Blogger Spotlight: Twice the Health, Emily and Hannah
Twice the Health is written by nutritionist Emily Kier and personal trainer Hannah Tyldesley, and covers food, exercise and travel. We caught up with the pair to talk matching outfits (obviously), planning content and working with PR professionals.
How would you describe your blog?
Twice the Health is simply our way of sharing what we love to do, eat and enjoy! The message behind everything we do is happiness through health, whether that’s enjoying your favourite chocolate treat whilst cosied up with Netflix, or running 50k through the Grand Canyon. Everyone’s happiness, and therefore health is totally different and we want to embrace and celebrate that.
How do you work together on your online content? Do you each take roles?
We definitely both have different strengths, and we support each other on these. We always chat about everything, and work together on all our content and projects. The fact we both excel in different areas is a bonus as we are able to bounce off each other, and bring two sides to one story.
Does exercising together add extra motivation?
Absolutely. We often say we are each other’s biggest motivation. We know each other well enough to know when the other can be pushed a little harder, or be encouraged to run a little further. All it takes is a little tease or nudge in the right direction!
How do you plan online content?
We try to keep things as natural as possible. If we have campaigns or projects scheduled in, we’ll work around this to ensure it’s kept varied and exciting. Other than that, we tend to run with what’s going on that day or week!
What’s the next big fitness trend going to be?
Matching outfits… obviously! Or at least it will be if we have anything to say about it!!
What makes you successful?
We think what’s worked for us is simply staying true to ourselves. We’ve been careful to only work with brands we absolutely love, and companies we believe in. I think this shines through in our content. It’s obvious when someone is passionate about something and it’s equally obvious when they’re not!
What’s the best thing you’ve done as influencers?
We hate to leave this on a cliff hanger, but I think it’s yet to come! We have a few very exciting projects next year, one in particular that I think could be our best yet. Watch this space!
How do you like to work with PRs?
The key thing is that they understand us and we understand them. From knowing both brands, to knowing how each works. We’ve been lucky enough to work with many excellent PR companies who have all been incredible in being sure to know our brand and know what best fits.
What one thing should PRs know about you?
We always wear matching clothes. If it don’t match it ain’t TTH!
What other influencers do you follow?
There’s a whole host of blogs and vlogs we love, from Zanna Van Dijk, to Hazel Wallace to The Lean Machines. We also love to watch Tally Rye’s vlogs, Jamie & the Jam vids and can never deny ourselves a quick Carly Rowena catch up. We also LOVE podcasts, especially Tough Girl and Ben Coomber!
Emily Kier, Hannah Tyldesley and Twice the Health feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.
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