6 Reasons Why Media Monitoring Is Your Secret Weapon

Press_Release_Brochure-220px Are you doing all you can with media monitoring?
Setting up keywords, applying some restrictions, and selecting a media universe in which to track your organisation, the markets in which it operates, and the way it is perceived. Essential, of course – but a little bit boring? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Our latest white paper tells you how to maximise the value of media monitoring – and in the process, put yourself at the heart of your organisation.

You’ll learn how to:
• Master your industry and become the person people come to for information, ideas, and creative energy
• Prove the value of your work your colleagues, your boss, their boss – every single day of the working week
• Help those around you become better salespeople, marketers, managers, developers – and help yourself become a genuine leader

Fill out the form to download it now.

5 Steps To Managing A Crisis In A Social World

Would your business survive a PR catastrophe?

In a world of social media, there is no such thing as a small crisis. When a simple tweet from a disgruntled customer can today prompt a global backlash, PRs and marketers must be armed with the skills to cope with a crisis as it unfolds.

Joined by PR & media consultant, Kathryn Kelly, we’ll take you through:

  • The impact a social crisis can have on a brand’s reputation and revenue
  • How to identify and avoid a potential crisis
  • Steps to manage and respond to a crisis