair. It had also, however, cannily positioned Burger King as politically engaged with the younger portion of its consumer base… and, very importantly, as a restaurant reliably stocked with milkshakes.

Reactions to political movements, campaigns and protest have the potential to lock consumer loyalties in, but we see it go wrong regularly, too. In the US in the 70s, there was the gay community’s boycott of orange juice in reaction to the homophobic stance of Anita Bryant, a figurehead for the Florida Citrus Commission. At the time, Bryant herself claimed that ‘sales are up 15 percent over last year’ due to retaliation from the ‘mothers of America’, but the commission’s PR spokesperson called for her resignation, and the impact of the boycott was felt for years (it also inspired some fantastic OJ-alternative Screwdriver cocktails).

Fast-forward to 2019, and a US brand looking to make a new home in the UK, Chick-Fil-A, was rejected by its new target consumer base due to its political affiliations. The Oracle shopping centre in Reading announced the closure of Chick-Fil-A’s first UK-based branch eight days after its debut following media outrage over the restaurant’s history of donating to anti-LGBTQ organisations, calling it ‘the right thing to do’.

The Chick-Fil-A brand is unavoidably entangled in right-wing politics to this day – as of July this year, Senate member Lindsey Graham even vowed to ‘go to war’ for the chicken restaurant as University of Notre Dame students protested the opening of a branch on their campus. Whether support from those who vote Graham’s way will bring good fortune to the brand, or further protests will cause a dent in its profits, it will be useful to note for brands who have not yet had to tackle unplanned-for political connections.

Just as brands hop on political bandwagons to make their ethics clear to consumers, politicians have been quick to align themselves with certain products to tap into new bases, too. Brands don’t get a choice in this; so is it better to accept it or distance from it? Fred Perry famously backed themselves away from the Proud Boys, and Nintendo updated its guidelines following the pull of Animal Crossing New Horizon’s into the US presidential race with a request to ‘please refrain from bringing politics into the game’ in November of last year.

One thing brands can’t do is ignore their connection to politics when it happens – in 2018, 64% of consumers chose to avoid or boycott brands if their stance on societal issues didn’t match their own, and there’s no doubt that number will be much higher following the last 18 months or so of increased accountability, questioning of big business and ethical consumer decisions.

If your brand becomes connected to a political moment and you’re preparing to lean in closer or break away, ask yourself first – will your customers, and future customers, want to be aligned with you?

Read more about finding the right connections for your brand in our previous piece on picking the right ambassadors and taking an ethical stance.

And make sure your PR strategy is aligned with your public affairs to understand the whole issue. Vuelio provides both in its platform.

Develop your relationships with stakeholders, regulators and government agencies using Vuelio Stakeholder Management.

accessmatters overview

5 accessmatters sessions to catch up on

We launched accessmatters to encourage listening and the sharing of different experiences and best practice from across the industry. Here is a look back at five of our sessions, focusing on topics including disability, anti-racism, social mobility and burnout.

Allyship and disability
InFusion Comms managing director Sara Hawthorn shared her experiences as a deaf person working in the media and PR, the importance of representation and what goes into achieving Blueprint Ally status. Read our write-up or watch the full session.

Manifest partner and head of diversity and inclusion Julian Obubo spoke about creating inclusive agencies and how we can all be antiracist in our work and lives. Dealing with clients who use racist language is covered as well as how to better educate yourself. After the session, Julian also took the time to answer extra questions.

Taylor Bennett Foundation chief executive Melissa Lawrence explained the aims of the social mobility charity getting more BAME people into the PR and comms industry as well as the challenges of training and mentoring the future of our industry during a pandemic. Watch the session, read the overview and check out our previous interview with Melissa for more.

Social mobility
The Social Mobility Foundation’s chief executive Sarah Atkinson took us through the charity’s work to open up opportunities for young people who may not have the support networks and stability of financially-comfortable backgrounds or family connections to help them into the world of work. Here’s our write-up.

KDP Coaching & Consulting founder Katie Phillips experienced burnout herself following a 15-year career in Government, corporates and startups. She talked about the launch of her consultancy helping to prevent others from going through the same and the key signs to look out for in yourself and those around you when things get tough. Read more from the session and check out extra advice from Katie here.

Find out more about our accessmatters initiative here.

Inclusion in public relations

Fairer representations of disability in PR: starting the conversation with Mark Webb and Sudha Singh

‘It feels like disability is last to the table at any diversity discussion. If it gets there at all. And yet we’re the biggest minority’ – as the host of the PRCA’s new podcast Disability@thetable, Mark Webb is making sure hidden and visible disability is part of the inclusion discussions happening across the industry.

Launched as part of the PRCA’s recently-rebranded Equity & Inclusion Advisory Council’s new initiatives, Disability@thetable shares stories and best practice advice to push conversations forward. ‘It’s some peoples’ calling to chain themselves to railings to drive change. And there’s a definite place for that, but I’m hoping to help push the story from another angle,’ says Mark. ‘A happy, positive, “look what you’re missing” tone.’

Including everyone at the table
That PR and comms so often misses out consideration and representation of disability is a severe failing – not just of the audiences we seek to address and engage, but of our workforce and its future. As quoted in this 2016 piece from Ashley Phillips, PRCA’s UK PR Census that year found that just 2% of the 83,000 practitioners working in PR were disabled people. This isn’t representative of society at large and can be incredibly isolating, as InFusion Comms’ founder and managing director Sara Hawthorn shared in an accessmatters session last year about her own experiences as a deaf person in the industry:

‘I worked in the media on and off since I was 17. There was a point before starting InFusion Comms where I had never come across another media or PR professional with a disability or impairment at all, and I’d never spoken to anyone else in the industry who was going through anything similar. I thought; this must be something missing from our organisations. Who’s missing?’

While visibility is slowly increasing in some areas of the media – Channel 4 has promised that disabled people will make up at least 70% of its presenting team for the Paralympics this year (‘lovely,’ says Mark, ‘big, positive gestures can only help nudge the diversity and disability dials’) – there’s far to go.

‘Things are getting better’, says Mark. ‘But way too slowly.’

Authenticity over tokenism
‘The comms industry can only speak from a position of knowledge and authenticity if we stop being tokenistic and become more intentional about our journey to equity and inclusion,’ believes Sudha Singh, co-chair of the PRCA Equity & Inclusion Advisory Council (EIAC).

Rebranded this year, the EIAC’s new name reflects its new, more inclusive, purpose: ‘For the longest time, organisations have been focusing on diversity as a way to correct institutional and historic inequalities,’ says Sudha. ‘Referring to people as diverse actually “others” those who don’t belong to the dominant group/privileged groups. We deliberated on the name change – it now reflects our purpose – who we are and what we are trying to do.

‘We want organisations to focus on the equity inspired designs for bringing about that change – to create equitable workplaces where talented people can thrive, no matter where they come from, what they look like. And this will require organisations to actually identify the problem areas and it is not helpful if you are determined to treat everyone equally. Inclusion of course is an outcome and has diversity at its core – do people feel valued, can they bring their true self to work? What is their experience of the workplace? Do they belong?’

Initiatives and progress
The work to ensure everyone can belong within our industry is well underway – the EIAC recently hosted its first ever #ChangeforGood Conference, supported by APCO, with over 20 speakers covering Gender, Social Mobility, Race and Disability, with more initiatives and partnerships to follow.

For Mark, the Disability@thetable podcast will be leading the charge:

‘Dream guests that won’t happen? Michael J Fox, the Back to the Future legend, now with Parkinson’s and doing amazing advocacy and fundraising work. And – showing my age, here – Gloria Estefan. I worked with her briefly in the early 90s, just as my Multiple Sclerosis was about to start sneaking up on me. Her family has been impacted by MS too. Both great communicators!

‘Aiming high but vaguely feasible? The likes of Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, Rory Cellan-Jones, Frank Gardner. All of them living a good, positive, public eye life and not defined by their disability.

Booked in already? Talented, brilliant communicators and PR people either living with, or impacted by disability… And I’m hoping I can tease out others.’

While big brands are doing their own long-overdue work on inclusivity, it has to be done properly, something Mark acknowledges is likely to be difficult going for some:

‘It’s a horribly fine line for any brand to be treading,’ says Mark. ‘It’s a strange kind of gold-rush going on in the desperate bid to be inclusive, “politically correct” and all too often, tick-box. I will single out Lego positively, for their work across pretty much all flavours of diversity. And I dine out on stories of how brilliant the senior team at Dixons Retail, then Dixons Carphone, were with me. But listen to our podcasts for that!’

The first thing organisations can do to be more inclusive of disability within their teams, their campaigns and their creative? Join the conversation that’s happening now. ‘Consult with us, engage with us’, says Mark. ‘Don’t just assume job done by slapping a wheelchair into something you’re up to.’

Find out more about the Disability@thetable podcast and more PRCA Equity & Inclusion Advisory Council initiatives here.

For more experiences from people working across the comms industry, catch up with our accessmatters sessions.

What journalists want from PRs

5 PR tips from 5 journalists: lessons from ResponseSource media interviews

Vuelio and ResponseSource are both part of the same company, and we regularly catch up with journalists taking on new patches, new roles and launching new publications for our Media Bulletin newsletter.

Sign up to the Media Bulletin for twice-weekly updates from the UK media.

Here are just a selection of requests for PRs from UK journalists at nationals, consumer and trade media, and podcasts featured in our media interviews this year.

The Sun’s technology and science assistant editor Harry Pettit
‘PRs are vital to the work we do, particularly on the tech side. I find PRs most useful when they can quickly connect me to a relevant expert for a story, though we also regularly use press releases pinged to our inboxes. Emails are definitely preferred to calls, and early in the morning is best – pre-9am if possible. One thing I will add, though, is that we almost never publish stories based on surveys. Please stop sending those.’
Read the full interview here for more on Harry’s work and what he’s hoping to bring to The Sun’s tech and science coverage.

Freelance journalist and author Andrew Don
‘Don’t [contact me?], unless you have really thought about it from my point of view. What is it that I want? Email me. I’ll come back to you if I think there’s something I can, or want, to do.’
Read the full interview here. for Andrew’s 30+ years in journalism and his new book The Bounty Writer.

HuffPost life journalist and freelancer Faima Bakar
‘Before selling-in, I would divvy up among your team who’s contacting who. Have a chat across your team and decide who’s doing what first. As a writer, I might be excited to pitch a story based on a press release you’ve sent over – it’s not good when I see another colleague is working on it already.’
Read the full interview here for useful intel on how you should be pitching to staffers and freelancers completely differently.

Techopian founder and editor Michael Baxter
‘Any information which has a ‘responsible use of tech’ theme would be helpful. And the usual stuff, not too ‘salesy’, to the point, contact details, social media handles of people referred to in PR material. Images would be useful.’
Read the full interview here for how the last year has changed our relationships with technology and the challenges of launching a publication during a pandemic.

Podcaster, journalist and author Francesca Specter
‘What I write about is either Alonement-based topics or certain things that are related to Alonement so anything pertaining to self-care, which is a huge industry at the moment, or anything pertaining to mental health and also physical health and wellness. I do have a background in writing for health as I was a features writer for two years at Healthy magazine. I also write a lot of beauty features for publications like Healthy and Top Sante so any beauty-related content would be great. Also, partnership and sponsorship opportunities for Alonement the blog and the podcast and the newsletter.’
Read the full interview here for more about Alonement and the importance of taking time for yourself.

Check out more updates and interviews from the UK media industry over on the ResponseSource blog.

Want to watch the full accessmatters session with Faima Bakar? Check it out here.

Choosing the right brand ambassador

Seeking: the right brand ambassador for long-term engagement

Is there a public figure you just can’t stand? Or a celebrity you’ll go and see in anything, even if it’s likely to be terrible? Are you more likely to give a new product a go if it’s introduced to you by a face you know and trust?

Parasocial relationships – ‘that feeling of closeness and authenticity’ you can build with a person you don’t even know, as YouTuber: How YouTube shook up TV and created a new generation of stars author Chris Stokel-Walker put it – are a powerful part of modern-day brand awareness and engagement. There’s no escaping its influence if you engage in media of almost any type.

Type ‘George Clooney coffee’ into Google, for example, and you’ll find that People Also Ask ‘Does George Clooney own Nespresso?’, ‘How much does George Clooney get paid for Nespresso?’ and ‘Why does George Clooney do Nespresso?’. No, he doesn’t own Nespresso, but we associate him with the brand closely since he began working with them in 2006, and he is said to have earned over $40million from a recent campaign. Why? Because brand partnerships can pay off, for everybody involved.

The financial pay-off for brands, and their ambassadors, is undeniable – ‘parasocial interaction mediates the relationship between celebrity images and purchase intentions […] It has significant implications for marketers and academicians,’ reads a study from the University Business School in India from May. ‘Status affect[s] the strength of parasocial relationships, source credibility, and evaluation,’ finds a report published in the International Journal of Advertising earlier this year.

For which brands are making smart choices for their ambassadors – and potential subjects of parasocial engagement – right now, you need only watch the adverts between shows on TV/before YouTube videos/in pop-ups. We’re mid-Olympics 2020, and Dina Asher-Smith is busy creating with Muller. Lynx has teamed up with boxer Anthony Joshua, YouTubers Calfreezy and Chunkz, and rapper Aitch. Tapping into niches, subcultures and fandoms can also attract consumers to a brand – Subway is acknowledging its passionate-about-plant-based clients by teaming up with vegan Grime artists, and Star Wars’ Adam Driver is doing brand ambassador duty in a new campaign for Burberry Hero.

The consumer, the follower – those watching and engaging – can benefit from brand ambassadorship, too. It’s the consumers’ choice, after all, whether or not to engage in a one-sided, fully-voluntary parasocial entanglement with Tom Hiddleston over breakfast – plenty of consumers were happy to be the recipient of a plate and a Centrum from his hand, just as others suddenly weren’t very hungry, actually.

Studies show that parasocial engagements like these provide feelings of companionship, as well as ‘affection, gratitude, longing, encouragement, and loyalty’. It’s that careful back-and-forth that makes ambassadorship so powerful for building long-term relationships with a customer and a reliable, resilient consumer base.

Understanding which media personalities would be most likely to engage an intended audience, and keep on message authentically, was a key part of Zero Waste Scotland’s Scotland is Stunning – Let’s Keep It That Way award-winning campaign of last year. ‘Influencers were essential to this campaign, in particular for the under-25 audience,’ said communications programme manager for the campaign Claire Munro. ‘We wouldn’t have been able to reach them as directly or persuasively via traditional media channels, stakeholder channels or traditional toolkit. They gave the campaign real pop.’

‘When deciding on an ambassador for your brand, look at who their audience is and what kind of content they use,’ says Claire. ‘Does that marry up with your values and your objectives?’

It’s an important question to ask, as ‘authentic’ personalities, and the choices they make, can cause real problems. There are plenty of examples where brands and ambassadors didn’t make for ideal mixes. While Scarlett Johansson claimed to have ‘no regrets’ over her decision to work with SodaStream (a company headquartered in Israel with a factory on the West Bank) in 2014, the Hollywood actress stepped down from her ambassador position with Oxfam following its criticism of her affiliation with the drinks brand. Popular YouTuber Shane Dawson, who had found success across a range of mediums and with many brands, over many years, was swiftly dropped by both Target and Morphe after controversy surrounding his older videos resurfaced.

‘It’s important that PR people fully appreciate who they’re representing, their personality and what is a good or bad endorsement for them,’ says Stokel-Walker. ‘An influencer’s stock in trade is their authenticity, but any bad decision an influencer makes to support or endorse a product will be picked up on very quickly.’

Want to start your own meaningful relationships with perfect brand ambassadors and a loyal – perhaps parasocially-tinged – customer base? Make sure you pick the right people, that share your purpose, aims, ethics, moral outlook and your brands’ plans for the future. After all, it could be the start of a long and meaningful relationship, to everyone’s benefit.

For more on influencer culture, read our feature on Chris Stokel-Walker’s YouTubers: How YouTube shook up TV and created a new generation of stars. Find out more about choosing the right brand ambassador for your campaign with our interview on Zero Waste Scotland’s campaign ‘Scotland is Stunning – Let’s Keep It That Way’

Understand how your PR compares to the competition and prove ROI with Vuelio Media Monitoring.


Freedom Day in the UK

Freedom or Freedumb Day: how the media and the public reacted to 19 July

Have you embraced the increased flexibility post-Freedom Day in the UK, or were you more skeptical of the Government’s decision to relax COVID-19 restrictions on 19 July?

Freedom Day has been a busy conversation across both traditional and social media. Here we take a look at the reaction from the public across social platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and what topics the media focused on with data from Vuelio and Pulsar from Saturday 17 July (two days before ‘Freedom Day’) to Friday 23 July.

Did the UK see Freedom Day as a shining beacon for #freedom, or a darker display of #Freedumb?

#FreedomDay versus #Freedumb
Away from each of our carefully curated online echo chambers, what were the most popular hashtags leading up to, and just after, Freedom Day? Unsurprisingly, the #freedomday hashtag was being used a lot, followed by the more critical tags of #freedumbday, #novaccinepass and even #johnsonvariant.Freedom Day hashtags

However, the biggest engagements went to posts offering competition prizes – always a draw, whichever way you lean politically – as brands jumped on the exposure opportunity for travel and holiday giveaways. Also drawing big online engagement – a cautiously optimistic tweet from digital channel Dave and a just-plain-cautious tweet from Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on COVID cases numbers.

What were we planning to do with our freedom?
For the places we were most looking forward to returning to – or most tentative about – it was Nightclubs (26.8%) and Retail (13.4%) that took up most of the conversation across social media channels.

Perhaps surprisingly, international travel wasn’t a chief concern (maybe the UK heatwave helped), with Airports being only 1.2% of the location conversation. However, potential holidays were more interesting to post about than fitness, with Gym talk taking up just 1.1% of the posting on social media.

School was a chief concern for many (10.2%) as well as the office/working from home (12.8%). How we’d travel to these newly-opened locations was also on our minds; 7.6% of the social media conversation was taken up with Public Transport.

Location conversation on social media from Pulsar

Did the media predict which locations we’d be most concerned about? Largely, yes – Vuelio data shows Nightclubs as the location most written about (21%) regarding Freedom Day, while Retail only got 8% of write ups. Almost taking up another fifth of media content, however, was returns to the office/WFH. Did the media overestimate how much the public would be concerned about work? Or would people just rather not think about it when on social media?

Media coverage of locations from Vuelio

Most influential?
When it came to sharing links and information across social media, The Guardian was the most popular news outlet according to Pulsar data. It was followed by the Mirror, the FT, the Telegraph, the Independent and the BBC (its placing in this list is surprising, given the size of the broadcaster).

Pulsar articles being shared

While these were the most shared outlets, we know from the Vuelio data that they were not the most prolific in their coverage. That title goes to MSN UK closely followed by MailOnline, each publishing over 30 articles about Freedom Day. We can also see a large number of local sites in this list, many of which carry syndicated news based on popular topics.

Vuelio volume of articles

Which political figures were being talked about?
The orchestrator/announcer of ‘Freedom Day’, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was also the politician with the most mentions across social media – well over half (69.3%) of social media posts talking politics were focused on him. Second most popular was health secretary Sajid Javid – who was recently diagnosed with COVID-19 himself – with just under a quarter of the politician conversation online. Taking a much smaller bite of the attention apple were Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak (3.8%), Labour Leader Keir Starmer (2.1%) and Chief Medical Officer for England Chris Whitty (0.7%).

Pulsar political coverage on social media

While Leader of the Opposition Keir Starmer only got 2.1% of the draw on social, 10% of the coverage on political leaders focused on him across the UK media. Boris Johnson was the subject of 55% of news and features, and Sajid Javid another fifth (22%). Rishi Sunak took up 12% of the UK media’s reporting on political leaders.

Vuelio political coverage across press

When comparing the data regarding Freedom Day, it’s clear that the UK press continues to be a reliable signifier, and influencer, of the public discourse. We also know that for publishers, high quantity doesn’t necessarily lead to high engagement, which is an important consideration for PRs and their media outreach.

Want to understand your audience more, and track trends in real-time on social media? Check out Pulsar. And to find the publishers and outlets that will work for your pitching, check out Vuelio.

CIPR's PR in a Pandemic report

CIPR releases #PRinAPandemic report

The CIPR’s latest report #PRinAPandemic shows that the good reputation of the PR and comms industry cemented over the last 18 months is likely to stay.

The report on how the PR industry has fared throughout the COVID-19 pandemic gathered around 1,400 responses from those working across a variety of ages, roles and seniority. Positives include strong performance and an increase in influence, but they have come with the negatives of overwork and strains on mental health.

Key findings:
• Nearly three-in-five PRs in a client-facing role expect their client base to grow.
• Industry professionals are five times more likely to say that their mental health has deteriorated, rather than improved, over the past 12 months.
• More junior practitioners expect their working hours to increase compared to those with more seniority.
• Almost half of independent practitioners experienced a decrease in income.
• While female-identifying practitioners were more likely than male-identifying colleagues to have worked increased hours throughout the pandemic, male-identifying PRs were twice as likely to have experienced a decline in income.
• While many publicly-funded organisations were unable to make use of furlough schemes, fewer than one-in-five public sector practitioners were furloughed. Other organisation types furloughed over half of all their PR workforce.

‘This research provides a wealth of data and through it, tells us the many stories and experiences of the last few months,’ said CIPR President Mandy Pearse. ‘If there is a common theme it is the feeling of optimism and stature amongst practitioners, perhaps not something many would have predicted earlier in the pandemic. That is entirely down to your hard work in the most challenging of circumstances and has earned us that influence.

‘A bright future does not mean we ignore the trauma of our past and success can be celebrated only if we recognise the hardships many of our colleagues faced. I’m delighted to see predictions of teams and client bases growing and hope efforts to improve business performance are matched with efforts to improve the experience of working in public relations.

‘We’re starting from a great position of being able to build on our achievements rather than having to build back up from the bottom. Let us take this opportunity to improve and grow with purpose, success, and compassion.’

Access the full report here.

For more on how PR and comms has flourished during the pandemic, catch up on our look at 2021 trends so far in PR and communications featuring insight from thought leaders including Sarah Waddington, Stuart Thomson, Shayoni Lynn and more.

2021 in PR and communications so far

2021 trends so far in PR and communications

Back in December, we asked a selection of thought leaders working across PR and communications for their predictions on the big trends coming up for the industry in 2021.

Ethics, fake news, the growth of digital and opportunity in disruption were some of the topics that came up at the time, so we caught up with Sarah Waddington, Shayoni Lynn, Stuart Thomson, Kerry Sheehan, and Tolu Akisanya to see how things have panned out so far…

Upcoming areas of opportunity – healthcare, policy and change
‘COVID is nowhere near over and businesses have never needed professional comms support more. Specific industry experience will be a huge boon as the economy opens up further. Those with experience in healthcare comms and economic development will continue to do particularly well.’
Sarah Waddington, Astute.Work and #FuturePRoof

‘It seems that, under Boris Johnson at least, interventionist governments are here to stay. There are very few areas of life that the Government doesn’t seem to have an opinion, or policy, on. The big opportunity, and threat if not addressed, is for organisations to engage with Government to ensure the policies work. There will be no more obvious policy area where this applies than climate change. With COP26 coming, the Government will need to make some big policy announcements to accompany the impressive targets it has set. Engagement will be critical throughout and beyond this time.’
Stuart Thomson, BDB Pitmans

Digital data is an essential part of the modern PR toolkit
‘Data, digital and understanding of human behaviour will continue to be an important driver for effective, strategic communications. Why are we doing it? What do we want people to do? How will be measure it?’
Shayoni Lynn, Lynn PR

‘Because of the pandemic last year, brands and organisations have had to shift their attention to digital; I think there will be a conscious effort to continue this, with a focus on building online communities. There’s an opportunity here for strengthened loyalty, genuine interaction, and not just for our clients but also with peers and the wider industry. Ariatu PR’s work with new authors is a great example of this; working with new authors, from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds, raising awareness for these authors (that statistically would have been overlooked in the past), creating new communities and reaching new audiences. The organisation also has built a great interactive community online, with other PR professionals, journalists, and the wider industry and created a strong reputation of being knowledgeable, approachable and impactful.

‘Some other great examples over the last few months include the fantastic Weetabix x Heinz Twitter thread, and Marcus Rashford’s School Meals campaign, both of which started online and went on to captivate the nation, lead to wider discussions offline, and ultimately changed behaviours.’
Tolu Akisanya, Ariatu Public Relations

Accountability and ethics
‘For public affairs as a profession, there is no doubt that the texting habits of politicians, for example, have adversely impacted on our reputation. The rules that he [David Cameron] put in place, which everyone said were lacking at the time, did not prevent him from doing whatever he wanted without fear of retribution.’
Stuart Thomson

‘There has been an increased expectation for accountability. Last year, there was pressure for brands and organisations to be seen saying the right (socially conscious) thing, this year they have been asked to show the work behind their public claims. It’s no longer enough to pay lip service to global issues, organisations and brands be must be seen to authentically follow up with real-life changes and examples, and not just performative PR activities, they must work much harder now to be genuine and transparent to build trust and relationships with their audiences.’
Tolu Akisanya

The fast pace may not ease up
‘We’re returning to urgent planned and unplanned work, and supporting organisations, businesses and brands to move to a place of not only surviving but thriving in their evolved ways of doing things and their accelerated transformation and innovation as a result of the pandemic.

‘Some are still trying to fathom this out and even though some economies have seemingly bounced back to a better than anticipated place at this stage, we are seeing behaviours continue to adapt and change at a faster pace than before. This continues to be a big challenge for us to ensure we can land our communication right to ensure the compliance, buy-in, take-up and so on we require.

‘There has been no let up. There never will be. Working at pace is the norm now.’
Kerry Sheehan, Business innovation and communication advisor

Big surprises of 2021 so far?
‘The refocus of gaining coverage in alternative media – which I love! Over the last year or so, one of the biggest challenges was being able to effectively cut through the global stories dominating the news in hand with changes in content consumption. Many practitioners were able to quickly pick up on this and pivoted, to utilise smaller, more localised and niche media outlets, to reach their target audiences.’
Tolu Akisanya

‘The way that the Government has tried to shift the Covid-19 public inquiry off until mid-2022 is surprising given that another wave of infections are widely expected for later in 2021. The political imperative of putting the findings of a public inquiry off until some future date seems to have outweighed the potential health benefits of learning lessons sooner rather than later. If you want a prediction for 2022 then it will be how much the inquiry will dominate public life as the evidence starts to be heard.’
Stuart Thomson

‘The amount of communicators tuning into and building on their emotional intelligence, and using this to build relationships. The need for emotional skills, the cornerstone of employee and audience engagement but also competitive advantage, will continue to grow and could even outpace the demand for cognitive skills in the future.’
Kerry Sheehan

PR continues to show its value
‘COVID-19 may be one of the worst natural disasters global society has faced in recent years, but it has been good for the public relations industry which has been able to pretty bullishly demonstrate its value to business, not least through stakeholder engagement and internal comms. The biggest challenges have been managing demand and helping the hardest hit industries get back on their feet, closely followed by a talent shortage at the account manager level. The ongoing concern is how to keep PR in front of management teams so they continue to appreciate what it delivers and invest appropriately.’
Sarah Waddington

‘Public sector comms teams continue to knock it out of the park with COVID-19 comms – huge respect to everyone working through this tirelessly, especially colleagues in public health. This has contributed to our excellent vaccination numbers with more people than expected taking up the vaccine, helping us all move towards some sort of ‘normalcy’.’
Shayoni Lynn

‘Some of the biggest achievements for the industry this year – embracing change, mastering the art of the pivot, and finding new ways to be creative and communicate our products/services and clients. Despite starting the year in the middle of a pandemic we’ve really been able to highlight our value in our ability to adapt, be creative and deliver effective PR campaigns. The #GettyMuseumChallenge is a great example of pivoting, increasing brand awareness, and building a community of art-lovers from user-generated content on instagram.’
Tolu Akisanya

‘I am continually impressed by how resourceful people have been during the continued lockdown, on a personal and professional level. We all need picking up sometimes and my network across PR and comms has always been there. It is fantastic how many organisations really are thinking about the wellbeing, especially the mental wellbeing, of their people.’
Stuart Thomson

Looking for more from our PR and communications trends predictors?

Interview with Stuart Thomson about his PR & Comms Best Influencer win at the 2020 Online Influence Awards

Sarah Waddington’s #FuturePRoof Five

In the event of an emergency webinar

In the event of an emergency – communicating a summer of live events webinar

For our latest webinar we spoke to the people behind the planning as we ready for the return of in-person events. Sharing the big challenges from the last year were Cheltenham Festival’s PR and communications manager Bairbre Lloyd and ME Travel founder Hannah Mursal, who have successfully battled through cancellations, changing restrictions and internationally-inconsistent rules on travel and event attendance.

Part of the relaxation of social-distancing rules in the UK is the uncertainty over what is to come over the next few months. Read on for practical advice on how to prepare for every eventuality regarding events.

Challenges of the last 18 months
‘It’s been tricky!’ said Hannah. Looking after every element of booking for ME Travel’s entertainment clients, their bands and their crew has required increased flexibility as well as patience.

‘In the UK and across Europe, it’s been quiet – people have been doing music videos and virtual performances instead of touring. In the US, it’s been more focused on domestic travel. They haven’t really stopped; people were still travelling to do gigs. We’re looking at the bulk of events coming back in September. It’s been a waiting game to book tours in and find new venue dates.

‘Restrictions are changing constantly, but it all depends on who’s going where. I’ve got Jamaican artists, but their crews are American, English, German. There are times where you could only get half of the crew there.
‘You have to know what every country is allowing in. Do they need forms, vaccination – you can’t really book in advance, either. You can’t book today to fly next week, because it will change by mid-week.’

Plus points of the pandemic (there have been a few)
For Bairbre, juggling different priorities has brought positives as well as challenges.

‘When you’re a location putting on a festival, you can make your own decisions but you have to think about the audience if you want people to come.

‘Some of our speakers were delighted to get out of where they were, and others were… not so keen. What it has opened up to us is the idea of dialling in. Our Literature Festival was a hybrid of a socially-distanced audience and streaming online. There were people on stage while guests from the US were able to join digitally. That will have repercussions in the future – when this all finally lifts. It’s another string to our bow. It worked for us.

‘Like a lot of our fellow cultural organisations found, there was a huge appetite for us to provide support for the community. Our Science Festival was a godsend to lots of parents schooling from home. Our audience has increased enormously and that’s something we want to develop.

‘It has been difficult, but it’s jump-started our digital ambitions. We had to do all of this in five weeks – it would otherwise have probably taken us about five years.’

Lessons learned
‘We were making decisions as late as possible to have maximum flexibility – we were on tenterhooks waiting for the go-head for things,’ said Bairbre.

‘While we brought in lots of technology, there wasn’t really time to test it. We could have done with more user experience for next time. It worked, but it was hairy.’

For Hannah, the importance of communication and relationships has been a main takeaway:
‘We were all in it together, we became a family – I know how my clients’ mums are doing, their dads. It was panic stations in the beginning, so it was good to keep that communication going. In terms of hotels, the entertainment reps were the first to lose their jobs. My contacts all got made redundant. It was important to keep in the loop of what everyone was doing.

‘It was useful to know when someone was in the studio recording – it tells me when things lift, they have an album to tour. Building these relationships lets me know when are going back to work.’

Contingency plans
‘We’re planning for a full capacity without social distancing for our next Literature Festival in October – we made that call fairly early on,’ shared Bairbre.

‘I think if restrictions are put back in place, however, we will go back to what we’ve done before. This will be the eighth festival we’ve done in lockdown – we can bring in distancing and Covid-secure measures. Our senior management team will be in HQ cooking up plans. We were lucky last year because we slipped in between lockdowns. And I think we were the first literary festival to do a hybrid version.’

‘Not to sound complacent, but I’ve done so many cancellation announcements that we have our contingency plan for if it’s needed. If you’ve got a plan written and ready to go, you roll that out; you know that it works. Having those comms ready to run, is the key for me.

‘People are still going to be a bit insecure with events. One of the things we were conscious of were that some people were going to be really gung-ho and ready to come out, some would be more cautious. You need to be really clear with everybody with how you’re managing your event. If the audience knows what to expert – that they’ve got to sit in bubbles, wash their hands, have e-tickets and wear masks – they will accept it. It’s the not-knowing that makes people angry.’

Practical tips for planning events during COVID-19
‘Have your communications plan ready in advance,’ advises Bairbre.

‘We went through looking at scenarios, what negative reactions we could potentially have to safety onsite. We thought about all the things that could be picked up on and made sure we were proactive with our safety measures. And with sending comms out, make sure your stakeholders are onboard and informed – artists, staff and suppliers.’

‘Insurance has been huge in my world,’ Hannah added. ‘It’s hard to get event insurance that covers COVID now. Make sure you’re covered with your suppliers.’

‘Be prepared; have that contingency plan. The rug may be pulled from under you at any moment.’

For more trends to prepare for when it comes to getting back outside, download our white paper PR & Media Travel Trends 2021.

Simon Mouncey Transport for London

‘Start by speaking the same language as the person you are talking with’ – Simon Mouncey, Transport for London

Everyone in society is different and has different experiences of the same things. This is a fundamental truth that everyone in PR must accept in order to design the right comms strategy and speak to the right audiences in the right way.

In this guest post, Transport for London’s communities and partnerships specialist Simon Mouncey shares the importance of listening to your audience and taking on new approaches to embrace inclusivity.

‘I’ve been in PR for as long as I can remember, indeed long before emails, when you used carbon paper and did things in triplicate. I even remember a training session on how to put the paperclip on the right way round so it didn’t catch with all the other memos in the tray. Thankfully most priorities have changed since then, from how you did things to making change happen. I can now say I have changed people’s lives for the better. That’s a nice feeling. It’s nice being able to say you did the right things than just did things the right way.

What is the right way now anyway?

Something we’ve learnt over the past year is there is a disconnect to what we believe to be true and what others know is true. This has turned into a discussion on inclusive leadership. Whatever you think inclusive leadership is, the bottom line is that you cannot possibly know what it is like to be judged unless you too have been judged the same way. So, decisions affecting people’s lives need to be made by the people whose lives are being affected. Call it Ivory Towers or call it what it is, a systemic failing in our society based on opportunities and therefore positions of power reserved for those who look and sound like the people who are already in those positions.

No amount of unconscious bias training or other gestures will change how you are hardwired; it is just another easy tickbox. As a society, we surround ourselves with people who reinforce our beliefs, values and prejudices. Real unconscious bias training will parachute you into a life totally alien to you, an escape room, where you have to find new friends and allies to achieve your aim. Maybe, subconsciously, that’s why escape rooms are so popular. But to be effective you will need to be with total strangers, randomly picked from society.

The place to start is speaking the same language as the person you are talking with. The only way you can do that is to let them do the talking and listen and learn. So, don’t restrict them to a survey with questions based on your own experiences, views, opinions, perceptions and so on. But also amplify their voice. If they have no experience of being listened to then you have to bring them up to the same level as you, in knowledge of what your outcome is, and skills in making it happen.

I learnt this very early on, when I was charged with implementing national policy for people with learning disabilities. I think being naïve back then I was given it not as a challenge but as something everyone else had turned down (I was asked to become a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate after that and turned it down, but that’s one of life’s crossroad moments). The policy was that adults with learning disabilities should be able to decide their own lives. They had new personal care packages known as Independent Living allowances, which is an income they could spend on what they wanted, like ice cream and holidays. But how do you know what they want if they have never been listened to before, been institutionalised, and had other people make decisions for them? Many of those living in institutional care had never had a voice and therefore never developed speech well enough to have a conversation. There are many aspects of society where that is still true today. Well, in this case a pictorial language was developed, that meant they could say what they wanted in a conversation and their voice was heard for the first time, unfiltered by other people who had their own values and opinions.

Zoom (pun intended) forward to 2021 and many have woken up to the realisation that so many are excluded from society by their voice being excluded from decisions and have therefore developed their own communication methods. That can be rage, a protest, a counter-culture or just opting out of society. All of them, whatever your perception or judgement is, are methods of communication because they aren’t listened to the way the decision makers will hear. I call it prismatic thinking, where all the colours of the rainbow are there but when you apply your own filter to it you see just one colour. When decision makers say ‘limit the right to protest’, they are in effect masking those voices. And glass isn’t just in ceilings, it is all around us, and we see what we want to see based on our own reflections.

What I’m looking for in someone to communicate for me when I can’t is sincerity and authenticity. They need to believe in the message and what they are trying to achieve, and they need to tell it how it is. And when they look for what comes back it needs to be unfiltered. When people talk about a Green future what they mean is panic; we are feeling the effects of climate change now and it will only get worse, do something now. Relate that to what we are doing to make people’s lives in London better. What is better for them? Is it to be treated fairly and equally, a home, a job, a future? So there is a disconnect between getting more people cycling and walking and what we really mean is that all our futures are at risk if we don’t panic.

As professionals we need to get across to decision makers that everyone is starting from a different place and you can’t apply the same policy to everyone. Someone reminded me recently of the big tent idea. Where, in our western colonial culture, we get all the friendly like-minded experts together to agree what needs to be done. When in fact the name originates from native Americans where to deal with threats, like to their way of life, they would bring all the tribal leaders together, most of them enemies, leave their weapons outside and not be able to leave the tent until they agree what they need to do.

I’ve always advocated for local decision making, so you give the problem to a local community, you give them the skills and opportunities to become leaders (which by default is inclusive leadership), any risks, constraints and a framework to reach a consensus – in other words, everything you do to reach your conclusion – and you help them make a decision. It has become known as Citizen Assemblies. But call it what it is; people deciding how they as individuals and members of a wider society will achieve the same future as everyone else wants. That could be cycling where you can, it could be driving just for essential trips, it could be anything the individual can and knows they need to do. But to get there you need to abandon the structures and processes put in place that limits their voice. Amplify the hardest to hear and turn the volume down on the loudest heard all the time.

Take the example of going cashless on London Buses. Just like when I was in social care policy, I leapt at the chance to do it. Only then was I told TfL had been trying to do it forever and no one had attempted it in case in went wrong. My first thought was what was ‘going wrong’; it shouldn’t be about image. Failure to me was someone being hurt because they were carrying cash. Or someone trying to get somewhere just in time only to have to wait for people paying their fare with pennies. Or the person who is just a few pence short but trying to get the bus to get away from being hurt. So it was presented to people as, these are your friends and family, your neighbours, your community. We will help you engage with them so you can tell us what you’ve agreed. We helped communities find their leaders and supported them. I called it Co-Production.

In a later project involving a school, the headteacher told me I had changed the life chances of the students involved in the project, their confidence, hopes and aspirations and how they had just expected to leave school with nothing but were now planning a degree, career and a future for themselves, as lawyers, engineers and business leaders to help their communities.

I don’t have any plans for the future; I’m a water sign so go with the flow. Who knows the next thing around the corner. Another pandemic, certainly. The warnings were given years ago that with the climate and ecological emergency there was likely to be more diseases jumping species. And then there have been record after record tumbling on temperature, drought, rain. My advice would be, be nice to people, open your heart and that will open your mind. Make friends with people who are really different from you. Take a leap of faith and trust people to do the right thing. Forget the hashtag and campaign slogans. Give them your knowledge and skills and watch people reshape society in everyone’s image.’

For more on communicating with different audiences, read insight from this year’s PRFest on keeping PR sustainable