General election fever heightens on social media
Social media has played a prominent role in shaping the narrative for politicians, media and the public alike, in the run up to the UK’s 2015 general election which culminates today. With only a few hours to go before polls close, social media continues to capture all the action from in and around polling stations with news, views and cheeky inferences clogging newsfeeds – living up to every bit of the hype around the ‘social media election’ this year is pegged to be.
Networking giants Twitter and Facebook are in the forefront of election fervor with alerts reminding people to vote and hashtags such as #IVoted helping voters share their experience while encouraging others to do so too.
The only wasted vote is the one you don’t cast. #IVoted
— The Robot Lady (@DeborahInstall) May 7, 2015
A hashtag mix-up on Twitter has further added a twist to election coverage after a collective typo pushed the hashtag #GE0215 up into the network’s trending topics, adding confusion and well, a dose of sarcasm to the election frenzy.
Should we be worried that #GE0215 trends the day the nation is asked to do something simple like pick a name & put a cross next to it?
— William Hill Betting (@WillHillBet) May 7, 2015
#GE0215 is trending, which is a great indicator of the general competence of everyone involved in this election
— Rat Fascal (@MrPSB) May 7, 2015
Brands too have jumped on the trending topic to get maximum coverage. While some organisations are using networks to voice political opinions, others such as Paddy Power, Tesco and TransferWise, among others, are taking a more light hearted approach to ensuring they are being seen and heard.
We took a #UKIP billboard. Flipped the meaning. And drove it round Europe. #SorryNigel #GE2015
— TransferWise (@TransferWise) May 7, 2015
Ed, Dave: No matter how stressful today gets, it’ll never be as bad as losing your mum in the supermarket when you were five. Never. #GE2015 — Tesco (@Tesco) May 7, 2015
The #power is yours! Oh, and these guys’… — EE (@EE) May 6, 2015
#TBT to last year when we discovered that #NigelFarage had a last minute change of heart towards Europe #GE2015
— (@lastminute_com) May 7, 2015
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